Flying: Why must we wait until 8.2?

I said the guy was constructing a straw man for imposing limitations on the baseline type of movement, which is just walking and running.

And you’ve got no idea what I’d want to change for ground mounds. I’d be happy if they had a few more constraints too. Besides, even if ground mounts are purely convenience simply because they don’t do anything but increase your movement speed, they’re still constrained to the ground which means it’s a limited convenience, not the way flying is.

LOL. Dream on. It would feel more arbitrary than ever. Flight-hating devs laying awake salivating over players being shot down fron the sky, and “players” like you as well.


I never bother leveling alts until we can fly, and I’m pretty bored on my main at the moment, so … :confused:

Like, all I do is log in, do old raids for mount chances, do my dailies if it’s a rep I’m not exalted with, and log out.

I may just unsub until flying is added, because it’s honestly a waste of $15/month for “just” that.


The herb market will crash when flying is enabled. That’s why.

It didnt in any other expac


Subjective. Immersion is subjective. Please stop using that as if its cut in stone and breaks immersion for everyone.


I call BS on that. I never got a survey asking if I wanted Flying removed. Blizzard made the decision without player input. They then realized that the players HATED the idea of no flying and backpedaled, FAST. So they created a fake compromise where they lose essentially nothing.


Yet people like YOU say that you speak for others in trying to say the decision was CORRECT and RIGHT. Gee, you’re just as guilty as the ones you’re pointing fingers at.


Flying damages immersion.

I can think of something that damages immersion far far more.


Except the vast majority of players did vote and respond in favor of no flying at all.

Total, complete and absolute twaddle.

This never happened. Full stop.

Blizzard has never, NEVER, in the entire eight years of my gameplay EVER asked the playerbase for a vote on ANYTHING.

They have specifically stated, in fact, that they do not and will never "design by committee."

Your statement is total fiction.


What a steaming pile of :poop:

This is pure fiction and never happened.

Are you a Blizzard employee charged with establishing a revisionist history?

In May 2015 Blizzard attempted to withhold flight from WoD and remove flight from future expansions. Within 19 days Blizzard was forced to reverse itself due to a massive player exodus.

Not only did players not vote for “no flight” but they threatened by massive sub cancellation, the continuing existence of the game when Blizzard tried to remove flight.

Blizzard announces no flight ever again.

Blizzard changes mind - will return flight; Dev Water Cooler announcement on Blizzard website reveals Pathfinder Achievement without details or release date.

During that 19 day interval, servers emptied, guilds folded, long-time veteran players left the game in droves. For the first time, Blizzard employees solicited, online, cancellation reasons from departing players. These forums were flooded with over 150,000 posts, hundreds of threads in protest.

That’s 19 days where nothing else happened.

Get your facts straight and stop making up fairy tales.


So does that mean if I can only play for an hour a day, or even an hour that week, that other players should be forced to log off?

Or should there be a cap to how much someone can gather per session/week?

After all, someone that can play longer than I can is much more efficient at farming/gathering than I am.

You aren’t going to win your argument by talking about efficiency. Material farming is not an equal playing field, nor will it ever be.


Why are you replying to a two month old message? Seriously people…there is 0% change that flying will be released earlier.

Are you fighting for 9.1 flying at this point?

I replied for the same reason you just replied to me. I saw something I wanted to respond to.

I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to respond to older posts in an active thread.

Is there some sort of deadline? For example if a post is three days old? Is it acceptable to respond? How about a month? When is the cutoff? Does it matter if a thread is active or not? For example if a post happened 3 days ago but the thread hasn’t been active for 2 days…is it still okay to respond?

Who gets to decide?


The thread is still alive. And the comments made are still valid.

Immersion is subjective. It’s not fact. Anti-flyers keep slamming that line like its fact.

You made a comment that removing flying was a good thing as Fact, and not Your personal Opinion. You slammed the other side for spreading their Opinions as Fact. The same exact thing you’re doing.

So yeah, these are still valid things.

It is not a “fact” that Flying is Good or Bad. It is Personal Opinion.


People say things are subjective when they’re really not.

You can say comedy is subjective, but you’d be wrong. What makes you laugh is subjective, and just because you laugh at a fart doesn’t mean it was a clever or masterful use of comedy. Listen to comedians when they’re talking about their craft and you’ll figure out pretty quickly there’s a methodology at work.

The same applies to filmmakers and any kind of storytelling, really. There’s a methodology to creating an immersive experience.

If it were truly subjective then there’d be no such thing as bad movies, bad stories, or bad games.

There may be methods to telling good comedy, but there is a lot of stuff people find funny that I simply roll my eyes at. Because the views on what is funny depends heavily on culture and upbringing.

There are people who think its funny to mock and insult your opponent after you defeat him. There are people who consider that rude and insulting.

The point is, Immersion IS subjective. Because your personal experiences can force you out of the story. There is no way to know what will force any given person out of the story and break immersion. Well, except to get their opinion once they’ve experienced it anyway.


I disagree. If you have a movie with a bad actor that really fails to keep 90% people engrossed in the scene, but 10% have such a low bar for their suspension of disbelief that they find themselves immersed in the film despite it, that doesn’t confer the bad actor with the quality of being successfully immersive, or serving the film as an effective story.

Same applies to game mechanics. Most people acknowledge it’s a form of convenience.

The issue with “methods” to anything is that they rely on what is considered “the norm” or “acceptable”. But this breaks when you consider that what is “the norm” for one culture is highly offensive to another culture.

An example. I worked at a place with a bunch of Mexicans. Cool guys. They were all laughing and I asked what they were laughing about. One of them said it was a good joke. He paused and translated it, and I was “huh?”

The guy sighed and said “I guess its not funny when you translate it into English.”

Even though they laughed at the joke in Spanish, they agreed that it lost its humor when translated. It was funny Because of the language.

EDIT: clarified a few words.


This is turning out so well for them though, isn’t it? I bet Activision would love to have kept those millions of subs who left because of the flying debacle and others who continue to leave and never come back because it takes so long to be re-added to the game.

I don’t really even care that much about flying. It’s more of a sign of how awful the attitudes are of the people managing this product. And the stock price reflects this.


Sure, things get lost in translation.

Cultural context doesn’t mean there aren’t proven effective measures for an immersive experience. If we limit our discussion to filmmaking, you need a lot of things to go right, but for the sake of brevity I think we can agree that you need convincing actors, dialogue that feels natural, and intelligently composed music.

When a film is made by someone who is incompetent and doesn’t employ those things, you can objectively say the film is a bad film.