For The Alliance - King Varian Wrynn

Who cares who is down or how bad off they were? The other person is pointing out one of the sayings of the Horde is, “Victory or death.”

They didn’t achieve victory. They didn’t die. They ran. We all get why they ran, but it doesn’t change that they ran when they pride themselves as a group that never retreats.


What? he literally let garrosh to take over hord and ruin entire world,killing innocent pandas. Saurfang and baine did same thing with sylvanas. Oh she is too strong we can’t slay her let her take over our beloved faction .

When Vol’jin said, “Do not let the Horde die this day.” to Sylvanas, I don’t think he meant for them to retreat.


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Well it wouldn’t have been a hopeless battle if the Horde could have held the line.

Beyond that he sacrificed himself like a boss for the Alliance so that the rest of the leadership could live.

He knew that unlike the Horde without Thrall, the Alliance without Varian wouldn’t fracture and fall apart.

That said as per my transmog I consider myself to be a Paladin of Stromgarde, so my glorious king is the one and only Danath Trollbane.

Who would wipe the floor with any of the Wyrnn line. He’s the man who held the line against the demons with no reinforcements for 2 decades.

Broken Shore wouldn’t have happened if we had Danath there to lead the troops.


Last watchief of hord was Durotan, after him hord is no longer glory, just some tribe living in red desert with vulpera as allied race.

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I believe Vol’jin would not have approved of the Horde abandoning the Alliance like it did.

If Sylvanas was so good at fighting strategically, why did she run like a coward. She could have rallied the Horde. She had the opportunity.


Because thats what hord do.

Garrosh and Sylvanas were financially profitable. Horde made money. Varian lost money and bankrupt Stormwind. What a loooooooooooser.

I demand duel,duel me.

The rest of the Horde would have freaked out about it, but Sylvanas could have used her Valkyr to raise the dead Horde soldiers to completely turn that fight around.

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Vol’jin was our wisest and best, and knew well ahead of the 4th War that the way of the old Horde was not the way forward.


You r duel’d! I won’d! GG :crossed_swords: :sparkles: :crossed_swords:

You need to brush up on history, boy. Durotan was never a Warchief. He was Chieftain of a single clan.

The Horde was beaten, their lines broken. Their options were to retreat or die.

Sylvanas was even courteous enough to signal it so that we could know they were doing so.

The battle was lost. That we only lost Varian is nothing short of a miracle.

Wrong,Durotan was wisest and strongest.

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Go put on a shirt before you get cold tiny human.

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Of course, what did I expect, its hord after all of course you fled.

Why are you saying these things as you’re running off?

He wasn’t even a member of this Horde! Buddy, just go back to rolling around in parmesan or whatever one does for fun while shirtless and wearing that cheese grater facemask.


Go collect pets little orc.

Mounts, get it right! I have all the pets I want. Such an aggressor this guy.