For My Birthday, Can we get Tinkers?

It’s My Birthday Blizz! Can we please get a Class based on the Tinker hero from WC3, Just like we got Death Knights, Demon Hunters, and Monks.

I mean, Goblins and Gnomes dont have a class that fits them. Their Racial Leaders are representing a class that we, the players, can’t play. It’s bogus.

Give me a Tinker Class for my Birthday, I’ve been very good this year.


ADMIRATION: Happy Birthday Lilianas!


It’s almost my BD too. I want Dragon class! Can we both get what we want? :slight_smile:

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the bigger issue here is that Gelbin is still the gnomish leader in a supposedly elected society. no elected leader would hold office still if they accidentally gassed such a large part of their population trick or not.

also happy birthday.

Maybe? :woman_shrugging:

:birthday: Thank you!

Also, I’m sure whoever got elected next, would also be a Tinker, even though we still can’t play as Tinkers for some reason.

I don’t think it works that way. But I’d like Tinkers too.

Nevertheless, happy birthday!

It’s almost my birthday, can we please NOT get Tinkers, Blizz? Thanks!

(Happy birthday, Lii :wink:)


Hey, You want to Turn into Animals like the Druid unit from Wc3 Or use the Abilities of the Grove Keeper hero from WC3. So you picked a Druid.

But I want to use the Tinker Abilities from Wc3, Fight in a Shredder and Launch Missiles What Class am I supposed to pick? If I wanna do those things?

:partying_face: Thank you.

Happy Birthday Liianas.

I just made made a thread that might interest you. I guess Tinkers were on both our minds.

Tinker Megathread


I saw! and this is a super sweet birthday gift!!! <3


Haha yeah I saw you responded at the same time. Another coincidence but enjoy regardless!

It’s both of my dogs birthday in 9 days too and I want Blood Elves to no longer exist.

My birthday has already passed. HOWEVER, another one is coming up! So, as a belated present, and an early one, I’d like a new Game Director. kthx.

Granted, but literally only on your birthday.

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Dragon Tinkers?

I’m in.

shakes a fist

Damn you monkey paw!

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Hrm I’d like to see the idea fleshed out. Definitely sounds very Gnomey/Gobliney though feels more like a profession than a combat class. I have seen them in both situations though (Tinkers that attack the Horde during their conquest of northern Stormsong valley vs the passive tinkers that explore the message relay from King Mechagon).

But on an important note happy birthday day!

You: Mom, can I get a Tinker?

Mom: You have a Tinker at home.

Here, it’s not the tinker class but have a delicious meal and cake instead. Happy birthday OP =)

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:partying_face: :cake:

Hey man, that means WoW is only missing a class for 364 days of the year instead of 365. That technically is an improvement

Well according to the stuff datamined from Blizzard’s own code, yes you will in fact get Tinkers in the next expansion.

But even if the datamined stuff is legit, bear in mind many things have been coded into the game over the years but not actually implemented in game.