Flying: Why must we wait until 8.2?

I don’t use the LFG tool very often, but I’ve been playing since Vanilla and even back then there were always people who would get to a dungeon before everyone else. If you want to use your ground mount and move more slowly, that’s still your choice. If your friends are not patient enough to wait for you, they can summon you using the summoning stone, like they have always been able to.

So because you don’t want the convenience of flying, it should be inconvenient for everyone else? That’s where your logic is very flawed.


No, I’d rather the no-fly bunch just have a separate server.


That’s not at all what I’m saying. I just don’t want my preferred method of playing to be the impractical one. That’s not at all the same as wanting everyone forced to the ground.

Why? That seems arbitrary.

Arbitrary means without reason. My reason is that no fliers should be on their own separate world without a flying option. That way they can put their money where their mouths are and leave the rest of us who love to fly alone.


What’s your reason for why it has to be seperate servers and couldn’t be a mode you could opt-in whenever you wanted? Until you’re willing to explain why that’s the better reason then it’s an arbitrary distinction.

There’s a reason why Blizzard removed the feedback and suggestions forum. They don’t want to hear it regardless of how many times they say they want to hear our feedback and that they enjoy it. Though I’m not 100% against holding flying back until 8.2, at the end of the day, Blizzard employees sit atop their ivory towers and cannot or choose not to hear the voices of those who got them there. BFA is a great expansion but it was not received well because it was seemingly still in a Beta stage. Shareholders need to be impressed and to impress them is to release your game and on time, regardless of the state it’s in (because who cares, shareholders won’t be playing it). Blizzard used to be a company that was connected with their community. What happened? /shrug


But isn’t that what you’re saying? You want everyone to be forced to the ground because you prefer to engage with everything between point A and point B and thus, so should everyone else.

For me, I get tired of the blockers that waste a lot of my time. There was a time I could spend 12 or more hours a day on this game. I don’t have that kind of time anymore. It’s not just about making it easy or convenient, it’s about taking away the frustration. If you buy any other piece of software and it’s annoying and frustrating, clearly the program isn’t working right. To me, traveling is not the part of the gameplay that should be difficult. Save that for dungeons and PVP.


No, I just don’t want the style of play I prefer to become impractical overnight. If you want to interpret that as ‘force everyone to the ground’, I can’t really do anything about that.

I did explain. It’s to accommodate those who claim they prefer traveling on the ground. No reason to give them a flight option, since this group also includes players who apparently lack the will power to resist flight, despite their claimed preference for ground travel.

Having no flight option should give them exactly what they claim to want.


I’m asking you why that’s better than a mode you can turn on and off and you haven’t answered that.

It’s better because players who claim to dislike flight don’t need a mode to turn it on. I can only explain this to you. I can’t make you understand it.


If you want to still use candles instead of electricity, that is your choice. If you want to keep using a horse and buggy instead of a car, that’s your choice. If you don’t ever want to fly in a plane, that’s your choice. You want to force limitations on others because it suits the way you choose to play the game, and that’s selfish.


When there is flying, you already have that mode available that you can turn on and off and it doesn’t seem to work.


You’re not even trying to. You just want this arbitrary segregation and you haven’t offered any reason why separate servers would be a better solution than than a mode you can opt into. Since you won’t, I’ll try and explain why separate servers are an awful idea:

The pro-ground players don’t hate convenience. I just don’t think they want a method of convenience so accessible that it makes it nonsensical not to use it. Flying is a system of convenience that’s so overpowered in the safety if offers you that there’s literally no reason not to do it.

I don’t mind that flying is in the game. And I don’t mind using it. I just don’t want the flying to be so convenient and efficient that it makes ground mounts pointless, and if you don’t understand that then either you’re deliberately trying not to or we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

Flying mounts make ground mounts impractical. As much as I enjoy being on the ground and thinking about where I’m going, I don’t want to be impractical. I want the ground mount to remain a meaningful, practical choice but flying mounts completely eliminate that.

@Andrilynn, I’m going to ask you outright to stop claiming I want to force people on the ground because I’ve said it over and over again that that’s not what I want. I want flying to be better, I want ground mounts to stay practical.

Get a dictionary. You may not like my reason, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t provided one.

You don’t speak for anyone but yourself.

My recommendation for a separate no-flight server is to accommodate those players who claim to dislike flight and who have expressed a desire that it not be in the game at all. Apparently you are not among them.

You want to be able to fly when you want and to be on the ground when you don’t want to fly. Well, guess what? When flight is enabled, you already have that ability. It’s called selecting a ground or a flying mount. Establishing a “no-flight” phase is silly when you can simply just use a ground mount at will.

However for those “hard cord no-fliers” a separate server is the perfect solution.


I never said I didn’t have the choice to be on the ground or in the air. But I said Flying Mounts make Ground Mounds impractical and obsolete, and that’s not what I want.

No. They don’t. I use my ground mounts all the time. But when I want to travel a longer distance or sightsee, I fly.

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Only if you CHOOSE it to. You have the power to not fly. Ground mounts do not stop working the moment you unlock flying. The whole excuse of not wanting to bother your friends with your slow travel is just that, an excuse. It is not a good enough one to keep flying out of the game for other people. Either get better friends who understand your point of view and don’t mind waiting for you, or have them summon you, as someone else pointed out. Or better yet have them get a mount that can carry you and treat them exactly like you treat a flight path.

Like seriously, I am all for you getting the freedom and right to play your way. If it’s that important to you, as it seems to be, then your friends should be understanding. I would be. I’d tease you, sure cause I tease all my friends, but I would not mind waiting for you to use your ground mount to catch up to me.


Whenever you have two objects that perform a function, and one of those objects performs all of the same objects the other one does and more, the former object becomes obsolete by definition.

There is no freedom of choice when one option is way more practical than the other.

LOL. You just keep telling yourself that.