Follower dungeon XP watch

i mean Jesus Christ…you can literally level by MINING and HERBING nodes for god sake…and theyre not going to give experience for these dungeons?
Sounds like another winning feature being trashed already, lol


lol… i dont know about more.
If should give an amount equal too a quest or quests that would be equal to that approximate time investment.
So if quests give me 10k experince for a 10 minute quest…a 20 minute dungeon should give 20k experience at the least, not counting dungeon quests.
Obviously those numbers arent accurate, just an example.
Just make it boss kill experience each run or something.

they do all that. the gear you get is equivalent to gear received in regular normal dungeons. When i ran it on the PTR the only difference i noticed was the lower XP but i could be mistaken.

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I would have been highly surprised if they allowed these to be used for leveling. From purely a game design perspective, I don’t think they want a simple way to just grind experience where you cannot be encountered by other players. Because this is an MMO. They don’t want casuals like me isolating any more than we already do.

I didn’t hear about the follower dungeons until recently, and for the first time in ages, I installed the PTR to see what it’s like. I was ecstatic! For an ultra casual player like me, this is something I’ve wanted for ages. I like dipping into healing and tanking, but I hate doing that “live.” I hadn’t expected to earn XP, and just the ability to get in and try a few runs to learn my buttons made this a 100% win for me.

At this point in the expac, I hadn’t even been in any of the normal dungeons on any character until I went in the follower dungeon on the PTR.

Anyway, OP, your observation about “you must need me” mentality is spot-on. It exists. But I don’t think that’s what drives the dev’s decision to limit experience. They’ve done some boneheaded things, and in some cases it seems based on the “you must need me” mentality, but this isn’t it.

I think I noticed the same, but at that point I hadnt heard anything about adding ridiculous restrictions the day of the patch. Just getting my whining and complaining in ahead of it all going live. lol.

20 years.
TWENTY YEARS…and this company STILL cant figure out how to put out a product / feature for its player base without some frikkin drama.
If I couldnt get the basics down for my customer base after that long, I think Id probably just have to admit defeat and shut down my company and go fishin, lol

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I mean this makes sense. If you’re too anxiety addled to do normal dungeons to level, and would rather play with literal bots, I don’t think it should be a viable way of leveling beyond doing the dungeon quests the first time through.

We have a literal ton of these ways already in game that the non-casual part of the playerbase use until the game squeals because it’s faster/cleaner in a lot of cases…

Then you have to ask how much money and time they’re wasting/dropping on yet-another barely-used thing in game?

They’ve had other attempts at this before, and they’ve been universally panned as either a complete waste of time or a way of trying to weed out players…Proving Grounds ring a bell?

I had to do a double take to make sure I really saw the “don’t” in this post. Jesus Christ.

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Yes but Proving Grounds acted as a gatekeeping mechanism to end game content. Follower Dungeons being limited/bad xp/hr isn’t even remotely similar because you can just quest to max level, or queue with regular people.

I don’t understand the issue. It’s an MMO, it should encourage you through reward structures to play with other people from time to time.

One trip through each of the current dungeons should definitely get you from 60-70 with a full set of gear by the end!


Swear I said that in my post…? But, as people have been fangirling all along this thread, if it’s truly a way of “learning how to do your class/role”, then they already had Proving Grounds sitting around…take the gatekeeping away and voila!

I don’t buy that they made the follower dungeons to do the same thing…I think that they were going to be a solo regular dungeon experience that people could opt to do instead of using the RDF.

Island expeditions looked cool…until they gutted them.
Warfronts looked cool…until they gutted them.
Scenarios were actually cool…until they nerfed, gutted, nerfed…you get the idea.

Still predict that there will be an initial try-out period and then a wind down to crickets and bots once people get a handle on there being no real benefits to using it.

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I think a lot of people are overlooking the fact that follower dungeons aren’t simply solo content, they’re “1-4 player” content, much like the new endgame pillar coming in TWW.

We have every reason to expect this to be “real content,” as a feature announced immediately following the unveil of delves.


Honestly if it allows me to progress the dungeon at a pace to enjoy all the little things, get quests done and over with and read lore texts I consider it a win.

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Its moot since you use my OG name :laughing:. They limited per day dungeons wich sucks its also only in normal not heroic or mythic so this entire feture it useless and will collect dust. All that hype for a puff of smoke.

Because wow isn’t and shouldn’t be a single
player game. And this will only be the beginning.

I think part of the problem is for long the longest time It wasn’t as casual and alt friendly as it is now. if they make a change for that group then the raiders or PVE people have issues and vice versa. MY pipe is we all work togather

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Yes, that’s fair.

But … if these dungeons give no rewards, not even useful XP, how many times will you do them?

You’ll do whatever in one or two visits of each dungeon, and never visit them again.

These followers will be a waste if they are abandoned after the first few weeks.

I really hope so!

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i agree with that. but we need to get rid of the go go go mentality and use the leveling dungeons for what they used to when i first started. help people learn. When i learned to heal originally that what most of the groups i was in did. we laughed and joked and had fun