When? When you said that you are “pretty comfortable with the rules and constraints in place as they are.” Or when you said that you want flying to be changed because it “offers no engagement?”
Because those two positions contradict each other. Either you are “comfortable with the rules and constraints in place as they are” (for “the game as a whole”) or you want the rules and constraints to be changed with regards to flying.
…and you are definitely saying that you want the “rules and constraints” for flying to be changed here:
Which is actually kind of funny considering that earlier in that same post, you said:
You don’t want your mount choice to be an inconvenience, but you want flying mounts to be changed in a way that I (and many others) would find to be an inconvenience.
Ah, I see clearly now.
Just as you have confused posting about displeasure of no flying with ‘whining’
You have also confused refusal to continue to pay for and play this game with ‘unplayable’
Just because many, MANY people over hundreds of posts in dozens of threads refuse to pay for this game, does not mean it is unplayable. No one said unplayable except for you (and me in response), you can even search this thread for ‘unplayable’ to see.
This game is quite playable; however, many many people including me refuse to pay for access to chores. Especially chores which we are forced to do at blizzards pace. If this was a free to play game, I could get behind it. Alas, it is not. and I don’t wish it to be. But BFA feels like it should be.
You can say that all you want, but that doesn’t mean it’s true. Ground mounts are YOUR preference and that’s fine. There’s nothing impractical about them if that is your preference. If you think everyone should prefer being on the ground like you do, that’s a bit selfish. How would you like it if I argued that we should only have flying mounts because that’s my preference? I’m not saying that.
Its a pretty good scam. They want us to do things at a slower pace therefore devoting more time to the game and wasting nauseating hours for trivial stuff.
Why would anyone use a ground mount in any area that allowed a flying mount unless that specific ground mount could do something the flying mount can’t?
Case in point: Traveler’s Mammoth and Grand Expedition Yak mounts, which only come out when people want to use the NPCs on them.
I often break out my paladin’s charger and use it instead of a flying mount for that character. One, because it looks so darn good on the move and two, because I earned that darn thing the hard way in Scholomance.
I have read through quite a few post and mostly i see the Anti-Flyers saying it will ruin “their” immersion and “their” Wpvp well imho i believe both are wrong since they advocate so strong against flying they will stay grounded… Now please let players such as myself that is sick of getting hung up on every little tree stump and divit or getting dazed by mobs across the map… FLY
Ground mounts are not impractical because of flying mounts.
I love my mammoth. I often quest with the fam and we take turns being the taxi driver.
I also love that I don’t have to hearthstone or find a town to sell and repair as I am questing.
I hear they are used in Battlegrounds (although I’ve not been in any recently… not my thing. )
They help users get the achievements that you get for obtaining X mounts.
I have a few really cool dungeon mounts that are ground mounts and I like to show em off once in a while.
I think players who are leveling should not be able to use flying mounts in the new leveling areas until they reach max. This is how it was before, so ground mounts not impractical in that scenario.
But now that I’m level 120, I don’t want to have to spend all my time on my ground mount.
If I need to quick get up to do something while I’m in the middle of a lot of mobs, I can hop on my flying mount and go afk. This means I don’t come back to a corpse walk because someone showed up at my door or I have to answer a phone call.
I want to use the flying mounts that I purchased in the in-game store. My bat should be in their air! Bats are meant to fly!
I completed the achievements back in the day to get the mount with the 310 speed. That took forever! Taking that away from me was kind of a deal breaker and I left the game for a few years. I only came back because I heard I could unlock flying doing some achievements.
So let’s sum up what you’re saying
If flying is available, I feel pressured into using this kind of mount instead of my ground mount. Therefore, I don’t want flying to be available for anyone.
Here’s what I’m saying
I want to have the choice to fly again on my max level characters because I worked hard to get that choice, I spent my real cash money to get some of the flying mounts in the Blizzard store, like my bat, which should fly! I’d like to use it everywhere.
haha, right. I earned that one and the Warlock one doing the dungeon quests and they weren’t easy mode back then! I was thinking of that the other day when I used my Warlock mount. It still looks pretty cool!
Choosing a ground mount when flying is available in that zone is impractical.
Flying is a convenience that doesn’t offer any engaging character decision making, progression, or thought. It isn’t fun and could be greatly improved so that it can be a more meaningful gameplay choice.
Flying was never broken in BC, WotLK, Cataclysm, or MoP.
There is no need to fix it, and there was no good reason to take it away. All it has done is piss off a whole lot of people and lose more customers.
Taking away what so many consider fun is just bad business. The devs “our way or the highway” attitude is coming back to bite them in their behinds.
If they want WoW to succeed they better wise up and focus a littler harder on what’s fun, finish content before they release it, and stop taking players for granted. WoW isn’t the invincible MMO they think it is and if they don’t wise up they’ll continue to hemorrhage subs.
After 10+ years of playing…I think I’ve come to the point where this is the last expansion that I’ll be buying on release day. If I decide to purchase the next one ( not a given these days ), I can see myself waiting till a month before flying to powerlvl through pathfinder.
It’s attitudes like this that make me think it’s no wonder the developers don’t like flying.
The game is no different with flying. Literally nothing changes. You have the same quests, the same zones, the same everything. If the game is so unbearable to you that you can’t stomach it without flying, maybe flying isn’t the actual issue.