Follower dungeon XP watch

exqueeze me? does a level 61 get the stadium bleachers full of screaming fangurlz? I don’t think so.

That’s not true. They do care, but it is also true the game has taken a bit of a turn towards a more hardcore design the past few expansions imo.

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No one, literally anywhere, asked for more.

I just ran Ruby Life Pools as my test dungeon.
Not even 4 bubbles of rested xp for the whole thing.
Final boss worth ~4200xp at level 67.
Zero, yes, ZERO gear drops from bosses, even the end boss.

What. A. Complete. Waste. Of. Time. And. Money.


I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have expected running a dungeon to reward a dungeon’s worth of XP, whether or not they ever said it would. That’s what dungeons do, man.


the rest of your team got the drops.


This gimped XP is stupid. Why? You do your part in a team, you do the dungeon. You do your part in an AI team, you do the dungeon. This is why I can’t ever get back into retail. Everything is gimped for pugs or people who prefer soloing. Raid finder is gimped gear and gimped raid. Now this is gimped. Stop with this, Blizz. I want to like retail, but you won’t let me. Back to classic.

just find a guild

I’m on a dead server. No one plays and Blizzard wants to charge me 80 bucks to move my characters. Yeah no.


guilds are cross-realm next expansion.

Yeah, the AI bots got them! If you ask them nicely, they will trade them to you.

Thats a good way of putting it. They act like there arent real human beings on the other end of the discussion. Same thing in this forum most days. Disgusted with both, frankly. Just try to enjoy the game as best I can without dealing with annoyances.

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that xp is after the increase. I got 464 when I ran it the first time

unless they nerf that too.

Hahaha im enjoying the QQ

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Man, what a disappointment. I’ll probably still do them occasionally to practice some specs, but the fact these aren’t an option for leveling alts just killed the hype for me. Together with the underwhelm of the Gilneas quest line, this patch has been a real let-down.


Points for snark I suppose.

Can we improve these AI companions with gear drops? Thought not.

So…in the effort to be fair…please, stop laughing…

The good.

  • Didn’t die.
  • They interrupt when appropriate and follow a lot of mechanics.

The bad.

  • Paladin spent more time healing the group than the healer.
  • Having a companion lead only works if you keep kind up close behind them.
  • Druid wasn’t healing much and, if they did, it was Wild Bloom.
  • Didn’t see any AoE go out, just ST as they focused down one mob at a time.
  • Outside of the odd reagent drops and gold, zero (so far) gear from mobs.

The ugly.

  • Pathing. OMG the pathing.
  • Pathing. It’s so bad to mention twice.
  • Pathing. Can’t say enough about how bad this is…fighting up to final boss…the healer, hunter, and mage kept on running as far away as the platform would allow and then running back then running away then running back then…you get the idea. You know those little spurs off that final platform? Yeah…if they could’ve jumped off they would have. Also…didn’t find a mob that they couldn’t figure out how to path into even if they were already on a path to avoid.
  • XP rewards. Very very poor.
  • Gear drops. Zero.

Now, I did run an Uldaman for my #2 try on this. More bosses, mobs.

Loot across the 5 bosses: Zero.

So, 0 for 2. Really hard to see where this is going?

honestly, thats what I loved about FFXIVs so much. You can only do the MSQ so many times (and I love leveling) spamming dungeons like that was great for leveling other jobs

Oh well, I guess I can just spam LFD and pretend the others are just NPCs…

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Did you see the update in the OP? It’s fixed!

It’s decent now, so I am happy about that and will use it. Probably during holidays that provide an additional xp boost and only while rested.

I’m impressed they backtracked so quickly due to feedback, but disappointed it is still nerfed 20% for “reasons”.


I get this. Like I get it.

At the same time, I also like that a) we can bring friends, and b) it’s incentivized somewhat. 5% per is much better than 20%, and I can handle the compromise. Rotating rested, fully heirloomed alts, with said rest augmented via those heirlooms, I have a steady funtime of regular dungeons now, and I’m very happy!


PvP requires more than one player…

PLAYER vs PLAYER…even in wpvp

but did you learn the dungeon and the spec and see the content?