For the love of god, let us send honor to alts

Have fun getting slaughtered when someone looks your way then!

Uhh… the new season of honor gear starts at 265 ilvl in pvp at rank 1, up to 285 ilvl in pvp at rank 7.
You need to upgrade to the new honor gear set for season 4 my dude

Awesome Ty for letting me know.

Question: does the max rated gear also go up by 20 ilvls or is it more ?

Because 20 ilvls is not the end of the world but I don’t want to be facing players with 30k more health than me.

…why are you here then?

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This…is the Arena forum.


I was simply replying to the OP :frowning:

The honor gear ends at 285, but the conquest gear at max rank ends at 311. So it’s a 24 iLvL difference this season instead of 30. It’s not the end of the world in casual bg’s, but it’s still enough you will notice players with 13-15k more hp then you.

However, you can to get 1400-1600cr in RBG’s with just some time spent doing yolo groups. That should help bridge the gap if you don’t like doing arena content.


Meh. Come to think about it, it’s too close to my experience in the 40-49 bracket.

You know, facing players with Shadowland gear at ilvl 85+ while those 47 and under are stuck 30 ilvl below.

Didn’t work out well for me then and I doubt the patch is gonna be much better at max level.

Thanks for the info tho.

On the bright side next expansion all honor gear and conquest gear will be the same iLvL. No more need to worry about rating for PvP upgrades

I wish they’d just make some things account bound. Why even send honor to alts when you can just have account bound honor that any character in your account can use from?

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WoD had far more successful PvP system and higher PvP participation. It was so successful that the developers are now going back to it.

“Incident” is hardly the word to describe it

this would be too good, not allowed

Were you not around for wod?

I was. It was when Ashran was introduced by Brian Holinka, which admittedly was not met with great reception. But the gearing system itself was undeniably superior, and the PvP participation was much higher.

Wod in its entirety was such an unmitigated trainwreck of a disaster that it resulted in them no longer releasing subscriber numbers because of how hard it cratered them.

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Well, there were many reasons for that. One of the big arguments being racial changes/imbalanced factions.

But if that’s the argument you want to run with, the same can be said about the current expansion. The only difference is, most agree previous gearing systems were far better than they are now.

ah yes, the wod ‘incident’ lol

I remember PvP gearing being an absolute breeze and had 10+ monks all geared and queuing, but yes what an awful time that was for PvPers, can’t imagine afk lvling through LFD without ever leaving a capitol city then getting geared in trashran in a few hours picking up satchels, absolutely dreadful, thank god that’s gone /s

As much as I loved the gearing system and how alt friendly it was. I still think it was a very stupid idea making human racials as strong as they were. There were so many faction swaps going on. I remember losing like 8-10 games in a row as horde just doing random bgs, forums were going ballistic about loss streaks. That I will concede to as a major problem.

Depends on the situation. Human was a good all rounder, but the other races also filled a niche. The scripted nature of PvP meant that having x racial was better than EMFH for CD trading. Gnome countered Frostjaw, Dwarf for blanket silence, Belf AoE silence was great, etc.,

Having played nearly all races, from a healer POV: Orc/Dwarf/Gnome > Human with Nelf/Belf/Tauren situationally useful, and Draenei giving a free heal. I feel like most racials were fine except Undead WOTF because it had a significant drawback.

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Not so much for PvP as it was for PvE :roll_eyes: also have you seen SL? Pretty sure monthly actives are at an all time low, even more so than wod.

Eh for regular BG’s I had just fine winrates on horde in wod. Epics have been a one sided mess swapping back and forth forever. It’s just like alliance crying now yet I win well over 50% on alliance.

Main issue for wod for me was the prune from mop. Little did I know class design was only going to get worse from there lol