I really do like raiding a lot but there’s always a slow building pressure to start Mythic raiding and I’m not interested in that level of commitment. My current guild started a requirement to do M+ farming in order to raid for the week a while back. So I stepped down from raiding for various reasons. I just want to clear Heroic though.
“Your gear is at 440, you’re just gonna get carried…” All while I’m staring at the normal difficulty of N’Zoth Raid…
People are stingy as hell that prevent me from joining.
I have stuff to do irl
I dislike voice chat
Nice groups are hard to find
I don’t like this new speed run mentality that has taken over wow
I cannot play on a fixed schedule, heck 99% of the time I can’t commit to playing WoW for more than an hour at a time (a pause button on queues would be nice btw)
That pretty much sums it up for me.
Yah, raiding has gotten a bit redicuous since cataclysm. Like did we really need lfr for example. I am one of the biggest noobs ever, but i never really truly enjoyed it, but i did raid sometimes in wrath of the lich king. Even noobs like myself thought that lfr was a bit much for the game.
Raiding has changed a ton over the years, and with the systems you mentioned, whether its raiding or 5 mans with mythic plus, yah the community isn’t very friendly. Heck, your sometimes not allowed to go in specific specs for classes because of how elitist the community is. Like, ill go as whatever spec i want.
You have raiding with your friends(guild) and then you have raiding with a bunch of random people(pugs). They are very different from each other. For various reasons players may feel forced into pugging and this is where a lot or problems appear.
If you lead a raid and you have a choice between a person who has done the content and there is actual proof of it vs someone with no experience outside of maybe having read the journal or checked some youtube videos - who would you invite? Majority of players will obviously pick the first player, it’s just like in real life where you’re picking employees for a job.
The real heroes in this game are the ones who pick the second player. There is no denying that. The game should reward these players in a meaningful way to encourage that behavior. It’s the only way to get people more engaged in raiding and m+ content for those who don’t do it for whatever reason.
Premade group finder is abysmal. It’s lazy and cheap in design. They could have updated it in so many ways. At times I really wonder if Blizzard actually plays their own game. Just look at the state of the PvP and BfA in general…
Yeah the last time I raided really at all was in WotLK. ICC pugs were cool.
From cata onward my interest dwindled. I did dragon soul LFR, but that’s been about it aside from random dabbling.
I enjoy prog raiding with a set team.
But honestly, after having quit doing that after we finished CoS this xpack, for the first time since Dragon Soul?
I don’t think I want to raid anymore.
My initial reason for dropping the raid was because I’m very gear/power motivated in MMORPGs and other content overshadowed Raiding up to and including Heroic to such an extent that I felt like I was wasting my time.
But even if they make raiding more worthwhile again at some point, I think I’m done. I don’t want to dedicate 2 different 3 hour time blocks to progression anymore. I want to be able to do what I want when I want.
That’s probably the biggest hurdle to organized raiding, and pug raiding is just a pain in general even if it does come with the advantage of not requiring you to commit to time blocks.
This isn’t exactly pertain to me but soon I won’t be a Raider for a time.
So I am mostly a AOTC Raider, always in a organized guild. I recently had a newborn and priorities are much different for me now. I knew AOTC in ny’alotha would be my last and i got it a week before the birthdate and keystone master literally 48 hours before the birth.
My role in shadowlands is going to change for a tier or two but I plan raiding again eventually but I think I will concentrate on exclusively pushing high keys. Keys I enjoy more than raiding but sometimes the time with the guild is the best part. I will push keys with my guildies but mostly pug them. With a kid organized activities will be unlikely (I assume, this is our first) but I can pop online and join a pug for some fun keys.
But I want to return to raiding but how easy I can jump on line and do the activity like keys I like the most is very appealing.
I have always been a Raider but things changed in my life but with keys being so rewarding with gear and enjoyment I will push keys instead of raiding but the fact that there is a completely alternative pve
progression us amazing to people who can’t set aside organized time every week.
I used to run a raid guild in WotlK with my crush at the time. She had a girlfriend who also played WoW sometimes. I flew my crush out to see me, stuff happened, drama ensued. It was a bit of a mess.
Also dated another woman around early Cata in my guild, I had issues with drinking at the time and cheated on her with a good few people and was just generally a pretty terrible person.
Anyway my point is that the drama associated with guilds and raiding now keeps me on edge and I get a lot of anxiety about it now, so I just don’t do it. I enjoy the non-committment of pugging Mythic+ dungeons where I know I’ll likely never see the people ever again.
My work has incredibly inconsistent hours and I can’t commit to 2+ consistent days a week.
I am currently raiding, but there were times I did want to raid but couldn’t.
Simply put, wanting to is not enough. You need to be lucky enough to have the connections to get into a decent raiding guild, and to have the appropriate time blocks open. The former was a big problem in Vanilla and BC for me. Despite wanting to see cool epic raid content, the WoW community basically told me “gtfo you’re not cool enough to join the club”.
I’ve faced similar problems in more recent times. Wanting to raid, but not having a guild to do it with. Sometimes it takes a while to find a guild that clicks well with you. Sometimes stuff happens and your guild implodes due to drama, people quitting, or whatnot. And sometimes the guild just ends up changing to something that’s not a fit for you and you end up leaving.
Personally that’s why I appreciate having LFR in the game today, for those “in-between guild” periods.
Not interested (anymore) … i remember in Wrath, our guild would raid for fun, not scheduled , no progression… just fun. But as days went by some people got more serious about raiding. The other half went along, because in the end , all of us wanted to kill the Lich King. BUT it wasn’t fun anymore. People yelling and screaming at each other over pixels. The guild that was build on fun and existed for years, was corrupted by progression.
Right after the LK died, some members left the guild and friendships went down the drain… not online friendships… RL friendships. All over pixels…
I mean we accomplished to kill the LK but that was my last “real” raid. I can’t stand drama and i hate being grouped with toxic people. Just by reading some threads here in GD show me that there are so many people i don’t want to have anything to do with because they show exactly the same attitude than the ones who corrupted the guild.
I know there are communities and you most likely will find people that are decent and you can raid in an relaxed atmosphere… the thing is … i do not care about raiding anymore. Once in a while i will jump in a LFR if i really feel like it. The stars have to align to make that happen. I think since BFA launched i did exactly one LFR but that is what i like about LFR, i can jump in whenever i like.
So ? Shouldn’t be any of your concern what people get out of it .
When M+ just started in legion , i jumped in with some friends… .we did one run… then another one and after the third run with a higher key i asked " So? This is what we are doing? Going for higher keys which results in better gear? "
Answer " Aehm, yes! " … i said: " Well, i’m out " … never set foot into another M+ again. I don’t like it, it’s not for me, gave me 0 enjoyment, just like island expeditions.
I am pretty good in ignoring content that i don’t enjoy, but i do not mind that it exists (you know, not like other people who want everything they don’t like removed)
Things I like about raiding:
- Interesting fights.
- Fights that are challenging enough that they take a bunch of wipes to learn.
- Sometimes, an interesting story line (BoD this expansion).
Things that keep me from raiding:
- Voice takes all the magic and fun out of playing for me.
- Neither interested in nor able to make the schedule commitment a raiding guild requires.
- Basically can’t see the later bosses in pickup groups.
That leaves Raid Finder, which is fun but the challenge goes away fast.
to much time. when raiding meant I could invest 6-12 hours a week, that was fine. That gave me time to do stuff like arena, farm mogs, mounts, gold, etc.
Now, it’s not just raiding. It’s grinding AP. It’s grinding essences. It’s grinding visions. It’s grinding rep. Everything takes way to much time now. There are way to many artificial barriers.
While i am currently fortunate enough to have a bunch of friends inside a friendly raid team that doesn’t care about my shortcomings, if it wasn’t for them i wouldn’t be raiding. I think overall the raiding culture can be very unfriendly and unwelcoming.
Just look at the class forums, people go there to ask questions and are mostly met with “google it” or “sim it”, nobody seems to be the slightest bit interested in having a dialogue with someone unless they consider them to be on their level.
Because i like boss fights.
imagine following a scripted list of simple instructions for a couple of hours every week and thinking that is fun or at all difficult.
Raiding is a tedious repetitive boring necessity to get gear. PVP far more interesting and difficult.
I’d like to raid, but it’s too easy. Literally like beating Punch Out for the 5000th time.
I stopped because of the infinite grinds and the looting system that plays against teamwork. It’s a shame because the raids look so good but because of the systems, I’m not interested.
Did cutting edge once in MoP. Nowadays I have no interest in raiding because of all the extra BS that goes into it. I have zero interest in running Mythic+ or even trying to break into it. I have no interest in essence grinds or any of the other crap either. I just don’t like being forced to do content that I don’t like is what it comes down to.
Okay. This is a really bad take.
You’re giving Mythic raids far less credit than they deserve. Yes, they get repetitive, but saying they’re not difficult is extremely ignorant of what the raiding scene has been like for years.
If your criticism is that it’s “too easy” then you really should try Mythic. Because I assure you, most of the Mythic fights after Maut or Shad’har definitely aren’t “too easy.”