Flying mounts again?

I don’t forget it. That’s the end result of all video games. When I finish the content of a game I’m done with it. I’ll either continue to play in an expansion or quit and find another game to play. All that I did in Morrowind is invalid to me since I did all I wanted with the game and will never play it again. It’s deleted from my computer. I didn’t save any of my Morrowind characters

We haven’t forgotten, we actually look forward to it.

Thats kinda the entire point of an expansion lol

So you got Tier 1 and quit then right? Why are you still here. Tier 2 invalidated your T1.

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no phase 2 for you?

World PVP died because world PVP is stupid and usually only fun for one side anyway.


How does any of this make any sense at all to you? P2 was a “world pvp” heckscape. Flying mounts, if anything, will cut back on PVP. So it’ll be the exact opposite of P2.

Do you even think about this stuff before you write it?

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I mean why roll on a pvp server then? That is literally the only reason to be on a pvp server. Except maybe the “good players”, streamers are there… but still for pvp…

That said phase 2 was easily the best phase. Unless you were on an imbalanced server. Wpvp died in classic because hph was better in bgs. Until pve gear matched and then outshined pvp gear. Nothing to do with it being fun or not.

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I was against flying mounts until I played Classic. WPvP is garbage, nobody does anything outside of the cities, bots dominate nodes. It’s hard to care anymore.


Flying mounts made those new expansion areas seem insignificant when you can pass right by them with an epic flyer, miswell just give everyone flying from the get go, flying makes the world very small.


The world was still insignificant in WoD, and every other expansion that they had Pathfinder for. People still didn’t really go out in the world - there was nothing really to do - and they still avoided all the terrible forced obstacles meant to slow them down.


That problem will be exasperated much more in BC, get ready to see ganking taken to the next level.

easy way to avoid ganking mate, play on a pve realm.
worked wonders for me in p2.

You mean you dont flag? Cause if you do then you get ganked.

…yes? You don’t have to flag yourself on a PvE server to do anything.


I’ve only ever rolled on Pvp servers since Beta for one… It adds an extra level of realism and challenge. But there’s a difference between enjoying a 1v1 1v2 2v2 while you’re leveling… and getting repeatedly rolled by a 15 person multiboxer and his 10 friends…
Not really much agency in that situation other than… just stop playing. Which is really the problem with world pvp in general. Yea, if you only ever want to world pvp, times like P2 are great. The problem is… if you want to do literally anything else you cant…

And its not like it’s even that fun at it’s best… Large scale pvp 90% of the time is just 2 sides casting Blizzard at each other until eventually one side get’s bored and rushes in, everyone pops their sappers and aoes, you lag for a couple seconds and everyone dies… Its not exactly high strategy…
World PVP has always been romanticized by a certain small group of people when the reality is it’s just never been that compelling a part of the game.


Oh god… pathfinder was the dumbest thing ever conceived in the history of mankind.

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I disagree wholeheartedly. I love flying mounts. I do a whole lot more exploring and enjoy outdoor content a lot more with flying. With grounds mounts I always stick to the road or path with the least mobs. Flying offers freedom, exploration, instant WPvP, and quicker A → B travel. There are more benefits to flying versus not.


That lvl 70 raid will still wipe on 4 horsemen

There was no way around this for blizzard. If they had ignored the capability some other MMO might have become the WoW retail of today. Flying would have been an attractive toy the others had and WoW didn’t. And TBC is made for it so just give up that idea it won’t happen. Is it bad? I agree it is. Blizzard is not wrong on that note. It ruins environments, makes harassing easier, makes life easier in general. Life without struggle is purposeless. Life without purpose is like chewing on glass eventually. I’m not saying it has to ruin the game for us, just that it hurts it for a lot of us. Regardless we are getting flying lol. And we will have to suck it up as long as we can or leave.

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