Too many raid leaders favoring their friends even if they’re dragging everyone down. Not gonna carry dead weight.
There’s no difficulty for me in the RNG of whether or not a raid member makes a mistake. It doesnt change anything at all for me other than wasting time for them to git gud.
I don’t like guilds.
What interests you about raiding? Why do you want to raid? And, of course, why don’t you currently raid despite your interest in raiding?
- I enjoy the challenge and all the lore raiding gives you. I also like the social interaction.
- I don’t raid much more than the occasional LFR now because being a full time single father of a 4 year old + job stuff + gym = Hey guys! I’m ready to go let’s do this! It’s only 9pm here!
Most late night raiding guilds don’t do so hot. I do miss progression raiding from Vanilla - Cata though. Now I am just a filthy casual.
Raiding was the funnest experience I’ve ever had in any game whatsoever. Honestly, being in a top guild might be some of the happiest moments of my life in a sad way. Being constantly ranked in the top 5-10 in the world in healing during most of Cata was one of the most rewarding feelings I’ve ever had.
However, that was when I was younger with no reason to be worried about things popping up. Now I’m an old dog with a job and a family and a focus to physical activity. I can’t commit to a raid schedule anymore because things pop up and exhaustion sets in.
I’d love to raid again, of course, but the commitment and the consequence to the rest of the raid because of not being able to consistently meet that commitment holds me back.
My previous experience is raids has been toxic. People spouting dps meters and getting grumpy.
It just doesn’t seem worth the social drain.
Quite simply, the “toxicity” doesn’t concern me all that much, if I were to want to raid anything above LFR I’d personally want to join a guild. I don’t like the guild environment and such? I leave. Pretty simple.
Why don’t I raid? Very easy. Because of commitments in my family life, I do not feel I can dedicate myself to a set raiding schedule, and even with normal & heroic being “flex” where if one person in a 25 man team doesn’t show up it can ruin a night’s worth of raiding, I still feel I cannot have people be there depending on me to show up on time 2-3 times a week for 3-5 or even more hours.
And the family commitment? My 3 year old son. I am NOT going to tell my wife “I don’t exist for the next 3+ hours”, I helped bring that little bugger into the world, I’m damnsure going to help ride herd on him.
Sometimes I do ask her to ride herd on him so I can nap on the weekends, but she does the same with me.
Don’t care what I’m doing in the game, HE is far more important.
And because of that, I choose not to raid. Such is life.
I suck at high level raiding mechanics so I pretty much play this game for battlegrounds.
I experienced mmo’s differently than most. Where as most of you had friends you played a long with I have done the majority of this game by myself. I hate talking on discord… Video games are a release for me. My way of relaxing and entertaining myself. When I’m at work talking all day to people it’s nice to just come home and not talk, ya know?
In reality I would like to do raiding more than just sticking my feet in for a little bit. I just need to conquer some barriers that are preventing me from doing that.
Biggest issue for me has always been time constraints, I work an earlier shift than most of the people I play with so when they are getting ready to raid I usually only have maybe an hour tops before I have to log.
When I first started playing I was in college only because the job market wasn’t all that great so I didn’t care much, so I would stay up late and not care, was younger too though.
I do pug sometimes, but I haven’t been able to find a group of people to play with regularly. WoW has been a very IRL friends game for me, and I never really networked much outside of that circle, and gradually turned into a solo player when they left.
There is also a community problem. Playing in guild pugs, and hearing the banter on discord, I realized that I just don’t click with most of the people in the game anyway. I don’t know what it is, but there is a lot of jock mentality, arrogance and calling names. It set me up for a certain expectation that each raiding guild is like that.
I found a good pug on classic currently, and they’re good people, so maybe I will start joining them regularly if they keep going. People just work together to clear a raid, no name calling or messing around.
There is also a commitment problem. I don’t quite like the idea of committing to a gaming schedule. But I feel like with the right group of people I might not mind.
Commitment issues, fear of not finding the right guild, actually not finding the right guild, feeling obligated to raid on the occasions I don’t.
In a nutshell.
I want to raid but I deal with chronic pain and sitting for a long time is a problem. I tend to have to get up a lot and not sure how a people would feel about that.
Because I like to have fun and being a part of a group that expects me to be a certain race/class/spec, have certain armour/weapony, have a certain score, have studied the raid in advance, be able to do all the mechanics off the hop, do a certain amount of damage, focus on the fights and ignore the story/setting, rushes me thru the whole thing, does not sound like fun to me.
Honestly no worthwhile guild is like that save when it comes to Mythic, then certain expectations are usually wanted to be met. But I have been in plenty of guilds with fun and kind people who raid normal/heroic. Heroic is the most I strive for these days for the most part.
What interests you about raiding? Why do you want to raid?
It’s always been interesting content for me.
Why do you want to raid?
Because I find raiding fun.
And, of course, why don’t you currently raid despite your interest in raiding?
I’ve been working 70+ hours a week for the last 6 years. I’m also on call 24/7 365. I was able to manage for a bit in Legion, but shortly after ToS came out I started having to leave raids to do work related stuff. I’m probably at my house for a total of 9-10 hours a day and that includes sleeping.
Sometimes my internet doesn’t allow it, others guilds that I am part of don’t often need a tank and DPS is boring.
My main reasons are …
People who take the game way too seriously yelling at me when a wipe happens.
All the f’ing jumping around you have to do. You have any idea how incredibly annoying it is to constantly start a cast and then have to stop it to dodge out of incoming fire, over and over and over again. Really, really, frustrating.
I don’t want to be held hostage by being online at a dedicated time for a dedicated number of hours/minutes. Also I don’t want to have other people tell me what addons I must use or be forced to use voice chat and have to try and understand what people are saying in various volumes, sound quality, and accents.
I would rather enjoy the in-game music/sounds instead of idle banter from other players. As someone who played MMO’s back in the 56k era I have no problem typing fast and reading directions through text and I think its easier sometimes because if you don’t hear what someone said your SOL but you can always re-read something.
Those are my biggest reasons although my history from raiding I found it was a lot of fun when you had content on farm but it sucked wiping over and over again to the same boss multiple times especially when it was usually the same people making the same mistakes over and over again.
Stopped raiding after Uldir.
I get to see the content in lfr and get gear upgrades upto normal raid level doing world stuff.
At that point my only upgrades comes from heroic raids and m+ which is not possible to pug without exp and not worth leading if you have limited time.
Which leaves only Guilds. considering i have limited time , I play a tank ( which is abundent among guilds) and I may at anytime just drop out from the raid due to work moreso during this pandemic. My shell life in a progression guild is limited.
I am not complaining I can’t heroic raid or do M+ . I am just content I can play the game and see some meaning progression for the limited time I invest.
I myself love raiding but since my dad stop playing back in mop (started to play when I was 12, now 25 and still playing lol) can’t seem to find a guild that I can call home and why that is because I have a speech impediment where I can’t say my R’s and they sound like W’s. everytime i work up the nerve to to try to do raiding with a guild it always ends the same way with them making fun of how i talk so i just do the raid and at the end of the night i say thanks and when everyone is off i just leave, jokes are fine and all, something i even say something about myself but when it turns into every 2 mins someone is saying something to try to be funny, it just gets old fast. anyways that’s why i don’t raid but still looking for a home to call my own
Being top 100 raider is going to have a different mindset.