For goodness sake, nerf shamans already

ah HA!

I knew you were a pally.

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it scaled so horribly lmao. itā€™s literally the same divine storm in P1 with 0 changes and now itā€™ll do like 300-350 damage or something idk I havenā€™t used it in a month or so. itā€™s 110% weapon damage as physical.

lol I was a diehard feral and warrior but now that Iā€™ve tasted pally life I donā€™t think I could ever go back

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Oh it def needs tuning. I havent used it much on my pally either.

Also, make rebuke baseline.

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If Tauren could be pallies, it would be my main alt.

(I started the game as a paladin way back win- just love the Shammy class fantasy more.)

of course you would play a cow paladin


Iā€™m actually kind of happy for SoD shammies. I had a good buddy who was an enhance shaman in C19. He put together a sulfuras and everything and his DPS still sucked. Felt bad for him.

First toon was a feral, loved it in p1. Then they decided to give it runes the equivalent of warm milk and kept lacerate and mangle on the same slot way too long .

Also, why is feral strikes on the same slot as survival instincts? My one selling point of getting into groups is WFā€¦but you also want me to tankā€¦

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Well none of the alliance races are worthy of being Shammiesā€¦
So have to go with the next best thing: Retbull.

I would be chill with dwarf shammies

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You know every enhance wants to live the 2H dream, but it is just so bad right now.

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make 2h enhance great and make divine storm great again

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The problem with Enhance 2H is that itā€™s just so damned boring.

Even with the attack speed sped up by an additional 30 percentā€¦itā€™s just ā€œAFK and hope for pretty numbersā€ simulator.
(Thatā€™s why Enhance gameplay was so bad IMO in vanillaā€¦there wasnā€™t gameplay, it was auto attack slot machine.)

Imagine an Arms warrior where they only had Mortal Strike, WF, and Charge.

Who would play that?

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I am ready to make t-shirts

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Its primarily how the wep enhances work, especially with the runes. You dont get enough procs for sustained dps. But I would be fine if it was buffed enough to be viable in PvP.

I want to live out my Unbreakable dream.

Unbreakable was before WF ICD
And also cut out 98% of the gameplay where he walked up and hit someone for 400 damage and waited.

If they dropped the WF ICD, Iā€™d give 2H a chance in PvP lol

You mean allowing WF to proc off itself?

Do you realize how much these forums hate us already? There would be riots.

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i thought Alliance quit SOD?

Itā€™s the only way 2H Enhance will ever be even kinda sort of viable.

2H weapons without a bunch of attacks to use them are just boring and ineffective.

silence failed streamer wannabe, donā€™t need to be logging in to SoD to be posting on the forums. if I wanted any lip off you Iā€™d scrape it off my zipper