Who’s with me!
What is the worse that could happen…
Will I get free calamari if I join the death squid god cult?
I think that’d qualify as cannibalism.
I feel like YOU would be the calamari if you join…
It’s only been a few minutes and already this thread is full of heresy!
All y’all mothertruckers need Elune!
Also I figured this song was relevant.
I mean, it’s not that hard of a choice when your options are joining the Alliance, fighting for the reject scourge, or just going full-on mental and joining N’zoth beneath the sea.
Obviously Im going to fight for N’zoth, he has promised me power beyond my wildest dreams.
All your questions and dreams will be realized.All you have to do is join…the Void.
The void sucks at your soul. It is content to feast slowly.
Why! Just why Melantha? Now I’m creeped out by that gif and it doesn’t help that’s it’s night time and I’m in a dark room.
Ah yes! Praise Elune the void goddess, and the creator of N’Zoth!
Yes, this is a topic dear to my shriveled heart
All this tentacly praise warms my heart!
N’zoth will save Azeroth my friends. /moo
I’m keeping the gift; it would be rude to refuse
N’Zoth has been a bad boy though ):
He needs to be taken behind the shed and smacked until he dies.
He’s a bad boi because Elune is a bad woman. She’s a evil void goddess, who created something which ended up being a evil old god. Of course N’Zoth is a bad boi! Why are you so sad and surprised?

He’s a bad boi because Elune is a bad woman. She’s a evil void goddess, who created something which ended up being a evil old god. Of course N’Zoth is a bad boi! Why are you so sad and surprised?
Void goddesses are not evil. They are the epitome of goodness in this universe. N’Zoth turned the Highborne into nasty squid people though, and therefore he must be punished by us night elves and Elune.