Flying: Why must we wait until 8.2?

Flying IS my immersion! And what was said is that the dev team was divided regarding flying and Ion doesn’t want flying in WoW. Please be accurate.

What so many forget is that enough people in Vanilla asked for flying that the old devs put it into the first expansion - and every expansion afterward because it was so successful - until Ion tried to remove it permanently from the game.


All this time gated content is probably going to be the end for me. The reputation requirements for allied races almost made me quit : / I get about 10 hours a week for wow, and don’t want to have to spend all that time unlocking something that should be baseline with a purchase.

There is absolutely no reason to not make flying accessible at max level. Maybe, just maybe require you to do a pathfinder type achievement. The only reason I see them delaying flying is because the world is not completely finished? Time gating doesn’t make sense the more I think about it. I personally would play more If I could fly right now.


The herb market will crash when flying is enabled. That’s why.

Bull! I have noticed that you do not want ground travel to be “challenging or rewarding.” You can lie to yourself all you want, but making flight inconvenient is really what your suggestions are all about, and you aren’t fooling me.

I will add that how we move is not something that “needs” to be challenging or rewarding. The following post really says it all:


Yes I do.

I want the entire Riding Profession to be reformed.

Right… and yet when someone suggested that the same changes be made to ground mounts that you (and your ilk) have suggested for flying mounts, you said:

So again, I call, “Bull!” You don’t want your ground mounts to be “inconvenient” but you would love it if we had to “flap the wings” on our flying mounts.


The only thing that you have right about all of the things you are saying is that ground mounts are impractical. They have been since Vanilla. This is why game has had all those other ways to travel so people don’t need to use their ground mounts…

  • summoning stones
  • fight paths
  • portals

What made all forms of world travel impractical was LFR and LFG instant queues.

Flying mounts didn’t make ground mounts impractical… they have always been impractical. That’s why there are all those other options, to keep people moving at a faster pace!


OOh dense trash packs and terrain hazards. Challenging. Rewarding. Yup, yup.


I love getting to my quest objective and using my class and spells to complete the quest objective aka… Playing the game. But man… me not enjoying or wanting to deal with the 35 mobs of spiders gangs I have to walk past that I will aggro cause im stuck on the ground, means I don’t want to play the game at all. I clearly am just lazy cause I want to fly and skip that. Sure ok. :roll_eyes:

It’s such a weak argument. People are straight up lying if they want to tell people trash mobs is important content. It’s not. It’s skipable because it is pointless. We all know, in any game we play, if we have to repeat levels or areas over and over, we start to skip the pointless in between enemies that serve no purpose to our objective. I do it in Zelda, I’ll do it Mario games, I’ll do it in every RPG I play. No one kills all the trash between them and their objective 100% of the time, every time. It’s just silly to me that people are trying to act like skipping pointless trash mobs is a crime against the gaming company who made the game cause you aren’t playing the game then. Total bull.


I would have “liked” your post but I’m out for the day.

The dev team is clueless, often confusing tedium and frustration with “challenge”


I’m glad I am a stealth class, cause man… the amount of times that comes in handy when I am sick and tired of dealing with unless waves of trash, is amazing. I don’t think I can play through recent content and not have stealth for those moments.

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GASP! You mean you use stealth to GULP skip “content”? SHOCKING! Surprised Blizzard hasn’t nerfed it yet.


They have sadly. I miss my MoP Hunter stealth and running speed. I’m so slow now it’s actually painful watching my toon try to run around in raids.


Yes, I loved being able to CS from 30 feet away.


I went to Argus today. If I had flight in Argus then maybe I could’ve actually enjoyed it. Instead I have a rant below that illustrates the point I quoted at the top of this post. Feel free to skip the rant or read it, but I need to vent.

Argus was a mix of tedious, annoying, and frustrating. Way too much trash, esp. in some areas in I think it was Antoran Wastes with lots of little annoying mobs that loved to attack and daze me. I wish shadowmeld had a much shorter cd in these terrible no flight areas.

The terrain mazes in Argus can be frustrating too - some I can use heroic leap but there were far too many where it gives the “no path available” error to leap over a narrow ravine that is just too wide to jump across.

Oh joy just to finish the Argus campain to enable use of the flight whistle to reduce even a bit of tedium I gotta do these invasions that no one does anymore that are impossible to solo at 110. If I had flight then I might’ve actually not minded Argus. Without flight I was like forget this I’ll go back when I can overpower everything so that I can achieve my goals more efficiently and move on to content that’s more likely to actually be fun.

/rant off.


[quote=“Pizzadahutt-lightbringer, post:1195, topic:15332, full:true”]

I totally feel you.


I went back into Legion cause I at least wanted to try and get my class mount. I just unlocked Argus about 2 weeks ago, but haven’t really had time since to play the game with work and the holidays. I fear. I hear nothing good about that place. If it’s anything like the spider area on the Broken Shore,… I probably wont do a single thing in Argus unless my class mount quest makes me… (I don’t think it does?)

I actually just did the spider area world quest in broken shore (armies of legionfall emissary is up) so I know exactly the area you are talking about and yeah without flight I would’ve hated that area too.

I had my class mount before I even set foot in Argus. You don’t have to worry about that. Not everything in Argus is like the spider area in broken shore, but there was at least one area in Antoran Wastes that was.


I hope they delay it longer tbh. Tears of entitlement.

nom nom nom


Well Buddy thats just tough im sick of these post telling me how i should enjoy the game…