Just as idiotic as labeling all that want flight back as babies, the ones that want flight can be broken down into 2 camps: those that want flight from the get go and those that want flight once they do the achievement for it.
This is an example of the first set, unwilling to even play the game on one character to do things that come over the course of actually playing WoW and not world of queuecraft. Anyone that hates pathfinder because it is a “list of chores” is a whiny entitled brat that drag the rest of us down.
I fall into the second group, I have no issues getting pathfinder as it is things I’d be doing anyway, my only gripe is once I complete it, I should be able to fly. If it has to wait till the first patch, fine, not happy about it but there could be reasons for that. However, new land in patch content should also have a pathfinder of its own if Blizzard really wants to do multiple parts of pathfinder.
To put it into terms ones like the idiot I first quoted can understand: there are those of us that play the game, do the work, etc. so by all means we have “unlocked the cheat code” to better enhance our future play throughs. No different then games that unlock things like invincibility or god mode once you have beaten a certain difficulty or even just the game in general.