Flying was a GREAT idea, they wanted to give the players something really cool and enjoyable and no one really saw just how bad it would end up being for the game, especially PvP side of things.
All they had to do was put some kind of timer on it’s use. Like a 2 hour cooldown when using flight, make up some lore reason why you can only summon (or shapeshift) your flying mount every so often. Your flying friend gets tired and needs rest or something and can only be summoned every 2 hours. And when you did summon your mount there should have been some type of fatigue so it can’t stay flying forever and go afk way up in the sky, like a 5 or 10 minute flight time max.
If there were quests or events that required flight, the quest should have given you temporary flight no matter your cooldown as long as you were in the quest area/zone.
But hindsight is 20/20, this is classic TBC and we will and should get it as it was. Ideas like these are what they can implement in a future “classic+” or even a whole new MMO. Like current classic, we shall experience classic TBC “warts and all”. What flying has become today is not something to be fixed like all the other #changes they have made to current classic.
How does it ruin environments when TBC and Wrath were designed with flying in mind?
Makes harassing easier? It already was easy, the only difference being a Y axis added to the battlefield oooo big scare there. WoW is easy. Flying gave us freedom so we aren’t stuck to the ground but can sore the skies and explore freely. Your points are invalidated.
It really is.
Once they introduced it, they could not take flying back, only gate it behind their lockouts.
So every subsequent expansion after BC, people are expecting that epic flier and rushing to it asap.
The only people to whom flying is a downfall are ADHD rogues who spend all day ganking people on roads.
only solution i could think of was as follows:
the automated griffon/windrider flies a path that goes over every quest hub, city, dungeon, raid and you can select to eject off its back when it flies over the area you want. also, as you earn flying mounts, they become available as skins for the automated griffon/windrider when your character goes to a flight point and clicks the griffon master/wind rider master. a little stable of your earned/purchased flying mounts would pop up and you select the one you want the automated griffon/wind rider to look like instead
i know we have our differences but i totally agree with this statement
There’s two big points with your post that are unrelated but the wording makes them seem so. Your saying that later expansions invalidate prior expansions. I don’t agree with that. They certainly take you to new places but they don’t invalidate your prior accomplishments. Gear is just a token, it’s the experiences that matter.
The other point you tied in with that was a dissatisfaction with flying mounts. I hear you. I personally loving flying as a player but from a game design perspective it’s harmful to the game because it reduces player collision and thereby the potential for player interaction and socialization. Should it be in TBC? Yes.
Players that loved TBC for TBC deserve to be able to enjoy it as it was. Just like I’ve enjoyed Classic.
Flying mounts was one of the big arguments for Classic and why the game was supposedly ruined. Now most of the forums are clamoring for TBC and flying mounts.
The reality is people just wanted to start progression over again. It was never really about just recreating Vanilla WoW. If Blizzard does TBC and Wrath, the forums will then be clamoring for Cata and on and on and on.
Really I dont, but its sorta kinda required in TBC because of how the map is set up.
Actually I did not forget this, and I agree with you that the level cap increase was a mistake and frankly the concept of “leveling” to me is a bit of a poor design choice but its a carry over form table top RPG’s that made their way into muds, and then into the online mmorpg like EQ, UO and WoW, ES, so on…
Again I agree, but that’s TBC, so you gotta just take the good and the bad at once… Its like playing Classic, you gotta accept that the classes are far from complete in some cases, and kinda cobby and bad at the same time, but there is nuance there, but its just so very unrefined.
Another way to look at it is there is no such version of WoW that’s perfect, every single version has its own problems because every single time Blizzard did something rather than correcting the issues they attempted to re-invent the wheel rather than refine it.
Some say its to keep people interested because players apparently need “CHANGE” but frankly I call BS, what people want is content and that does not require “Change”, but only that they have something to do in games like these.
I disagree, because while TBC itself is a really good game, flying mounts are nothing to write home about and I do wish they were never added.
The content, the game, the game play of TBC is however very very good.
They are still getting backlash to this day with pathfinder and the delays on flight.
wait wait wait ive not played seriously since legion when i quit after bfa launch and after trying sl but they seriously are still trying that pathfinder bs?
I highly dislike flying and think is was an awful addition to the game, a shortsighted decision to add another selling point to BC. That said, they were in BC and thus should be in BC classic. Besides, Outland is built with them in mind, so there is content specifically for flying.
GiViNg PeOpLe ThE fReEdOm To Go WhErE eVeR tHeY wAnT rUiNs ThE gAmE, cHoIcEs aRe BaD.
Flying messed with the game, especially on pvp servers and just diminished the game over all. It’s the ultimate laziness but you’re not going to get it taken away. People like the path of least resistance so it is what it is.
I chuckle anytime someone says flying ruined world pvp. It’s a pretty accurate indication those people never played the game back then.
Blizzard screwed up with flying. They, themselves, have said this.
This was quality trolling. I commend you on your ability to get people riled up. #bravo
The people at blizzard who thought that were not the same people who added flying in the first place. And flying was perfectly fine for 4 expansions until suddenly it was an issue in WoD.
Umm, No. Incorrect. Blizzard (Ion) wanted to kill flying, and basically announced they were removing flight from all future content. People got extremely ticked off, and sub cancellations started pouring in, so Blizzard, grudgingly backed off. We still didn’t get the actual Draenor Pathfinder until some time later, and it felt intentionally punitive towards players.
Yes that was in WoD after flying being perfectly fine for 4 expansions. And also coincided with when AA became the lead creative developer.
People were upset because A) they lied about the quality of content without flying B) they also lied about being able to turn on flying at the drop of a pin if it blew up, which it did.