For Horde, did u side with Sylvanas or Saurfang?

In the current quest, did u side with Queen Sylvanas or Traitor Saurfang?

Of course, I went with Queen Sylvanas!
Death to Saurfang!

But I’ll probably choose Saurfang on a lesser used alt just to see the story.


idk I just hit accept and carried on gave up on story at launch

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Sylvanas on my Rogue. Saurfang on my Druid.

Saurfang though I suspect this is some trick and ploy that the people who choose Sylvanas will feel vindicated because they write her as the Savior of Azeroth because her unique edgy traits make her the only one who can do it. Illida…cough…I mean Sylvanas Windrunner!


I dislike both of them, but I went with Saurfang because he seemed to be the lesser of the two evils… And because I got a toy :grin:

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Why settle for pizza or beer when you can have pizza AND beer?

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Sylvanas. Because she’s the only way the Horde actually survives, even if she turns some of our troops into undead. Siding with Saurfang basically means the Alliance can exterminate all of the Horde.


Saurfang on the Horde DH. voted my conscience there.

Have a horde BE hunter who has not voted (hasn’t even did the add on bit start yet). I will see if anything in later patches/updates give rewards for Sylvanas backing worth getting. If just cut scenes, meh, I can hit youtube for that really.

All my toons except my Maghar orc went with Sylvannas.


Sylvanas. Who would even pick Saurfang?


Saurfang on my Orc Hunter.

Saurfang all three times.

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The quest is quicker that way.

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Saurfang on Cyn here. Her reasons are a bit complicated, but her views on the Warchief have been steadily getting bleaker. She’s decided to stand against her.


Sylvanas can go die in a fire


Sylvanas. The dark lady and Nathanos are not to be messed with.


Sylvanas on my Horde Warrior.

While Sylvanas needs to be replaced as Warchief, Saurfang the senile old Orc isn’t the right choice.


My nightfallen warlock went with Sylvanas and this troll priest went with Saurfang, each for RP reasons.

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IMO, the Mag’har would be one of the Horde races least likely to turn on Sylvanas. They have no connection to Saurfang at all since it was Eitrigg who brought them through to Azeroth, and Geya’rah only very recently pledged herself to Sylvanas directly. They haven’t really been around long enough to be doubting their sworn warchief.


Sylvanas because there is more to what is going on then we already know and to be honest teams Golden Boy and Saurfang are kind of annoying with their levels of self righteousness in my opinion .