Folding Idea's "Why It's Rude to Suck at Warcraft" Video

I haven’t watched it yet because it’s so long and I think I need to find time where I’ll be in the right mood to enjoy it but I liked his previous WoW vid

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I watched it in 3 parts. It’s definitely a long-sit for a one-view video.

Um, no?

He still hasn’t answered my question to him (to my satisfaction) so I don’t feel like there is an actual dialogue here.

He dislikes the video. He feels that it says nothing. I asked for specifics and he pushes the same statement just with more words.

I don’t feel tackling his question in earnest is worth my effort since answering mine is seemingly not worth his.

So, no.

You’re typing all of this instead of just quoting a point made by the video.

You are a Grade A CLOWN :clown_face:


Sure. The reason it exists is because it is useful building block or tool towards conveying something of meaning. Not an end unto itself.

It was not here.

If it was intended as a chronological narrative or evolution of the game, it failed utterly considering the frequent time jumps and corresponding lack of interest in defining when chronologically different events happened, failing to establish any sense of era or design paradigms, and so forth. It failed to be properly informative because it presented factoids devoid of any context to understand their meaning and lacked any “narrative cohesion”.

I think you could have interesting topic for a video essay, tracing the game from launch to present day to study changes in player behavior… but the video as it stands didn’t do that. It wasn’t interested in doing that. It wasn’t really interested in doing anything coherent.

Do you think this is a fact, or your opinion?

Yes, for the reasons I just explained.

You’re a paladin - your opinion has no value to me; at all.

And the troll reveals himself lmfaoooo

That was easy


How am I trolling in this thread? Your only purpose here now is to forum PvP.


You have 3 posts in this thread - none are about the topic. You’re just helping make this the Sentenzà show. What do you think of the topic?

I haven’t watched the video. I’m at work.

Granted, I’m on break but still. Gotta go back in

Maybe you’ll quote a point?

Anytime that dude sees or even hears about a wow video he instantly chugs a fifth of haterade and types furiously.

To the OP, I watched it and enjoyed it.

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Long video and the title was interesting. At the end I think he mentions, he did not want to treat people the way he did during shadowlands. The title reflects the attitude he had towards raiders that didn’t max a vault or do everything they could have for the week. Video is 80 minutes of framing a culture that was ultimately responsible for the way we treat people and it is well done.

It feels like I am being conned. My best guess would be this guy was probably more of a jerk than he has disclosed and feels bad about it now.

So you thought “let me post in a thread about a video I haven’t watched?” There’s a reason the forums are a cesspool. And it’s because the people who use it treat it like a toilet.

Before I answer I’d just like to ask what the point of The Guns of August is/was?

Here’s what i found interesting. There’s 3 or 4 points that connect to highlight a real problem.

  1. The problem of Blizz wanting WoW to be an eSport, but that most eSport games have a hard anti-mod policy.
  2. MMOs historically have welcomed addons, and the dissemination (this means “the distribution of” for our anti-jargon friends) of information on the internet
  3. The concept that, in practice, the Devs can’t force you to do something, and that a lot of WoW’s evolution is by player design
  4. There is an easier time for casuals in Retail than Classic due to these elements coming together.

In his previous video, I thought the argument that “Nothing to do” is more self-directed play than having 40 options because they game was on-rails was salient.

In this video I think he expands on that to say that even in self-directed play you’re not getting the choices you want because there’s a set of social norms that crop up to tell you how to do things.

The trinket portion was telling. That you don’t get to choose what you want, because the simmed gear system, combined with group content, combined with guild norms and a go-go-go culture dictates what you take, not you.

I can see how Santander thinks there’s no point because the ending isn’t tied up with a nice bow. But sit back and see how the different sections combine. The goal of that video isn’t to tell you what to think, it’s to present ideas. From there a 1000 flowers bloom.

I think the evidence presented is an invitation to Blizzard to think about this a lot more. It was telling that Ion’s position was “ok, you guys win” and Sepulcher was clearly not anyone’s idea of good design. We’re coming to an inflection point.

I enjoyed the video but it didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. The game has changed and it’s not going back to the way it was before. It sucks that some people try to make low level content into an eSport when it is completely unnecessary. The solution is to find a group of like-minded people to play with.

Yes, but I think there are larger problems the video spoke of. We’ll see what happens with DF raids. I wonder if raiding will take on a different posture as M+ becomes the sport, and raiding becomes more fun (which I’m assuming is the path since Ion “gave up”)

Isn’t it interesting that people’s biggest complaint with the video is that he wasn’t reactionary enough and didn’t paint a narrative of “good guys” vs “bad guys”?


Sure, the video did a good job presenting those problems too. I guess I’m oversimplifying things a bit, but at an individual level I don’t the the average player can do much about it. This is the culture WoW has formed over the course of many years. It’ll take a massive shift to change and I’m not sure the appetite for it is there but maybe?

Well he didn’t say this, but I think the video highlights this problem. Torghast being required for raiders doomed it because on paper, Torghast is for people who loved BRD, but modern M+/Raiders don’t like BRD. They like go-go-go.

In essence, Blizzard let a feature designed for casuals to be dictated by the group it wasn’t for.

I thought it was pretty good tbh.