If you say so. You think you’re right but you’re not. But it’s ok. tries to change conversation subject subtly I still know your secret! I’m sure you don’t want me to say it either, and I know a certain person who will be jealous if they find out too!
Which one?
You sure you want me to say?
I’m ready to feel the tentacles in me!
You sure you want me to say?
Oh I’m sure it’s not as bad as the one time I shoved a near naked male human paladin into a tree to let him soak there for all eternity as a male tree paladin.
Ahem! Clears throat Well, I’ll just say it then…
You love me!
as fertilizer for that tree
N’Zoth turned the Highborne into nasty squid people though, and therefore he must be punished by us night elves and Elune.
aww but naga are swimmy and shinyful :d
Ahem! Clears throat Well, I’ll just say it then…
You love me !
How would you like being in the same tree as the male human paladin? Just the two of you, forever…
Jaquestiney:Ahem! Clears throat Well, I’ll just say it then…
You love me !How would you like being in the same tree as the male human paladin? Just the two of you, forever…
I thought you would want yourself and I in the tree together.
I am more of a C’thun kinda person
I thought you would want yourself and I in the tree together
All 3 of us together forever. I can see it being acceptable. You guys will die in like 30 years so just a short nap.
That means you’ll die too though if you’re with us
unless she’s in tree form
But she said she shoved the Paladins into a tree. She didn’t shove him inside her while she was in tree form
tree form inside of a tree: treeception
I’m totally not just siding with him because void paladins sound really cool and could totally be a new class/spec.
That means you’ll die too though if you’re with us
Not when the tree and the forest provide me with nutrients, water, and sugary sap!
Plus I live way longer than humans and decaying corpses.
I’m imagining void druids and it’s making me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Tentacly even.
aww but naga are swimmy and shinyful :d
Not as shinyful as our eyes. Have you seen our eyes?