Flying: Why must we wait until 8.2?

Well actually…
you seem to associate posting about ones displeasure with the lack of flight as whining, and then you posted about the post.
So you are sort of whining about whining, by your own definition.
And you are really helpful

Exactly how I feel. There are plenty of no-fly games out there that have better story and game play then WoW. So I play those since I can’t fly in WoW anymore without jumping through hoops. WoW world content at cap is fun because of flying. I can just stop and do so many things between quests diving down from the sky or just enjoying the view.

In the end they will have no problem to remove flying because most pro flyers will have quit the game. With Pathfinder these players trickle away, without flying there might have been another big Exodus.


The “current Devs” say flying was a mistake. The “Devs” that initially enabled flying at Max lvl with a gold sink, back in Burning Crusade. Did not say that.

Now look at how far wow has fallen since then… seams to me like the current “Devs” are wrong about their feelings on flying.


ROFL. This is 100% not true… Blizzard never did a “vote” to see who wanted/ did not want flying… Ion just decided “He” didn’t want flying and then forced it upon the rest of us… ol OverLord Ion is never wrong…


That’s putting it MILDLY. People have been throwing temper tantrums for MONTHS. “Displeasure” is when the restaurant uses the wrong salad dressing.

Pointing out that someone is whining is an observation. Crying about how the game is UNPLAYABLE without your extra Y axis is whining.

Still a “you” problem, by the way.

what a whiner…
who said unplayable?

Many, MANY people over hundreds of posts in dozens of threads. I guess you are new to this no-flying thing.

“No flying, no game! Unsubbed!” has become a warcry.

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Works fine for me. It is pretty easy to get around. I don’t even think about it until I come to the forums and see these threads. :slight_smile:

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I just thought that I would respond to this.

I get the feeling that you would never do the Ironman challenge because (in your own words), it is “arbitrary.”

Personally, I would never do it because one of the rules for it is perma-death. I would never play any game that has perma-death as part of the core rule set. In fact, a friend tried to get me to play a game he was interested in that had characters aging and having to be “retired” and I flat out refused because that is not a feature that I could ever tolerate in any game. On the other hand, when classic Diablo was at its height, I did have a “beyond naked mage” (BNMs have similar rules to the Ironman challenge with the biggest difference being that there is no perma-death).

I’m wondering, if the Ironman rules were built into the game, would you still play it? I would not because those are rules that I do not want in my games.

This attitude is a major way that makes you and me very different as individuals. I will quite happily apply restrictions on myself, but chafe at restrictions applied by an outside agency.

You say that you “don’t want (your) ground mount to be an arbitrary challenge.” Well, I don’t want any of my mounts to be something that affects my game play. If I am searching for something out in the world (whether it be a battle pet, a resource node, a mob, or a quest objective), I want to be able to have the majority of my attention on the objective, and not have to worry about my mount.


No. I’m pretty comfortable with the rules and constraints in place as they are.

And that’s fine. However, there’s a difference between an agreed upon set of rules that everyone follows, and the rules you make up for yourself. In any game, you’re agreeing to some set of rules, no matter what. It’s why tennis players don’t bring basketballs to the courts-- they all agree that there’s are certain minimum parameters for how you play tennis.

Using tennis as the example, I guess you could make that more difficult on yourself to by strapping an arm behind your back or hopping on one foot, or doing crazy trickshots or whatever. But why would you do that?

This is the alien concept to me. The Riding Profession as a whole could be a whole lot more meaningful. Pets got a whole battle system dedicated to them and content in the form of bonus weeks and pet dungeons. Our mounts could easily be made to do more for us than just static movement. I want a better system than what we’ve got.

I did the darkshore stuff on my Druid. I had forgotten what it looked like.


I actually really don’t care about flying. I think it ruined the game.

Think about world pvp, think about having to take boats and zeppelins, or how about quests that let you fly and drop bombs or paradrop onto a target, they’ve all lost any value they would have had.

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Well, I am pretty comfortable with the rules and restraints in place as they are with regards to mounts.

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You’re clearly not, since the current meta doesn’t permit flying in most relevant areas and you seem to want that back.

Flying would make something fun and less of a grind. That would require some sort of content from devs that is more than just a phoned-in grind. So, clearly, it’s out of the question.


And your unsubstantiated poll proves nothing, as it didn’t restrict people from voting over and over and over.


It looks different than when we were there right before BfA - it’s not all full of WQ mobs and stuffs.

I popped thru the portal, got my quests, called up a random mount and started running around then noticed someone fly by. Oh yeah, can fly here. /spacebar

Because flying shouldn’t be in the game until after the expansion is over.

I was talking about how flying works when I said that I am " pretty comfortable with the rules and restraints in place as they are with regards to mounts ." I was not talking about when and where we can fly. You are the one who has been saying that you are not happy with how mounts (especially flying mounts) work, and saying that you want that changed.

I’m also ok with having to do Pathfinder, and actually prefer it to paying out all that gold for every alt. My only issue with how Pathfinder works is the timing on when it can be completed. I deal with that by simply not buying the new expansion. I can fly in any zone I’m likely to spend much of my time in. Furthermore, by the time I do have access to the BfA zones, I will be able to complete that Pathfinder without having to be stuck on the ground any longer than it takes to finish it.


I was talking about the game as a whole.