My guild doesn’t really raid. We get AOTC and deck out a few alts then hibernate till the next content release.
If we had more people, we probably would do real raids, but (right now) I value these friendships more than leaving for progress.
My guild doesn’t really raid. We get AOTC and deck out a few alts then hibernate till the next content release.
If we had more people, we probably would do real raids, but (right now) I value these friendships more than leaving for progress.
‘wanted to’, dont anymore…because of players.
No other reason.
they cant even run easy 5 man dungeons without making it miserable.
No way Id want to waste my time trying to get into normals again.
RL time constraints. I seldom have uninterrupted time where I can guarantee I will not be pulled afk suddenly currently. Eventually, this will change and I will be able to raid regularly. But, that simply is not now.
I want to raid cause its a big experience and chunk of the game. It would also give more of an incentive to do the other content. I don’t cause pugs aren’t fun and Ive gone through trying to find a friendly group to run with but no dice and gets tiresome going through all that searching. I also see that I don’t feel comfortable doing a schedule nor listening to others on discord as Ive just naturally gamed with music or w.e
Why would I raid?
No tier sets. LFR gives the same looking items.
Gear might not even be an upgrade. Spend potentially hours wiping on one boss.
Alternative? Do Mythic+, do Horrific visions, or just stop caring about gear beyond a certain ilvl.
Raiding is a joke.
Oh yes, these gear style in my opinion in raids on their looks just looks very horrible and most of the time that you do receive a item, its mostly not even a upgrade anymore bc most ppl do M+ runs
I accepted a new position within the company I work for. This has me working 12 hour days instead of nights, but also odd days. I can never make the required attendance since I never have the same days off each week.
The weather is getting nicer and I’d rather be riding my motorcycle.
The thought of searching for a raiding guild and making new friends is daunting to me. I lucked out years ago and found a nice cozy raid guild, unfortunately, they don’t play anymore.
At this point in my life, it feels like another job. Maybe one day I’ll jump back in, I dunno.
Objectively I get more out of my characters by getting them ready for Shadowlands via leveling than I would selectively gearing up a handful of them to go through new content like its made of wet paper.
Besides my cloth mogs are terribly limited and needs lots of work.
You disagree with people who don’t raid because they don’t want to? I don’t understand where you got that from. Do you really want people applying to your guild who don’t want to raid but are doing it despite being miserable? Or do you think they shouldn’t use the forums?
Because even at 475 ilvl, you routinely get denied spots in normal for not having AOTC and a 3k IO score.
Basically get it done by the first month of release or face a stupid uphill battle
EDIT: The way I initially phrased this came off as a little caustic, so let me explain my stance a little better:
I enjoy raiding. I don’t see how folks could get anything out of the current endgame content in this game barring raiding, or M+, or something competitive of that nature.
Someone applying to X raiding guild would obviously be interested in raiding. That’s why he or she applied in the first place. Someone who doesn’t enjoy raiding wouldn’t apply to X raiding guild in the first place, unless they’re forcing themselves to.
I personally disagree with takes like “raiding takes too much time” or “raiding is boring” because raiding isn’t as clear-cut as “I’m going to do Mythic and I’m going to get Hall of Fame every tier.” You can clear Heroic. You can do Normal. You can do far more casual Mythic progression. That’s all still “raiding.” Moreover, different groups or guilds run on different schedules. There’s always going to be someone doing Ny’alotha.
One’s personal enjoyment of this game is very subjective; I get zero enjoyment out of doing World Quests, or farming Transmog, just as someone may get zero enjoyment out of raiding or doing M+ every so often. In that sense, I disagree with folks who absolutely despise raiding; but it’s not my job to make people raid, and it isn’t my job to make people want to raid. It’s just my job to understand that folks play this game how they see fit, and that they’ll disagree with me about what the “most enjoyable” part of this game is just as I might potentially disagree with them.
EDIT 2: No, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be using the forums and that doesn’t mean I think they shouldn’t either. Not sure where you saw that there. This thread was more directed at the people who want to raid but can’t raid than the people who outright don’t want to raid.
For several reasons.
1: I’m a role-player at heart, so I prioritize role-playing when choosing my guilds. I’ll happily raid if I join a RP guild that raids however I dont make finding one a priority. Thus I haven’t raided with a guild since Antorus.
2: After the first few weeks, raiding with pugs is miserable. I really enjoy raiding with pugs the first week or two a raid is out because most people are patient and allow people to learn the raid, after that it’s hard to find a pug that isn’t toxic.
3: After I complete normal mode, I dont have a real motivation to try to clear heroic unless my guild is trying it. I’ve already seen the story, I already have done the boss fights, I dont really feel a need to do it again and again every week. For this reason I dont really do mythic+ pugs as well. Unless I’m doing them with people I enjoy playing with they’re a slog to me.
4: This one is Minor and probably wouldn’t make me want to raid if the other way around, but I generally prefer most Normal mode and LFR armor sets. I’ve always liked my transmogs on the simpler side and that’s exactly what the LFR and normal mode sets deliver. Mythic especially is usually just way too flashy for me.
I would probably be raiding if I was any good at it. But I’m not, and I have no interest in spending much more time than other people who are fast learners at it. There’s far more in the game than I have time to do. I do what I can.
Time schedule OP. I usually don’t sit at my computer late at night to raid. I’m sure there are others out there who prefer to enjoy their evenings with their family in the living room, playing console games or watching stuff .
I do and I don’t, part of why I got out of raiding for the most part was progression. Would get into a guild and raid and we would get normal on farm but wouldn’t push past it.
Always do normal mode even though the main group is pretty much geared as they can be and then stalling. So then it leads to the trend of me leaving the game because I become bored.
There are no tier sets so there is no poijnt, the only reason I ever raided was for the transmogs since all the gear from this current raid tier is going to get green-replaced in a few months.
The fact that all mail gear looks the same all leather looks the same ect… ruined my desire to do any serious content. Not to mention that samey gear is hideous this expansion, all bones and gaudy gold.
I just don’t know that I’ll feel like playing on any given evening. Sometimes I won’t play all week.
So the regular scheduling bit doesn’t work so well for me.
I don’t have a guild for it and I don’t want to do M+ every week to be able to raid
What interests you about raiding?
Seeing the end of an expansion in person and not on Youtube.
Why do you want to raid?
Same answer as above but for non-end expansion raids…gear. Gear gear gear other than running dailies
And, of course, why don’t you currently raid despite your interest in raiding? Feel free to share here!
No cure for MS and my g/f could require my attention at a moments notice and raids/raiding guilds don’t like it when I have to AFK for 5 minutes, let alone 2+ hours to help her. Learned this long ago and haven’t bothered trying to pick it up again as over time, her condition is getting worse.
Also, I’m not really a fan of the breakdance-lasertag-disco style of bossfights that has become more common in recent years.