Also, price hike for no reason!
Record revenue, bad year for consumers- time to raise the price!
"After a careful evaluation, we wanted to provide notice that we’ll soon be adjusting the Canadian dollar (CAD) "
“The new CAD pricing for World of Warcraft Game Time, listed below, goes into effect today, December 16.”
Neverminding the reasoning behind the sub price hike- I just find it funny that whenever they say ‘soon’ about something that could ever benefit players that could mean anywhere from months to multiple xpacs away.
But when they say ‘soon’ and it’s about them making more money it means ‘has already happened’.
I feel your pain. They raised the price of the WoW gametime in my country a while ago while I’m on unemployment limbo 
Sadly, I can’t really fault Blizzard for doing what every billionaire and big corporation around the globe is doing: fleecing people that are already suffering. Humanity is its own worst enemy.
Just found out.
Just unsubbed. Will be gone after Xmas.
Thank goodness I did not buy Shadowlands!
We live in a Fiat banking system. All the bank notes printed are dept notes instead of sound money. When government print more and more money like they have the last 30 years the value of that money decreases. You can see it in the grocery store all the time. You pay the same amount for something as you used to but now they give you less. Blizzard will increase the price along with inflation because they have too. You don’t think free collage, health care and other benefits were actually free.
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Except the old rate was at the conversion rate, so inflation really means nothing- unless they were to increase the US price to 17USD too… which they very well may if this is their ‘testing the waters’ using a small market and it has no pushback, I wonder if you’d be as accepting of that?
While Australia’s rate-hike seems to do with their exchange rate and bringing them inline with US pricing (they were paying $11 USD, now it’s closer to $15 USD), the rate-hike for Canada seem more to do with a new tax on digital goods and services being implemented there. Blizz is just passing on the tax that Canada has decided to implement which is what Netflix, Amazon, and other “digital goods” providers will likely do as well.
P.S. I just read this in Blizzard’s sticky post: “Please note that currently, the CAD pricing to purchase WoW subscriptions and WoW Tokens will be unaffected by this price change.” Interesting that recurring subs do not get hit, but one-time purchases of game-time are increased. Must be a loophole in the digital tax code?
I demand you delete this well sourced and cited information immediately! This is entirely Blizzards greed and I find you posting accurate information proving otherwise to be unacceptable! I will now proceed to pretend like I didn’t read what you posted, and will resume blaming Blizzard for the actions of the Canadian government!
PS in all seriousness, it’s interesting that Netflix subs are increasing because of the tax hike but not wow subs. Hmmm…