FOMO Events turn me off from playing - Kalimdor Cup

The Warrior (Protection) weapon and shield from the Mage Tower. Same or almost the same color ID as the regular Heritage Armor for Mag’har Orcs.

The Marksmanship Bow (Hunter) is in the Void Elves colorization also available. So, yes, this was intended in both cases.

I always felt like that coloration was for night elves that have the purple and gold accents. and the pvp version was for Forsaken / Dark Rangers

It does fit the void elves perfectly too though

It IS the Void Elf colorization. It always was and is supposed to be a Void Elf colorization.

And the Mag’har Orcs one is FOMO, which was actually a pretty dumb decision made by the developers and why the argument “just ask for a recolor” does not work.

Yet doesn’t look anything like Mag’har weaponry and the color isn’t that close on the shield at all. But okay.

Purple doesn’t automatically mean “Velf.” But sure.

To me, it just seems like you’re grasping at straws with those.

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I forget that void elves became a thing into the end of Legion, but i remain skeptical that void elves were planned at the advent of when the artifacts themselves were being designed. I always felt like the allied races were just sorta tacked on at the end and the similarities in coloration was just a coincidence rather than intentionally withheld. but it’s hard for me to know for certain.

also it’s entirely possible that the art department doesn’t communicate very well with the systems designer team leading to those designs being something more scattered about.

Well, lucky for you, I have been discussing this already a year ago. Take a look, I also made comparison pictures with other mistakes these developers did (which is especially true for the Lightforged Draenei).

They use a specific colorization for “Void”, namely the dark purple one you see in their heritage armor and in exactly two weapons. In WoD they also used the same gold color ID.

I can understand that, but you really should actually take your time and look at the items yourself. Seeing is believing, isn’t it.

They have been planned. Nobody wants to admit this, but unfortunately this “race” was something they cooked up very quickly. The truth lies perhaps somewhere between the lines. They have been working on both and needed to give the Artifact weapons also something what fits them race-wise (bows, you know, Alleria and so). But it’s also true that they have no access to Void Elf-based weapons and colorization at all. The heritage weapons have been not made available to them, which is another stupid decision by the developers.

And that set doesn’t match those weapons from your pictures. Especially that shield.

Except that coloration has existed for gear and weapons since BC. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Strongly disagree. Just use a graphic program and check the hex code for it.

Right and wrong altogether.
The truth is: There are only two weapons currently available in this exact colorization.

A hex code is irrelevant. Lots of colors are used in lots of different places over and over. They paint that stuff on in layers. They don’t use hex codes.

They. Don’t. Use. Hex. Codes. Colorations are painted and layered. Purple is not Velf specific.

You do you, but claiming they made a MT set specifically for Mag’har and then removed it seems like a reach farther than the next galaxy to me.

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You miss the point here, although you seem to grasp what I am getting at.

It is now, for the Void Elves. Instead of Red/Gold it’s their canonized colorization. That’s a fact.

I don’t think I need proof my point any further, actually. What matters, is, that it’s not available to the players and FOMO-content, which should have never happened.

No idea how they paint the actual textures, but I suppose it’s possible if they work off of specific color swatches for consistency, but I imagine this varies from project to project.

The Forsaken heritage is similar to the Forsaken Warfront sets, but the colorations are definitely not the same

Yeah, I could probably go through every armor piece and pick out a tiny corner of color and say, “LOOK! IT MATCHES THIS!!!” and it means absolutely nothing. It just means some colorations painted the way they wanted them to be happened to turn out similar in some corner of the armor somewhere. :dracthyr_shrug:

I’m not trying to argue the point or anything, I’m just fascinated in the creative process. But I wouldn’t put it past a lot of the similarities to be purely coincidental also

Oh, I know. lol It is pretty interesting and I honestly wish we had a video of how they do this stuff. :slight_smile:

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It’s funny how there are always this bad, dumb players advocating to bring back fomo stuff. You failed to prove your point multiple times and at this time you are aither trolling or just beind dumb as brick.

Did you get last season elite sets? Current season? No? Why not? You are paying sub for things that are available, yet you refuse to collect them? Then one day you decide you want things from the past that people worked towards and you are just like, let me get my fomo stuff RAWR. The F outa here, i’m ashamed you are playing a Shaman, let alone Dorf. :frowning:

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Are you already losing your composure by insulting others? This sounds more provocative than I want it to be - but is this really all you got? When things goes against your agenda, that you start to insult people?

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There is where you lost me.

You don’t NEED a damned thing. You want them.
Stop using problematic in such a vulgar manner.

and? So you don’t have the appearance.
I didn’t even know it was a thing until you said something about it. In fact, I don’t think anybody did except the like 0.00000000001% of the community that obsesses over stuff like that.

You are just like those anti-flight durds. REEEE ITS RUINING MY IMMERSION TO SEE OTHER PEOPLE HAVING FUN FLYING REEEEEE. They are taking my ores…as somebody who didnt have flight for over a year and a half…no, they didnt. I was on Icecrown back, then, one of the highest population servers and OG. Trust me when I tell you, resource “stealing” only happened once in a blue moon. YOU LOST AN ORE, GET OVER IT.
You missed out on an appearance, get over it.

I don’t have it either, and you don’t see me getting upset about it.
Its just the super small, and annoyingly overly vocal minority of people who never stop complaining about the most inconsequential stuff.

Classes are unbalanced, the state of the game is in constant decay because of the toxic community leaving people with only two choices: unsub, or /leave chat and never see that garbage…

But sure, let’s worry about a few cosmetics that have no impact on the game.

As to the limited time events, there are plenty of those.
Like, dozens. Nobody complained about them. Well, I am sure SOMEBODY did…but nobody complained. So why are people so focused on stuff like this?
Greed. You are greedy and NEED on every roll you can probably. You are the guy who has the 415 chest piece and rolls need on the 417 piece and taking the loot away from the priest who still has a 375 chest piece…

You can’t have everything and sometimes you miss out. That is life and games.
You think I don’t regret missing out on the Twitch Streamer boom? I didn’t even try, I was too afraid because I have psycho stalker family who would literally do absolutely anything to ruin my life because thats just who they are…and I am shy, don’t like pictures…
But do you see me crying to the universe about me missing out on my chance to make more money in one month than I could have ever made in a year or even a lifetime in some cases?

Nope. I kiss my gf before she leaves for work, I watch some memes or some cool science stuff. I was a physicist by trade but now just staying at home.
My name is credited on recent discoveries as a “contributor” with JWST.
Do I miss working with quantum physics? Nope.

The point is, sometimes you miss out. Cosmetics in a game mean nothing. Go play the game, have fun, and see what’s all there.
Go enjoy life a bit too. Sometimes its scary, I know better than most lol. But you stressing over a damned axe in a video game…even this one, our home away from home…its pathetic. Stop. Get help.

“needing” is the correct phrase here and I will tell you why: If your transmog options are limited, based on lore and race - and you get only a suitable item from FOMO, then “need” is correct. Do you want an example? Warfront flying mounts, they are FOMO content, the rest not. So why do we punish Warfront collectors by not giving them their flying mounts?

To be frank, and it has become one of my favorite sentences to say, you are a casual player. You could care less about such things. You don’t play on a RP-server, you don’t coordinate events and so on. All you need to care for is your enjoyment and iLV, I suppose?

What do you exactly mean with this? Blizzard is actually bringing so much back due the worldwide feedback about FOMO, including items which didn’t make it into the final game but were already finished.

Sooner or later the player base will get everything they are asking for. Or how was it with the Covenant locks? “Meaningful choices”? In the end, the majority was always right and they continue to be right. And this is no exception.

We are working for a better game on another side of the end, which does not need to concern you. That’s what voices are for. And no childish “it’s pathetic, get help” can change this. In other words: Your posting was read by me but I could care less if you make a tantrum about your toy box. I can and want to voice my opinion about the state of the game, as much as you want to more balanced classes.

So you stayed subbed and you have a good reason to log in.

Sadly we are talking about Blizzard here. WoW has the most toxic community and player base. If you take away exclusivity on what can they be proud. These are their only achievements, they don’t have any accomplishments in real life.

Tell me the story content of battle passes, pvp, m+, glad mounts.