Follower dungeon XP watch

I level faster in LFD and timewalking due to healer que times, you might just have the DPS issue. I cant even mine more than 1 ore before im already in a dungeon lol. (healing LFD/TW is stupid easy)

The devs havent stated much about farming ore nodes, at least to my knowledge, so I cant speak on that matter. However, the devs have explicitly stated the intended usage of follower dungeons and to expect anything more from the wow devs (given their track record) would be borderline insanity. Furthermore, you shifted focus, we are talking about the people expecting more exp from follower dungeons, not the ore exp. If you wish to discuss that further you could make a forum post and get feedback there.



But FFXIV’s is a legit leveling path. I leveled most jobs that way! I wish we could get that in WoW!

We will know in about 3 hours….

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Complete self reliance absolutely kills mmos. Removal of previously required interaction has been the death of games going back to ultima online. Its too bad people who post these types of things are completely unaware of historical precedents.

lol…theres no more ‘insanity’ …lmao…to allowing the SAME level of experience from AI dungeons as I would get from farming ore for that same time span.
Hyperbole is what I expect from Ion and crew. In here I’ll just ignore it.

and I have to repeat…farming ore nodes is easy enough to level with. I know…Ive done 6-7 levels at a time before taking a break from it, lol.
Make some gold while Im leveling just solo farming nodes.

I can at least respect comments that are logically consistent with the rest of the game…but those that arent just feel like someone is desperately clinging to hope that they might impress Ion and crew or something, lmao.

There is NO LOGICAL argument here that says its ok to be getting MORE experience per hour farming ore and herb nodes over actively playing in dungeons…AI or not. lol


Unfortunately, with many features it turns out what was unsaid about new features or changes is more important than what was said. Announcements are carefully written to make it appear that all possible questions have been addressed in advance.

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All the ones in here saying mmo ain’t solo are hilarious. Don’t lie if the experience is the same you would definitely use AI dungeons over LFD. Everyone in here who’s played this game forever knows grouping sucks unless you find a great guild or can actually keep friends who don’t constantly unsub.


The hilarity is they keep saying its an MMO pretending its not for solo players. lol…which leaves me wondering what ive been doing solo since the end of Legion/early BFA :joy::joy:
“Thats not a car”
“then how come Im driving it” :joy::joy::joy:


Eh, runs are way faster with people and in most, nobody even says anything, so it depends on your motivation really.

Follower dungeons are Just a training tool .

people raised the same complaints about pvp for years…
not enough xp to level exclusively pvp all the way through…
they addressed that to some extent.
i’m sure this will be an evolving platform.

Just did the beginning of a follower dungeon on live and can confirm that it rewards the lower xp as seen on the PTR over the last few days. 88-91 xp on my level 61 druid for the first few mobs in Halls. Totally not useful for leveling at all.

I was really excited for this feature, but this is now the most disappointing thing I’ve ever experienced in this game. Thanks for nothing Blizzard, really.

ETA: BTW, whatever article it was about this feature that said the rewards would be the same as running the dungeons with other players basically lied, since XP is a “reward” just like gear and gold.

ETA2: Here’s where it’s stated that the rewards would be the same:
Continuing the discussion from Seeds of Renewal PTR Development Notes:


I got 156 on a lvl 61 well-rested toon. I’m not even finishing the dungeon and I’m kinda heartbroken because the concept got me excited about WoW again.

Pretty sure I’m just gonna log off until the next expansion because apparently the Gilneas quest line is whack too.


Ok, first of all, thank you for scouting this out. This was literally a major reason why I started this thread, as I knew I’d be at work when the patch dropped, so thank you for your service.

Serious question: What are the avenues for giving feedback effectively on this front? We are in an era of “listening” and I want to be reasonable, constructive, and non-ragey. Where is the best place to do that?


Yeah, my character was rested also, but I left out the rested xp and just stated the normal xp that she received. Even fully rested, it’s not worth doing, at least not for leveling. I’m vastly disappointed.

I have no idea. I can’t put my money where my mouth is, because based on my excitement about this feature and delves, I’ve already paid for another whole year of game time (and of course, now I feel like a complete fool for doing so, again). Other than here, and maybe leaving feedback in game, I dunno. Twitter? Seems like folks have gotten replies to some things there…


Use the in game feedback option in the support menu.


The low xp along with how long some of these dungeons take, it’s not very good. At least these are not “hard” problems to solve but will they bother that is the question. The followers are at least somewhat functional, but their damage has to be increased and a big boost in experience.

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The thing is, when this was first released to the PTR, the xp was normal, and probably the same as you would get when running the same dungeon with a group of players. It’s only within say, the last week maybe, that Blizzard cut the xp by 80% on the PTR, and now it’s been released to live with the same levels of xp. So, I’ll bet it’s not a “problem” or a “bug” but just how they think this needs to be, which is ludicrous.


There is no logical reason to nerf the experience by 80% especially when you get no random dungeon bonus experience. I don’t understand this at all.