Flying mounts again?

So many people wanting those flying mounts again. Folks forget how any expansion beyond vanilla simply invalidates the previous end game content, high level zones, loot rewards etc. Flying mounts were also one of the big downfalls ever released to this game.


Yes. Flying mounts in BC.


My Maladeth invalidated my Brut blade and now my Gressil is gonna invalidate my Maladeth. This is nonsense Blizzard. If I get something I want it to stay the best forever. Fix immediately


My opinion is that flying-mounts did diminish the overall game immersion aspect somewhat, but were still pretty fun to use nevertheless. Druid flight-form felt downright godly compared to the more-clunky regular flying mounts.

Flying was hugely popular from the moment it was introduced. One day Blizzard casting around for something to blame for people no longer wanting to engage with their brilliant new content multiple expansions after BC, concluded, “They would play it if they didn’t have the option of not playing it!” For the most part, their efforts to remove or restrict flying got immediate massive pushback, but there have always been some players who repeat whatever “official” people say, like parrots.

In other words, yes, I am indeed looking forward to having flying mounts (and flight form) in BC Classic.


I really liked flying in BC. The little floating islands made flying necessary and interesting. Beyond BC flying felt unnecessary. The only benefit was the extra speed.


To be fair… I think the way they’ve implemented it is pretty well done. In retail you usually can’t fly in any of the relevant content for the first several months/year. So you’ve still got to explore the world at the ground level and find ways to hit all the treasures in random out of the way places etc, and its a nice feeling when you go back to one of the old zones and can bust your dragon back out again… And then when flying finally does come out… you’ve already experienced the world from the ground plenty so it feels earned.

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You can’t unopen pandora’s box.

I would tend to agree flying at least how it was implemented was more a negative than a positive.

People clamoured for flying because of dumb/slow flight paths. And travel as a whole in Vanilla.

Personally I think they should have just made it like a mobile flight path. Summon the flying mount, then talk to it to choose where to go for free. Have more end point hubs per zone. With straight flight paths. Make it so when you used a flight master you still used your mount for animation. Then instead of paying for using the flight maters mount if you had flying the flight masters fee was to cast move speed haste.

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Thats precisely a flightmasters whistle actually.

Didn’t those ferry you off to only one location? Or was that something else?

Which is why they’ll have the vanilla forever option.

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the whistle took you to the nearest fp when you used it

Flying for me is a great addition to the game, I love classic, I like the fact that we are ground bound; what I do not like is not being able to go grab food / bathroom without first taking a few minutes to run up the side of the hill or find somewhere safe to AFK. Just mount up, fly up and bit and come back to what you were doing in TBC was something I really enjoyed back in the day and still will.

Getting up and down to let the cat in and outside then coming back to a corpse run; well its not exactly satisfying haha.

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A lot of Burning Crusade content was designed around flying mounts. You’re asking them to completely rework several zones, which is not going to happen.

The biggest argument against flying mouints I see is that it destroys world pvp. That’s just wrong, gankers will always have an opportunity to gank. People will still need to land to do their Skettis and Blade’s Edge dailies, and go into the dragon egg mines. It’s just more difficult to corpse camp them because they can res, mount, fly away. Is that what you’re mad about?


When i hear people complain about content not being relvant anymore i wonder if they care about the fact they levels up and the content they did as they leveled is no longer relevant to them. Or if they got that V1 Applie Iphone and never upgraded because that was the best time to have an Iphone.

Flying mounts were well used in TBC and Wrath for the content that was built with it in mind. Cata and beyond really stopped building the worlds to support this system blizzard put in the game. Before you blame the downfall of World PvP on Flying Mounts, all that pvp moved to BGs kinda like how after Phase 2 the Rankers moved to BGs too.

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I mean that was the original final death blow to wpvp. It wasn’t that there were no opportunities for ganking. It was that there was almost no possibilty for back and forth. Flying made it super easy to scout out what you were up against when actively looking for pvp.
This meant pvp engagement was soley being determined by the side with a clear advantage. Where as in vanilla if you roll up on a raid you die.

In effect wpvp in TBC was mostly you just getting dive bombed while questing/solo. Or groups sitting on objectives, mounted ready to fly away if a bigger group came in.

100% flying mounts lmao

Another easy solution would have been let players engage in airial combat from their flying mounts. Only allow players to engage other players on a flying mount. When in airial combat reduce your movement speed to normal speed. With a mount type cast to restore full speed.

Only if you play it. Log off and never come back and you won’t ever have to worry about that.

Epic flying broke the game a bit, it really is a can of worms that cannot be put back.
Gonna be much worse this time around, especially on the more populated servers. Gonna make P2 seem tame.