For N'Zoth!

Oooh sparkly

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Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

…wait, wrong Old Gods…

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fool v_v

This is why warlocks are ebst.

We know never to let a power control you.

We are the masters. Never the tools.

I will grill your old god and make a throne from its still living eyeball.

thoguh I will wear his eyeball hat. just cause it looks cool.

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that’d be a weird Throne, but I could see you using it like some sort of exercise ball or beanbag.

gotta be comfy since i’ll be sitting on it for ages ruling the sunken kingdom as its new ruler.

Pfft…you’re a gnome. At least goblins have an aquatic subspe…cies…wait. You’re a warlock. You stole my water breath spell ;-;

A’dal we need you!

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Can’t wait to roll around with my N’zoth eyeball. We’re gonna be such good friends! :cow:

We exist in our current forms thanks to the void. Curse of flesh. All hail our true creator. Now give me the eye!

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Maybe we can get tentacle armor! :cow:

I’ve seen enough…Questionable Japanese animations to know where this is going…

Praise them? Why?

I mean, we’ve been dumping astronaut poo on his doorstep for twenty years – twenty years! – and what’s he done about it? Nothin’, that’s what.

C’thulhu fhtagn? More like C’thulhu fuhgeddaboudit. What a chump.

N’zoth is a baby compared to Cthulhu.