If its fun for you, then it’s practical. shrug I do things that are impractical all the time, cause they are fun. Even if there is an easier way, if I enjoy the less practical way, then I still do it. Its nice that you don’t want to be a bother to your friends. I get that, and commend you for that. I at least hope that your friends be more understanding as well. As I said, I love looove to fly, if you love ground travel just as much, I want you to be able to enjoy it. If we were in game together and wanted to go someplace, and I could fly while you stay on the ground, I would still fly and then wait for you. It would not bother me at all. I might even come down and pull out a ground mount and run with you. Sometimes I do enjoy doing that just to do it. I do enjoy my ground mounts a great deal too. The cats are my favs. I love getting them out and using them too.
I think the difference between you and me as players is that you find whatever is fun to be practical, and I find what is practical to be fun and I’m not having fun when I’m not practical. When the game offers me the ability to fly with no drawback whatsoever, then there’s no reason for me not to. I want that choice to have consequences, and there are none.
I do a few impractical things, don’t get me wrong. I spec into Rend even though most Warrior guides will tell you that it’s worthless. But what’s the real difference between how many buttons you push to kill an enemy and what those specific buttons do? The Traits on my Azerite Armor may not be the very best, but I just don’t notice it and I don’t play at a very demanding level where I have to min-max my stats to perform.
When flying is available, the choice between my ground mounts and flying mounts feels meaningless because of how obsolete the ground mounts are in comparison. That’s when the impracticality of my playstyle really becomes obvious to me. It’s not like I need to fly to raid, or to do well in dungeons.
We’re arguing from two entirely positions on the validity of flying. You’re talking about personal satisfaction and I’m talking about the effects on the game’s constraints, consequences, and whether it makes ground mounts a valid choice. If you’re talking about personal satisfaction, anything is valid. But I’m talking about whether or not the choices are practical, not satisfying.
Kay then, if you are coming from a more technical point of view and i’m more personal satisfaction point of view, then we most likely wont see eye to eye. I can understand where you are coming from and will respect it, hopefully you can do the same.
For you it is not fun and you dont have to think about it at all, so why not just let us who want flying be?
Don’t fly! Let us fly. Our flying won’t affect you one bit while you’re down on your ground mount because like you said it is unfun, right? So why are you telling us not to let not flying bother us?
So you would be ok with Pathfinder for ground mounts as well since they are just means of transportation? We can still run and that way we are far more engaged with the world (needless mobs).
Why do defenders always go back to “normally playing the game”? Normally playing the game for me is getting Loremaster and Explorer during levelling and then with flying doing world end game, gathering, pet battling, archaeology…if the first is any good. I also rather play alts through the story again and get their flying then play repetitive sometimes out of my way content. Who really is the lazy one here? They one who plays alts through the story several times and separately gets them flying or the one who just plays one character to unlock flying for all?
The meta is a list of achievements that most players would not do without Pathfinder. There are players who level through dungeons, pet battle, gathering etc. Most players also wouldn’t do endless WQs because they are in dungeons and raids. Give me story like Order of the Cloudserpent and I’ll do it. I will not do a laundry list.
By the way, what exactly do you mean by ‘needless mobs’ anyway? What do you expect the world to be filled with? Do you expect them to just go away when you’ve finished leveling up? Should they be completely neutral so they don’t bother you when you’re moving around?
What exactly is it you would prefer be done with the ‘needless’ mobs?
Nothing needs to be done with them. I just like to have my flying back so I don’t have to bother with them for no other reason then that they are in my way. They are not quest objectives neither do they have worthwhile loot.
If you have so much fun killing every mob between 2 points because there is no way around, be my guest.
BTW, I remember just running around on the ground in that beautiful, low mob area in Jade Forest gathering and pet battling just for the fun of it. That is what a game is supposed to be, FUN. And that is different for each player.
Immersion or not, the game doesn’t require Flying to play. Which makes it an optional feature. Which makes kicking, screaming, and crying about it absolutely a “you” problem.
Must agree. I don’t know a single player (and have played for 14 years on 6 servers) who, of their own initiative, would do every single thing on the Pathfinder chore list.
The game doesn’t require any mounts, flightpaths, raids, dungeons etc either to be played. In fact I think that a WORLD to be played is more important then INSTANCES to be played. This is after all WORLD of Warcraft. I personally have come to the conclusion that the current dev team would prefer INSTANCES of Warcraft with their push into dungeons/raids for everything, removal of flying, and smaller worlds.
You’re trying to draw a parallel between ground and flying mounts as if they functioned in the same way. There’s a reason there’s no pathfinder for grounded mounts and you know exactly why that is.
Are you telling me that without a mount you are as fast to get to your destination? Are you telling me that without a mount you don’t have to deal with more mobs? If no flying helps with “immersion” then no mount would increase that “immersion”. Just imagine how much “fun” you would have if you actually need to kill every mob in the way?
Given the scaling on world quests which I swear they have adjusted recently - flying isn’t really an issue for me. I don’t like tedious and if WQs are going to be this tedious for the entire expansion then I will just play WoD2 by sitting in the city instead of my garrison.
Player travel is player travel. While we’re at it, I like Meatbag’s idea:
Why stop there? Why not have the Slashfinder Achievement. Why should players merely be able to hit the “/” button, and run past all of the content? If you think the game is immersive when you’re restricted to ground mounts, you should really try playing it in slow walk.
The next expansion, you could start off chained to a giant boulder, which you are forced to drag around for the first couple of months after release. This added burden causes the player to move at ½ of normal waking speed. No way to skip over content there! After completion of Slashfinder: Part 1, players will be able to break the boulder loose from the chain, however the iron chain itself will remain, restricting players to normal walking speed.
Later, upon completion of Slashfinder: Part 2, players will be awarded the key that unlocks the shackle, thus allowing them to move at “/” run speed. Completing this achievement can even unlock running in the new expansion zone for every character on your account. As an added bonus, they could throw in a special pair bind on account shoes that allow the player to sprint at 150% speed for 15 seconds (2 minute cool down).
For people not interested in jumping through the hoops, they could offer a per character Running License available when a player reaches maximum level.