For Healer Mains - Is healing "fun"?

With friends yes… very

In pugs… stressful, hence … no heal

Healing can be stressful and chaotic, but kind of because of that, it can be very rewarding. When you save a pull that you had no right surviving, it just feels different than most other things in the game.
Just the way they FEEL to me:

DPS is a game.
Healing is a responsibility.
Tanking is a job.

All of them can feel good or bad depending on your personality and the circumstances. You’ll never know unless you try. I thought I would hate raid leading, until I was forced to do it.


Resto shaman and disc priest? Absolutely.

Everything else gets a hard no for me, but it’s a matter of preference.

They scream at me, they can find a new healer, or enjoy the bricked key


I hate being dependent on a dps doing enough damage to kill something, thats my biggest complaint about healing. So i make sure to run a build or a healer that can also dps

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I’ve been PUG healing (without support addons) as a Resto main since I started WoW in Pandaria, and as others say, it’s largely dependent on the group. I dont have friends that play WoW and I dont like guilds so random groups are my only option.

Sometimes you get really great runs where everyone knows what they’re doing and makes some jokes while playing. Other times, you get some really dumb stuff. Last night I was doing Heroic Plaguefall and our tank suggested we run to the first boss then wipe, I reincarnate and mass res to “save time”. Needless to say he was not a great tank and left immediately after the first boss died.

BUT, I will say that for me at least, there’s a certain thrill in keeping people alive during a bad run. Like a tank not holding aggro and everyone’s at 20% health, and I’m at 35% mana with Healing Tide totem on cooldown. Stressful moments like that are kinda fun to me, like an adrenaline rush. I don’t get those with DPS, and I get panicky playing melee and forget keybinds so I don’t tank. Lol.

All-in-all, it’s largely dependent on the group, the content, and your own personality and preferences.

yes sadly the community can get pretty toxic, more so since many are actually quite ignorant of their own abilities/duties and will often blame heals for their incompetence.

Easy example when the druid dies to a curse in high key HoA or SD and blames the MW monk for not decursing… bit personal ehh? just an example tho, but this is sadly part of the game, so either you ignore them, or try to kindly explain “my dear friend, please use your own decurse cause this heal does not have one…” sometimes i confuse myself, is it really true or did i miss something? Did blizz really not give us one of those? can we as monks really not remove a one shot mechanisms from a silly dps, and yes those curses will usually kill a dps if they go off in the high keys… brings me to another topic, why do they go off in the first place?

yes if you mouse over macro half your stuff at least

If you decide to give it a try, feel free to hit me up if you want someone to walk you through addons, macros, etc.

I don’t raid or Mythic. But I level every sub-class, so I have healed many dungeon groups. I enjoy dungeon groups (15-45 minutes) in all 3 roles. They are all fun in different ways. I think healing and tanking is more fun than DPS in those groups, because you are the only healer/tank.

Can a bad group ruin a run? Sure. Do you get blamed for someone else’s mistake? Sure. That’s why most healers and tanks think “all DPS players are idiots”. Of course they all aren’t, but 1 out of 10 is, and another 1 out of 10 makes unreasonable demands on the tank or healer. That 20% ruins the reputation for everyone else.

So as a healer (or a tank) I find myself murmuring “inner peace…inner peace…” a lot. You know, like Master Shifu?

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When it comes to healing it depends on the group for me. If the group is decent+ I will have fun. If they suck it’s not so great. Also depends on my mood and how comfortable I am with the spec I’m playing at the moment.

i’m sorry but this is the wrong answer. if you don’t regularly have a bac of between .18 and .22 then you’re not healing as effectively as you could be


I feel like I have more to do, and way more potential to carry when I heal. I can make up for bad tanks by over healing them and using my toolkit to rescue DPS pulling agro. I can make up for DPS when they are poor at mechanics (assuming it’s not a 1 shot) and DPS when I don’t need to heal. Always so much to do as a healer.

I’ve played DPS and tank and I just feel like healer is the best anchor for a group to win at content, so that’s why I play it. Especially now that I’m very casual and only PUG, there’s no time to find the best group. I just roll with whatever I can get and try to pump until the last boss is dead.

I think a lot of it does come down to the group. Some groups make healing feel really bad - but for the most part it’s really rewarding.

I think it “feels good” to heal in wow compared to like playing support (which I do) in overwatch for example. I like having a couple buttons that feel good to press.

That being said - it does sucks some of these buttons are temporary, expansion/patch specific abilities…

From a fantasy perspective I think it’s also very special to be the heals for those that care about that stuff :nerd_face:

This is kinda me as well. I think it’s mainly due to in dungeons I’m most likely overhealing constasntly and there’s really not much of a punishment in dungeons. I heal when it looks like I need to heal and if I don’t I DPS.

I don’t feel like dungeons do a good job of “teaching” raid healing. When I tried to raid heal, I’d see a bar that looked like I needed to fill without really noticing “do they need to be healed right now? are they in danger?” I’ve picked up on these things now, where raid healing would probably be a better experience for me than what it was, but it’s already stained for me.

I love healing. From vanilla to Wrath, I enjoyed the notoriety when we raid. It also helped that Paladin was the dominant healer during those days. I can heal the whole raid besides the tank if I wanted and have done so. And of course the instant queue when I lf dungeons. Unfortunately I never adapted to the new way paladins work so I stopped healing and switched to dps.

For me, I know healing is a lot of fun, especially in raids or large size group. I don’t do M+ though.

I’m playing RDruid and Holy Priest. I’m working on RShaman, I just don’t know which covenant to pick especially with new stuffs in PTR.

this, so very much, in both pvp and pve

in my experience, you’re either a healer main or you’re not.

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  1. Can you withstand the torment of people dying in basic mechanics repeatedly and blaming you?

  2. Can you be patient with undergeared tanks you may have that are squishy making it hard to heal them?

  3. Can you easily multitask and know when to do damage mitigation, shielding, healing and other mechanics while also paying attention to boss fights and following mechanics yourself?

  4. Do you like to get blamed even if you do nothing wrong?

Sometimes all of these things happen and you must be able to handle all of these things. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it does happen. You have to be able to take the bad with the good. As for “is it fun”. I’ve fallen asleep basically it’s relaxing to me and I get good at doing all the things healers do. That being said it can be very stressful if your group / raid keeps wiping due to not following mechanics, but that’s a group issue not always a healer issue.

As in all things you have to determine what you find to be “fun” and if you’d consider healing to be fun or not. My advice is try out some low level toons that can heal in some LFG dungeons for a bit see if you like it. See how you feel. Look up guides / talents on wowhead for healers to see what you might like the most.

As for addons I recommend healbotcontinued, weakauras, GTFO (helps you to realize if you’re standing in gunk and need to move) and also DBM.