How bitterly the devs must look back on BC and Wrath. How ashen it must be to have delighted their customers so thoroughly that now there is literally nowhere to go but down. I imagine they must rue every accolade gained by virtue of having flying in the game.
I don’t know any of that for certain, but it seems like that must be the case judging from the grudging and miserly backhand that pathfinder seems to be; by comparison, at any rate.
I kinda like the way that sounds. I’ve always thought flying mounts being able to stay aloft indefinitely was a missed opportunity. Pressing a button to flap your wings an dkeep you airborne would be a simple but very engaging change since you’re actually doing something to maintain altitude.
Feeling tiny and being tiny are different. You claimed the land masses were small. You’ve been proven wrong.
It’ hasn’t been entirely consistent with the spikes in landmass sizes we got in with WoD and BfA. BfA is pretty large so the claim that everything is getting successively smaller isn’t accurate.
I disagree, since as I said, they simply measure pixels, not playable areas. Look at the terrain on our two current maps. So much of it would actually be accessible by flight, but isn’t via the ground. They look like they were designed for flight, but obviously they weren’t.
The arguments against flight are really hollow. Immersion is completely subjective, much like fun. Pointless trash mobs are neither immersive or fun to many players. The option to ride through them and immerse yourself in that fun exists if flight is in the game.
The WPvP impact has been debunked time and again - instanced PvP killed WPvP. The immersion aspect is completely subjective. “Appreciating the art” has been done time and again by the time you reach 120.
That only leaves us with Blizzard using it as a pacing mechanism.
Since the peak of Wrath, all expansions have been smaller. Legion’s launch area was one of the smallest to date starting at only 9.2 million px. And it showed in the mob density in many cases. You’d get a quest in Highmountain, and 5 yards away was the quest objectives. As an Alliance player, I’m spending the vast amount of my playing time in Kul’Tiras going around in an even smaller game play area of 6.8 million px. WoD only saw a bump up precisely because they had to replicate Outlands. No expansion has been larger than TBC/Wrath to date, they’ve all been smaller, the majority of them greatly so.
For me, I didn’t mind not flying on Timeless Isle and Isle of Thunder because we could fly on the main Pandaria land starting at max level. That wasn’t the case with Draenor or Legion or BfA. Far less restrictive to have a few small zones without flying when you can still fly through the main part of the expansion’s area.
I just noticed a tyop-typo when I saw what you were replying to. dammit!
It may be a dumb habit - done this since TBC. When I’m jumping off a ledge, I’ll mount, back up then run and leap (then put on Levitate or goblin glider type thing). May look stupid if someone was watching.
ps. next time WoW designs mechanical fliers, they need jet types where we have to run a ways to get enough velocity to takeoff. Need runways here and there! (the complaints for that would be deafening)
We’re just getting to 8.1 and a lot of people are sick of the pathfinder waiting game. 8.2 is a long ways away. Pathfinder just seems like a petty middle finger gesture to the flying community at this point.
How’s that engaging customers thing working out for you Blizz?
The reason they dont want you flying around is to slow down your farming… if you slow down the farming, thats a lower gold intake/income… if you slow it down enough, that will cause people to see that if they need gold they can just buy it from WoW… if they do that now the prices of EVERYTHING goes way up!
Even us “defenders of pathfinder” are getting tired of the wait, quite a few of us want pathfinder to be “do list of x things and get flight” not “do list of x things and wait till we flip the switch for flight”.
Pathfinder is not the petty middle finger, the timegating is the middle finger. All arguments that Blizzard has for limiting flight for patches falls flat, more so after the list for pathfinder is done:
Immersion-There are those that are more immersed with flight then without
Experiencing the content-once we level ONE toon to max through questing, have completed the storylines, a handful of WQs (reps should be done by this point anyway) and explored all areas we have experienced the content
and feel free to add more arguments if you think of them.
I’ll defend pathfinder, as at the core it is things that should come naturally through playing through the world/non-instanced content provided, but I’ll always attack the idea that we have to wait till a patch. especially one after the x.1 patch, for flight to be turned on. I’d much prefer the following:
Pathfinder part 1-unlocks flight for leveling zones
Pathfinder part 2-unlocks flight for endgame zones included at launch (ala Suramar)
Pathfinder Part 2+/3+ (2+ if no endgame zones were included at launch, 3+ if there were) unlock flight in patch added zones (Broken Shore, Argus, Etc).
Oh, and if you want a real middle finger try this on for size: Blizzard removes pathfinder and puts in flight for gold but makes the cost gold cap+1 so no one can ever get flight. In truth I’d like the option to do either, pay for flight per character, handy for those with few characters or a lot of gold, or do the one stop shop pathfinder and get it for all characters, more for those who lack gold or have a lot of characters.
It’s funny in a way because when they announced 8.1 coming out didn’t they mention that flying was going to be available at Blizzcon? Or was that just another Con from Blizzard about the games?