Flying: Why must we wait until 8.2?

They introduced flying. They made us Aware of the skies.

Even when you can’t fly, they offer up quests that require movement both Horizontal and Vertical. They constantly remind us of what the world is like when you can move both Vertically AND Horizontally.

We have Floating Cities.
We have Flight Masters.
We have Quests that require we Fly in some fashion.

And then we’re forced onto the ground again. That is what breaks immersion. It’s also a simple human desire to want to fly, to explore the open skies.

There is also the fact other games have flying and they haven’t destroyed immersion. In fact, some of them RELY on flying to tell the Story.

Look at Final Fantasy games, almost all of them after a point give you access to your own airship so you can Fly. It’s an integral part of the games. It’s quite simply fun and it doesn’t break the immersion.

Because it is a natural part of the world.

When you see NPCs flying and you can’t, THAT destroys immersion.

When you have quests that allow you to fly, but then you’re grounded afterwards, that destroys immersion.

When you have flight masters that can magically have flying mounts, but you can’t fly, that destroys immersion.

Flying does not destroy immersion, it is the Poorly Handled Restrictions on Flying that destroys immersion.


Because a minority of people reeeeeed and use member berries to somehow convince Blizz to withhold flying and gate it behind boring quest and rep. The result is people resenting the world you ironically want them to explore more


Lets re-introduce flying with a few caveats.

  1. You can only fly 20m above the highest pixel in the immediate area. ( ie: trees/mountains ).

  2. You can only fly at epic ground mount speed.

  3. Entering combat dismounts you ( with a parachute ) from your mount.

BOOM, you get your flying back AND we keep immersion and avoid people skipping out on mobs, players and everything at ground level!

No. Just No,

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It is creating serious issues in price inflation on the AH. Outside of clear issues with expulsom being required and hard to get farming mats in Vol’Dun is an absolute pain.

Just bring flying back for Vol’Dun atleast.

I have a better idea:

Flight at max level for gold, baked in at launch, so the moment players qualify they can fly, no limits.


You mean the single boss that could be afk’d for as it was such a simple fight? You’ve fought harder WQ bosses my friend :slight_smile:

BFA Pathfinder part 1 is more than enough to qualify for flying. That there’s going to be a second part is absurd.

I think it’d be plenty fair if part 1 was the only part, and part 2 was just “talk to NPC, now you can fly” at some arbitrary point. But the fact is, they’re gonna make us grind more, I can already feel it.


I have an even better idea, shut up about flight for gold at max level. Try working with Blizzard by suggesting changes to the current system like I, and others, have stated.

Blizzard has made a mistake in making pathfinder take so long (the time gate being the main issue there) but they increase the size of that mistake by more or less saying “screw the player base, they have to do it the way we want them to, no changes”. However, you “flight for gold” dingbats come across as “screw others, this is how I want it and anyone that wants different is an idiot”.

If you wanted to argue for the OPTION of flight for gold at max level for 1 character, that would be fine. There are those of us that LIKE the idea of pathfinder, if not the execution. As such, unless you at least give a nod to pathfinder as an option, or say for those who lack gold/have a lot of alts, you are more or less saying “people have to play the way I want” which is the exact same thing you are accusing Blizzard of doing.

There are 2 sides to every game community: the company and the players, often the company wants things one way and the players another way yet going full tilt to either side easily RUINS the game, a good showing of this is one of the game theorists vids on the latest Super Smash Brothers on Youtube. Now that might be just for that game, yet it can easily apply to any game out there.

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Actually, I like my idea much better. You’re free to disagree.


We don’t have floating cites or quests that require flying in the current expansion of this game.

In the current meta flying does not add anything to the game. Nothing you do in this game that has any relevance relies on flying. All BfA content can be completed without flying.

Every game has an NPC that can do something you can’t. If I’m a Warlock and I’m fighting Gul’dan my immersion isn’t destroyed because he has spells I’ll never have access to. When I’m on my Goblin it doesn’t ruin my immersion that I see another Goblin piloting a shredder into battle and I can only ever use mine as a mount.

Whether or not it destroys immersion is not what is important. The important question is whether or not it can be used, and is used, to trivialize the game. That answer is yes, and because be used to trivialize the game, it absolutely will be used. The majority of players will seek out the fastest, most effortless way of doing things and they will call that ‘fun’. Flying is nothing more than a flyhack cheat code that you get to eventually unlock, the same as infinite ammo and health cheat codes in other games that allow it. The very same as invincibility cheat codes in games like Destruction Derby. And while that’s all it is and players with satisfied with something so shallow and basic, that’s all it’ll ever be.

And it’ll be never anything more because it would require some kind of constraint, something you’d have to earn, or something you’d have to be good at to fly effectively, so no matter what could be done with flying, nothing will be done, because we know exactly how big a tantrum the players would throw.

Players play don’t play this game to enjoy content. They play this game to streamline it.

You guys don’t want flying because it’s fun. You want flying because it makes the game easy for you. I’d just like people to start admitting that.

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The amount of false equivalence in this drivel is too much.


Flying does not destroy immersion

Verdre, every time I look at my screen ingame, and then look outside, immersion goes out the window.


Thank you for removing all doubt that you are nothing but a selfish idiot that wants things their way or no way.

I at least have no issues with flight for gold being an option in addition to pathfinder. Let people choose which way they want to get flight, with positives and negative for each:
Flight for gold:
+available at max level from the get go
+does not penalize those who leveled in instances or through non-questing content
+enables those who find immersion more while flying to play the game their way
-only for the character you buy it on
-with the ease of gold being made/stockpiled gold the cost might have to be up there to serve as an effective gold dump
-only at max, so those who do alts still have to level up with no speed/efficiency increases
+one and done for all toons on an account
+flight available at expansion entry level once done, so alts can fly and cut down on time needed
+not tied to gold, so even those with little to no gold stockpiled, or don’t want to spend gold they don’t have to, can still get flight
-list of chores that some don’t like because that is not how they want to play the game
-not everyone has the time to do it within a reasonable amount of time, so they can get left behind by others easily

I’d actually love it if Blizzard started making content that required flight again. We had TK instances, Ogrila, shatari skygard and netherwing in BC, Naxx and Ulduar and wrath, BWD, BoT, Firelands in Cata, MSV, Tillers and cloud serpent in MoP. All WoD had that “required flight” was accessing some areas in Tannan for chances at mounts, toys, etc and same with Legion (floating pieces of rock where rares could spawn on the Broken Shore).

I can’t help but feel if Blizzard made content that took flight to access, and major content at that (daily/WQ area, dungeons, raids, etc.) then most of these flight arguments would die down aside from how people want to get it, and having options would shoot those fights down.

All in all, my solution to the fight for flight comes down to:

  1. let players choose to buy it for gold or complete an achievement for it
  2. develop content that requires flight to experience, and give us threats in the air
  3. repeat 1 and 2 for each patch if you don’t want people flying in new content from the get-go, for the buying for gold maybe just require content intro quests to be done before it can be bought (just talking like the assault on the broken shore with the class orders here)

And thank you for making it clear that you aren’t capable of civilized discourse.

God, I miss the “ignore” feature. I’ll have to settle for turning off notifications from you.

P.S. Learn to spell.


Because blizzard wants to make it take longer for players to do things. It boosts their metrics.


They know people will wait to level alts until flying, which is precisely at the time that everyone starts to lose interest and drift away.


I am 370IL i know not great but not bad BUT i can pull 10-15 mobs and blow them up so what is so engaging about being stuck on the ground… i dont look at the same crap iv passed 100 times all i do is look for the fastest easiest path with the least amount of mobs and weird ground that i get hung up on as i can and go from point A to point B and if i can i use my flight whistle to skip as much as i can… so all it blizzard is doing at this point is pointing their middle finger and saying help us get that MAU boi…


I wont ever admit to that because it’s not true for me. It never will be. Why can’t you just deal with that and move on already? I don’t get why you lack the simple ability in understanding what an opinion is, and allow people their basic rights to have them. It’s gross that after all this time, and after sooo many people have spoken up against you when you have tried to speak and defind things for them, you STILL keep trying to speak and define things for them.


Nope, I agree with him 100%. The majority of these no fly posts talk about what the ‘community’ wants, when really there’s a vocal minority that constantly posts the same complaints weekly.

I don’t want flying back. I don’t need flying back. And I hope after this expansion, we lose it permanently. It was cool feature when it was introduced, now it’s just used to skip/rush through content. There’s no flying specific content and there really hasn’t been for a long time, so there’s no reason to have flying.