FOMO Events turn me off from playing - Kalimdor Cup

If you don’t like dragonriding like that, then don’t do it.
Its not fomo. Limited time events happen literally every day. Some part of it is still fomo, sure.
But if you don’t like the rewards, then there is nothing to fear
if you don’t like the activity, there is nothing to fear
if you don’t like limited time events, don’t participate. Fewer participants = fewer chances they make events like that.
And I am fairly certain that the dragonriding cups are going to be on rotation, just like most things. Come back in two weeks and I am sure the Kalimdor Cup will be up again.
But since you don’t care about dragonriding, I am sure you won’t even notice.

Like me. I didn’t even know this was a think until I accepted the quest on an alt over by the rostrum we dont use and behind the change thing that frankly most people only use once they get something new…
Frankly, I am sure there are more people who don’t know and dont give a single care about this event or that it gives transmog or literally anything else.
They are too busy playing the game and having fun.

I am on your side, btw. I agree that fomo events are garbage.
This, however, is not fomo. Go do it or don’t. Its not like you NEED any of that stuff…

Most of the new stuff they’ve implemented other than the expansion seasonal stuff will make its return. Even at that, who knows anymore with the Trading Post.

I think people need to just stop desiring to miss out and just set goals and keep them, other than that you’re at the keyboard controlling you. If life passes you by in game, don’t sweat it.

Not gonna lie.

I get sad when the Ren Faire ends every year.


True, to some extend. But what will you do if you need them later on? A Magh’ar Orc race weapon was locked behind the FOMO artifact weapons because of this. It’s one of the few which was made for the Heritage Armor. The race wasn’t even available at that time, nor announced.

This makes it especially problematic. The Void Elves also have a heritage weapon colorization within the Artifact weapons, but it can be accessed. It’s the only weapon-colorization next to a staff from WoD, which is available to them.

Do you see the problem here?

If the wow playerbase actually stood together and stopped doing this time-gated nonsense, they’d quit doing it. But there are too many people who just need to sit on a horse in their capital city.

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These events having a limited time frame allows for the world to feel more alive. When you do the event, you see a lot of people doing it. People are interacting. When these are up everyday all the time guess what happens… You end up doing it at your leisure and never seeing another human being ever. If you don’t want to play an mmo where they’re trying to create a living breathing world, then go play single player game

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This is why I refuse to participate in Christmas!

Who do they think they are, making it only one day a year? If I want to celebrate Christmas on July 25th, I should have that option.

Yes, it really is this silly.

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And the fact that folks are participating in the event also means that folks actually do engage with said events - you can like it or not but folks overall like these events, regardless of whether it upsets dwarves or not


It’s okay to have rotating events. That concentrates interest.

To…protest? :melting_face: We’ve had stuff like this since launch and somehow people are arbitrarily just not okay with it now?

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So here, were talking about marketing mechanism to get people to buy things. Not the event. The event being fun hasittle to nothing to do with this.

Yes, it is.


… nothing about this has anything to do with buying stuff - what are you even talking about?


So, does limited time FOMO events outside of game make you not want to play rl? Or do you have all the McDonolds limited time happy meal toys?

Yeah, and if we’re talking about the FOMO marketing technique the event itself has nothing to do with it either. It’s a recurring time limited event that’ll cycle around. People can get the psychological fomo from that, but that’s a them thing.

Isn’t the marketing FOMO much more of a “Once this is over it’s over! Buy this pack now before it’s GONE FOR GOOD!” it’s all about driving sales by time limited things that are one and done, and if you weren’t there for it then too bad. Preying on rarity and exclusivity to drive more people to buy something than might have if it was just placed on sale.

Do you have a free sub?

Limited time things are designed to keep you buying. In this case, your sub.

I pay and play the game yes, that’s correct

Yes, which is why self-control is important and this extends to all of life

I already said yes to this

… still none of this relates to anything mentioned so far

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Its closeer to it but its also requires an element of things like “Your friends are all getting it! Are you going to be the only one without?!”, which is also why that type of commercials are banned in a lot of countries during daytime (wouldn’t be surprised if it was allowed in the US but that type of commercials are usually illegal due to manipulative and harmful business practices)

Still, none of this has to do with FOMO since the way it gets used on these forums are horrifically wrong in their usage of the phrase so I honestly don’t get what they are talking about

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When did you last cancel your sub?

In the same post. See, I don’t see what you’ve posted until you post it.

The McRib comes around every once in awhile, and you’d better get down there now, because it won’t be there long.

What exactly do you “fear of missing out” on this?

Makes no sense, we were given 3 weeks to spend at most 20 minutes to do 3 quests, optionally, for transmog that has absolutely no impact on characters progression.

Further, maybe im wrong but wasnt this dragon riders transmog set previously on the trade post for tendies?

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When I took a break from the game - the longest one would have been between Cataclysm and mid-Mists, then I took another break during Warlords of Draenor, some shorter breaks during Legion but I don’t think I cancelled my subscription, played through BFA as it is honestly one of my favourite expansions to date (to sell me a good expansion you just gotta have a good theme and really stick to it, which as an Alliance player they absolutely NAILED it!), SL the same thing and now we got DF

Your point being … ?
Because my point is that when something doesn’t interest me anymore and I don’t want to stick with it because of the rewards on the other end doesn’t interest me (think learning to play an instrument or to learn another language), I don’t do it

True enough but this is mostly me poking fun at you asking the same question twice in the same post but phrasing it differently to make it appear as a different question despite it being the same
If you ask if one has a subscription, you are kinda asking for a snarky response if you immediately presuppose an answer to what should be so obvious (due to the requirements of these forums) that it didn’t need to be asked in the first place

But fair enough to your point here, and I hope my point is also clear

… you have so little self-control you run after a hamburger just because “McDonalds said so”?

I think we found the underlying issue here

I’ve never had a McRib. But you don’t seem to want to understand what artificial scarcity is, or how marketing is even related.

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