Flying: Why must we wait until 8.2?

Oh look, another one of these threads.

As apposed to people who liked paying for flying with gold at max level in a game they pay every month to play and buy each new expansion? Those entitled people?

I’m an ex Blizzard customer that won’t be giving any more of my money to support their games almost entirely because of the middle finger given me by the devs with pathfinder.

Soon I’ll be gone, my criticism will go silent, and my money will no longer support the game you seem to like yet claim people like me drag it down with our entitlement attitude.

Have fun on your ground mounts for many months of every new expansion before you get flying just in time to lose it again for grounded zone(s) followed by the next expansion with another pathfinder to repeat the nonsense all over again.

Pathfinder is just one of many examples of how out of touch the devs are with the players. They say they care about fun, and then ignore the obvious fact that flying is fun for the vast majority of players. If it’s fun at all it’s not less fun at certain points of the expansion as some claim by trying to say they’re happy they’re grounded for pathfinders duration. That’s just spin to defend a false narrative spun by devs to defend poor game design decisions many don’t like at all. The days of me being any type of fanboy for Blizzard are long gone. That brand loyalty died in WoD when they removed flying without any discussion and when that blew up in their face they gave us the middle finger with pathfinder.


We must wait because the devs dont care what we want nor do they care if the game bleeds subs over flying. They have to be right no matter what because…


Give it a rest. It’s all just a way to get from point A to B, nothing more. It’s not an “argument.” It’s a fact.

The “Z” axis gives players access to sights and areas they wouldn’t otherwise be able to reach. This is the natural result of enabling travel on the “Z” axis.

Flight provides no player with any in-game advantage other than the ability to travel faster and higher. To play the game, you actually have to do stuff. Quests, PvP, pet battles, dungeons, raids, etc. You can’t do any of that while flying. Or traveling on a ground mount.

Both. Just. Means. Of. Player. Transportation.


You are wrong. You’re sticking your fingers in your ears at this point.

Hello, kettle? This is the pot speaking. . .


One aspect of the flight argument when it comes to open world content that is often ignored is where open world content fits within the game play hierarchy within WoW. Open world content is the lowest form of content within the game. WoW uses a character progression model consisting of raiding/arenas > dungeons/battlegrounds > open world questing.

This was the basis of awarding flight at max-level. Questing was essentially a leveling experience and not end-game content. Once a player reached max-level and got a few pieces of instanced content gear, all open world content was trivial to the player. Flight wasn’t a factor in trivializing mobs in the open world, they were already trivial at that point for geared players. Matter of fact, the reason one wanted to gear up was precisely so those open world mobs were made trivial.

Blizzard now wants everyone to think that open world questing is a compelling form of end-game content for players. All open world content continues to consist of dailies and reputation grinds at max-level, the same as always. And such content is still trivial once a player gets geared after a few weeks of max-level play. Nothing has changed in this regard because Blizzard will never upend the paradigm of instanced content being superior to open world content. It would destroy the nature of character progression.

So, what to do about those “needless” mobs? Leave them for leveling and dailies. But let’s not pretend they suddenly are the be-all, end-all when it comes to game play. Or that simply withholding flight makes them immediately challenging.


Neither of these claims I made.

Until Legion, we never went back into the level-up zones to do things like dailies, but now we don’t just turn our backs to a zone when we finish them. In Wrath we never went back to Howling Fjord except to farm. In Legion we were in Highmountain and Stormheim nearly every day.

The world as a whole matters a lot more than it did, and those mobs aren’t meant to be as trivializing. Instead of only dealing with high-level mobs that could actually threaten you in the max-level daily hub like Icecrown Glacier or the Firelands, the entire continent is your max-level daily hub.

Every expansion have had dailies for max-level characters, both in leveling zones and max-level zones since they were introduced in TBC. I can remember doing Wyrmrest Accord dailies in Dragonblight, for example.

The open world content design has not changed in this regard. Once a player is geared after a few weeks of max-level play, open world mobs are basically trivial. Otherwise, Blizzard wouldn’t need to introduce new patch zones with more difficult mobs as the expansion progresses. They have to because players are blowing up the mobs. The location of dailies doesn’t change their nature. They’re not particularly challenging nor compelling, hence the reason to lock a popular game feature such as flight behind them, to get players to do them.


Level scaling was introduced in Legion, so that was the first expansion where there weren’t only designated places for doing dailies at level cap. Sometimes they happened in level-up zones but only in specific areas like the Hodir dailies, not throughout the zone like they are in Legion and BfA.

THe entire continent is relevant for max-level content in ways that wasn’t seen before Legion. It’s disingenuous to claim nothing’s changed.

You still didn’t address the point that the WQs are not compelling or, for some, even worthwhile content.

I’ve always been of the mind that locking flight behind this content in an effort to drive participation tells me that the content isn’t worth doing in the first place. If it can’t stand on it’s own without cheap coercion tactics, then there is a fundamental flaw in the development that runs far far deeper than any argument pro or anti-flight.

Speaking closer to the subject of this thread, however, for me Flight is not a matter of convenience or travel. It is one of control. I’m someone who is fiercely independant. Having the perception that Blizzard is trying to “strongly suggest” to me how I can and cannot engage with content or trying to put systems in place to push me in to content I don’t enjoy (looking at Legion pathfinder pt2) is simply not acceptable nor negotiable to me in any way, shape, or form.

Flight is just the tip of that iceburg what with all the varying mechanics in place to micromanage players.

It’s further to the point that I look at everything up to MoP and everything from WoD on as two entirely separate games. I’m not going to play the latter.

Would I like to see flight become more useful and deep? Sure I would. First we have to get the dev team past this perception of theirs that flight is bad. I dont foresee that happening until the dev team rolls over.


At this point, I’m going to bow out because as you said we’re talking past each other.

The final point I was making was that it doesn’t matter the location, the nature of dailies has not changed since they were introduced in TBC. They fit within the hierarchy of WoW’s content model I described. While they do have their place in content, they are neither overly compelling because of their repetitive nature nor particularly challenging by their design.

Attempting to change their nature since Warlords and make them into something they are not at end-game is symptomatic of why we are where we are in BfA.

We’ve sacrificed player agency over movement within the open world to lock players down in repetitive daily quests, we’ve sacrificed the ability to choose a race at the character creation screen to lock players into reputation grinds, we’ve streamlined gear so that players cannot customize it in any meaningful way, we’ve gutted professions since if you don’t want players to customize their gear, you don’t need meaningful professions, we’ve removed most of the RPG elements that used to keep players involved in content, we’ve sacrificed meaningful gear rewards by removing tier sets, and we’ve warped all the content design to support an alternate progression system in Azerite.

We’re now grinding our characters rather than grinding the content and we don’t even get a choice anymore about how we want to play.


If you’re not doing WQs or leveling alts, what’s the big deal about flight-right-nao?

Pathfinder works beautifully for my lowbies still doing <BfA content. Legion Pathfinder let my monk and DH work on their Breaching the Tomb stuff for their class mounts. One quest in particular, collecting energy balls in the air around Tomb of Sargeras building is ridiculously difficult without flight.

BfA 8.0 is still a small area with lots of FPs and whistles and boats and tiny dragon fliers so it hasn’t been that inconvenient to get around.

Of course we all want flight, we like our independence, but most of us will wait nicely until it’s patched. It’s nothing to get all huffy and freak out about.

It’s a video game - it’s shouldn’t make you develop medical conditions from that stress-rage-anger.

Calm down and eat a snickers. =)

I absolutely do not agree with that.

Who said anything about “Flight Right Nao” as you so ridiculously put it.

I certainly didn’t, nor am I angry about the state of flight. To assume that I am is to assume that I have feelings.

I don’t.

I’m one of those people that feel nothing in any strong manner one way or the other. To be clear, I do feel but not much. What I do feel mostly is disappointment at the failure of design and the change for change’s sake system that seems to be working through this game since WoD launched.

So long as they keep pushing like they are, I see no value in participating in the later expansions. Flight isn’t the only reason, but it is the most visible.

So Instead of “Flight Right Nao” it is more “Take your expansion and shove it”.


Uhh…the title of this thread?

Kinda talking out both sides of your mouth…fingers? You obviously have strong feelings as your words read “annoyed”.

You know, it’s always been basically: Play or Don’t. There’s nothing more really. People can write angry posts here and make youtubby complaints but ultimately it’s your own decision to keep playing this game. I for one, have no problems with BfA (or any xpac since vanilla) so I’m still here. Sure there have been lulls in several xpacs when I ran out of things to do but I stay subbed and go play another game. There’s nothing wrong with that - you can’t expect any one game to keep you amused for life.

Take a break and see what happens.

edit: dude isn’t even a playing subscriber. Shouldn’t have wasted my breath-text.

I’m suspecting you lack the credentials to determine mood from words, but that’s fine if you wish to believe that.

Whatever the case may be I’m already a non-sub and have been for 8 months. I’m only here because non-subs are able to post at this time. Certainly I think I would enjoy getting back in to this game, but not in it’s current state.

For the time being, though, I’m having a lot of fun with other games like Conan Exiles, Empyrion, Space Engineers, and Ark.


I think this is appropriate and support it.

All the arguments have been hashed out, you either feel one way or you feel the other so I won’t bore you with another repetition.

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Note Bolded, note response was fixed for author.

Why because author doesn’t pay my subscription thus he has no rights to speak for ME.

Flying is a FANTASTIC REWARD for ME! I get a lot of enjoyment out of it.

Only thing holding me in this game right now are my friends and as they continue to dwindle and disappear the enticement to continue to stay wanes A LOT.

Let the developers hold their breath until they are blue in the face, when the stock continues to drop and so do the subscriptions maybe the VOTING stock holders will end the battle over Flight in this game with pink slips.

Just look at your ques to get a Tank for Dungeons & Mythics. Sadly, NO developers. Shoving out more tank drops in game is NOT going to fix the problem. People that were tanks have likely unsubscribed. Probably due to boredom and frustration.


I never said I spoke for the people who like flying or that they were wrong for doing so, or that I wanted to force people to enjoy the game the way I do.

I did say that flying is a cheap, shallow game system that offers nothing in the way of character progression or meaningful decision making and could do with a lot of improvement. If that’s your metric of fun, you have a much lower bar than I do.

I also said I’m not surprised the developers don’t want to try and improve the system given the propensity of the pro-fliers to whine about the slightest restriction to their aerial water wings.