Working on getting my cloak tonight and have had problems getting into the Wrathion’s raid and Halls of Origination. I went back to Org, reset all instances and was able to walk in the front door. I had to do this before I could get into either instance. Hope this helps until Blizz fixes them…
Edit: This fix isn’t working for instances that require queuing.
yeah i was doing the same thing on my feral druid keep getting an error
Sadly this did not work for me, it’s been over 3 hours and I still keep getting “Transfer Aborted” instance not found" when trying to do the quest Investigating the Halls. There are 15-20 people standing outside the dungeon having the exact same problem.
Same. Trying to take the portal to Exodar for the Legion quest ‘Lightbound Object’ on an alt, but getting thrown back to Dalaran portal room with ‘transfer aborted, instance not found’ message.
Been happening to me for the last 2 hours. No listed fixes have worked. Many other players around me in game having the same problem.
for me I logged out and waited a minute before logging back in and was able to get in.
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Wow. over 12 hours this has been going on and still no acknowledgment from blizzard. Grats blizz.
That link goes to a broken twitter. More evidence that they should be using their own forums to post issues.
This is getting to the point where they are breaking their own tos by not providing access to the game.
Updated 10 minutes ago.
Not specifically, no. Though this morning there have been some issues with “Instance not found” errors which could affect Visions as well as other instanced content. A fix was introduced but it is taking a little time to get through all of the servers. ^KAL
A fix is going in, and is working through the servers now.
Time and again though it’s been stated, that faster information can be sent out via social media to more people.
Does it show the “We are investigating an issue part”?
#WoW We are currently investigating an issue causing ‘Instance not found’ errors in-game and are working on a resolution.
Timestamps show an issue over 12 hours old and the acknowledgment is 6 hours old. What is so difficult that they can’t post it on the login screen, at the top of the forums pinned, and as a notice at the character select screen?
Cut and pasting would take all of 3 minutes. Instead we get a broken twitter account.
Not everyone has the same access to all the areas, but more have access to Twitter. Especially when more are working from home @Blizzard, then from the office.
That’s why you would use at least 3 venues to post the ‘known issue’ before customers waste time and frustration trying to reset the ui, addons etc.
I understand stuff happens, I don’t understand not posting the info in such a way that all folks see it.
Hey folks, the WOW team has been working on the instance access issues all morning. They have a fix in the works that will require realm restarts for all servers to pick it up.
We’ve posted breaking news to the launcher and game client but wanted to share it here as well.
No problem! We’ll be keeping an eye on things when realms fully cycle just to make sure things are resolved. The WoW team is standing by to investigate any ongoing issues.
Give the team our thanks. 
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Realms should be coming back up, and with that means lots of players jumping into the game at the same time. We generally see reports of World Server Down or Instance Not Found immediately following restarts because of how heavy the initial traffic to the game is.
We’re continuing to keep an eye on these services as the incoming player population stabilizes.
On stormrage US I still can’t seem to get into a horrific vision, horrific vision minimap queue icon just says “Paused”.
Thanks, we’re still seeing new services spinning up to catch up with the increasing player population but we’re keeping an eye on it!