For The Alliance - King Varian Wrynn

Who wasn’t member of the hord? Durotan? man, he was one who dueled guldan to show everyone that his fel was bad, but thousands of orcs who saw how guldan abused magkora and cheated did nothing and fled like cowards they were.

posting in an aggressor thread

Oh bloody hell, you’ve been watching those history dramas again, haven’t you?

Durotan never challenged Gul’dan so openly. He did so in secret, meeting with Doomhammer to tell him of Gul’dan’s betrayal. He was assassinated in secret, not killed in an open duel.

Learn your history before you start spouting such idiocy.

hord sympathizer :-1:

You’re starting to sound like a broken record. Have you nothing new to say to me? Or have you abandoned any pretense of actually arguing your point?

you are hord alt

Would it help if I stepped in, pal? You should really pick your fights better. Don’t go into a battle of wits unarmed.

I am armed to the teeth.

Then maybe you should start showing it and stop shooting blanks.

Because callin’ the old man a “hord sympathizer” isn’t winning you any points when it comes to looking smart. Go back to punching brick walls you’ve painted an orc face over.

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Go back to gilneas, puppy.

Stormwind native, pal. Don’t judge a book by its cover.


Right, I think we’re done here. I might come back if he decides to actually argue a point again, but I think he’s given up on that.

Back in my day the king was kidnapped, mind wiped, made to fight in the gladiatorial arena, had their kingdom moved on by the Black Dragonflight, and still came back to take out a demon.

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An excellent reminder. Varian Wrynn was a true king who gave his life to save his people.

I don’t care what the Horde apologists say, babbling on about lore. What I see everyday in the Azeroth is the simple truth that the Horde can not be trusted, especially Sylvanas and those who were her eyes and her hands.


For the Alliance


um…something about alliance being dumb enough to get duped again? Didn’t they get tricked with bad intel?

Varian was one of the biggest cowards in WoW. Remember that he died to 4 or so felguards on the broken shore, he was also the weakest leader to ever die in WoW lore wise. His martyrdom was about the only courageous thing he did. In MoP he didn’t have the stones to do what needed to be done early on, and this continued throughout Warlords. It took Maraad how long to convince Varian to sign the declaration of war against the Iron Horde?

His death scene was great, but not only was he weak as a warrior, got captured by Onyxia, didn’t have control of his kingdom fora large period of time. He also took far too long to take action, and then trusted a faction that he knew had betrayed him in the past, leading to his death.

wipes tears from my eyes Sir, yes sir!

Why do you always spell Horde wrong?