I agree. People are just lazy and want to avoid playing the game.
OK grounder
So you want it to be like in BC? Which is what everybody has been saying all along?
I do much prefer ground travel as it creates a much more immersive experience so that is how I adventure thru new areas for at least the first couple of times.
But I would really miss enjoying the amazing vistas if flying was completely removed from the game.
A furry trying to talk on matters about PvP… how cute.
So a bunch of scaredy cats turn off war mode doesn’t mean their ain’t some brave ones left who don’t mind a bit of fisty cuffs! And let’s face it - champion of Azeroth collecting 6/8 turnips for farmer joe ain’t more exciting than doing it the same way for the last 16years. At least with a world pvp enabled - it’s always different and challenging than just walking around a big dangerous world - with no real danger …. BOOOORING!
Yes, Flying makes you skip stuff in the “now”. But then again, you’re in too much of a rush to claim your max level and power to see the world around you anyways. Being trapped on the ground is not going the change that. People in a “gogo” mentality just don’t enjoy the world.
However, this is what flight does do. Once you have it you are drawn to explore the world. I have gone back to old zones and loose myself flying for hours discovering brand new places I had forgotten about. It’s my #1 thing to do when I am waiting on a que to pop. Exploring without hassle is something I love above all else.
I don’t like seeing the flying system I love scapegoated for WoW’s Problems when I know it’s more of the “gogo” mentality that is actually the culprit for players skipping stuff.
Things that no one does for $500, Alex
Almost as bad as the people who wanted to spend time drawing torghast but can’t cause “timer” two years ago
I do it. so, there is at least one. Must your every post insult someone’s value and worth?
Yeah, last time they tried that in WoD, people cancelled in droves.
Flying has been part of the game since BC, removing it is a step backwards which is dumb. I begrudingly accept they want us to complete the content on at least a character to unlock it, but UNLOCKING IT is a primary goal every expansion, especially for alts.
No flying, no sub
Which means that’s not the average wow player does either
No one spends flying for hours as endgame content
Maybe dragon riding will be who knows but as of right now flying isn’t the main thing of WoW
I just tried ESO. TERRIBLE. It’s so terrible that every Youtuber speaking well of it goes automatically into my black list.
I have extensively played five MMORPGs and tried probably ten more. ESO is the worst by far.
IMHO, of course.
More than likely people will focus on speed and keeping the dragon up, than flying to enjoy the world around them.
“Forced Immersion” is not like the real Immersion Blizzard is seeking. Every time they “Force Immersion” they lose more and more people. And the ones who are left loose themselves in the “gogo” mentality.
Been playing computer games since they became a thing. Love the ES series.
ESO is great. FAR better crafting. Dont feel like i have to raid to enjoy myself. Dont have to queue if I dont want…public dungeons and delves I can just run in to. 14 player houses and counting. Shared bank and bottomless mats bag.
If the races werent so bland Id be there instead of here.
There at least two, then. Whenever I am playing WoW.
Without flight I am bee lining from A to B.
With flight I explore a lot more because I dont have those idiotic land hallways to play rat in a maze thru.
Bliz wants me to see that great land they created, they’ll leave flight alone.
Then you stay on the ground but I 'll take to the skies when ever possible to get where I want. Beside ,I want to immerse myself at times alone ,like fishing.
Well, I started playing computer games with Pong (a masterpiece). Ah, the good times when I was any good at something. Was unbeatable at Pong.
I had my peak when I beat Myst 4 (best game ever together with vanilla WoW, but really very hard).
Then the “casual” years started…
We do plenty of “exploring the world” while leveling. Outside of an area filled entirely with elites the world never feels dangerous unless you are playing in WM. Crazy to me that these are they two main arguments for not having flying unlock for like 6 months after release the last few expansions. If pathfinder had been available from release in SL and again in the new zones people would have been unlocking it in the first couple days.
blizzard doesnt go back on features they already made and are putting in the game…flying will be in dragonflight day 1.
I go to the beach to get some sun, but I don’t want to be in the sun all the time. I agree that flying does remove some immersion, but that’s not a bad thing.