Especially when people spent real $ for mounts from your shop, and we just want to use them.
We shouldn’t have to earn pathfinder to fly around on our in-game shop mounts. I bought the cat mounts, and I want to use them! Forcing me to do in game content I hate to use something I paid real $ for isn’t good game design.
If rep was FUN or less grindy, maybe i’d do it. I never even finished out the original reps. It’s just too boring. I barely touched the rep in the cavern, and I don’t want to grind a new rep either.
Miss the days I could spend gold and fly.
The thing is that the Renown required is actually a lot easier to obtain.
Granted I max out Rep because I like to collect tabards and knick-knacks; so I might be a bit biased.
reads title
YES! Agree.
For every W Blizz can get, they seem to take more L’s lol
You can fly all those mounts already except for one area of the game…at present.
Do the requirement and get the reward.
I sure don’t. Pathfinder is a much better deal for people who actually play the game (and thereby get pathfinder automatically while playing).
The only problem with Pathfinder in prior expansions is that it didn’t let us fly, it gave us an I.O.U. for flying a year+ later into the expansion. But with Dragonflight we were flying from day one, so that fixed that.
Any mount you have you can use once you learn basic riding, the only exception being dragonriding mounts which are stuck to the isles.
Can’t fly with =/= Can’t use.
They all work on the ground.
But with dragonriding freely available, Pathfinder was a very odd choice.
Purchased shop mounts is the silliest reason I’ve seen so far for complaints about Pathfinder.
People have to get creative now. lol
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Sometimes I feel like people wont be satisfied until the game is a glorified chat room with how much they complain about having to play the game.
They are already time gating TBC flying so the rep grind on top of it is punishing players.
Very abusive by BlizZard.
I disagree 100%. People brought this up day one when patchfinder was forced jammed in because WoD was selling flying mounts with the expansion bundles and specials.
This has been a top three argument for why PF should not exist.

The pathfinder complaints make sense imo. The whole excuse of “they don’t want people flying over everything” went out the window with DR. There was no reason to not have both flying styles open from day one when DR is so clearly superior.
The reality is pathfinder is basically a nonissue if you played the game. Thats it. I never “farmed” or worried about getting my requirements for pathfinder. You do the quests you see on the map, worldquests, you discover the map you kill some rares and you eventually reach revered or whatever the requirement is by just playing. Since I only logged in queued rss and leveled alts I didnt even finish the campaugn quests my renown is in the tank. Good thing dragonriding is much better so I am not in a hurry to complete DF pathfinder
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I actually think pathfinder should exist for those that want a free, account-wide unlock of flying for that region, and maybe a neat mount reward as well…
I think it should exist alongside the option to buy flying for a max level character for gold and it should also be available for completion at launch without requiring any additional patch content.
As long as it was an obscene amount of gold and it was per character. Not account wide.
Once again I will say it. NO one is FORCING you to do anything! It is a personal choice to either do the content or do not do it. Just because you paid money does not mean your going to get things for free. You will AND have to work for the gifts of the game itself. It is not about what you want, Its about how the run the game and the stuff needed done in order to complete and receive the benefits of said game period. Quit being lazy and just get it done.
Pathfinder for this , is alot less in my opinion over compared to oh let’s say BFA flight.
It irritates me for us Druids, as it is considered one of our “Druid forms” which we had to do a quest-line in TBC and fight the Raven-Lord, to even get it! Every expansion we have to “learn it back”. It already belongs to us as part of our CLASS. That is a real kick in the rear-end.