Flying... Here's the truth

I admire your commitment to use all those methods despite there being a mechanic in game to not use those.

So Blizthesda halves the rep gains you can get for flight from Legion to BfA and people don’t think they’re going to do it again in Shadowlands 76???

I mean the company was literally advertising a better version of W3 on their site at the exact same time they were selling an inferior version, AND intentionally overwriting your functional legacy copy with their inferior version.

Sure, they’re going to have your fun and best interests at heart… :wink: :roll_eyes:


sadly some people always manage to make things worse

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You’re clearly missing the point.

You don’t like flying?

Then don’t fly.

No need to remove it.


Let’s look at retail then to understand why people might not engage for 12 months or more.

Class pruning, profession pruning, gear drops like rain.

Why was Legion actually popular? Much of that has to do with very long term goals. Mage Tower, artifact appearances, a linear artifact progression system that took months to grow in power.

How to actually fix all this?

Mounting specifically

  1. Remove pathfinder. Flight goes back to being a max level reward with a gold price. Like it used to be.
  2. Danger will exist in the skies however. Just like on the ground.
  3. Ground mount speed adjusted to be somewhat competitive with flying, on an escalating uninterrupted momentum.
  4. Mounted combat for real, everywhere in the open world.


  1. Base+ component system implemented.
  2. Base gear drops from story quest arcs in PvE or PvP and journey to max level.
  3. Components that go into base gear for affixes drops from all forms of content.
  4. Some components are generic and work for all content where others range from uncommon to very rare in the content they exist for.
  5. All base gear is fully customizable with gear templates that allow fast switching of components.
  6. New base gear is introduced every new expansion, along with new components.
  7. Components should transcend expansions with some adding very expansion-unique benefits.

Class design

  1. Restore classes back to MoP era of design and expand on that.
  2. More is better when it comes to abilities. The idea should be situational, from on-event to on-press and passive. Maybe some that only apply to a particular event.
  3. Allow players to chain abilities in a new user-interface centered around efficient use of cast sequence / dumbed down macro window with all the aforementioned triggers.
  4. The idea here should be to keep a relatively smooth rotation, at the discretion of the player to update.
  5. An automatic template should exist to get new players started.
  6. Like gear, player skills can be upgraded with abilities and upgrades that transcend expansions. Where 8.0 may introduce faction-orientated flavoring for abilities, 9.0 introduces death flavoring for abilities. Then players could choose between these in 10.0 for the flavor they like. Including some GFX changes to abilities.


  1. The recipes would go back to being on a range from very common to very rare.
  2. Specialization like TBC would return, with much more engagement required to fulfill completely.
  3. Recipe upgrades would take months of working on to reach best results.

Finally on the subject of people who return late in an expansion to “catch up” I’d take a harder stance on this. Don’t remove content. If 8.0 is still around then they can do that while everyone else is in 9.0. The reward of staying subscribed and playing the game is being fully caught up. You can’t reward people for unsubscribing.

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I never realized how much i missed flying until i had to run around Nazjatar. I mean the base islands of 8.0 were one thing, but they took the obstacle to a whole new master level with Nazjatar. So much so, i have been avoiding Nazjatar for months, but i was on a crusade to do some WQs this weekend when i ran around a mountain for 15 minutes trying to figure out how to get to a mob that was clearly RIGHT THERE!!!

it was then that i decided to just bite the bullet, sparingly do 8.3 from now on, and just get to flying. Now, if only i knew how to get to megaton, mesamaquaty, mechgon, mecha…the rust bucket people…

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That sums it up.

Flying is a choice and when Blizz took away that choice it started to create these strange design decisions.

Blizz has tried ever since then to fix the game because of the hole left with heavy gating of flying but they have failed every step of the way.

Flying was never an issue until Blizz made it an issue IMO.


Flying made me enjoy BFA again. Getting flying made me almost unsub again. Trying to bribe me with essences at higher reputations in zones I don’t have any urge to ‘grind daily chores’ in as well to make getting flying “just playing the game” was too transparent.

Pathfinder is one of the main factors when I tend to take a break from the game and stop giving them money. I’ve only completed BFA pathfinder and only because I am excited about Shadowlands and wanted to have an easier time on my alt army while tryin to get them up to a reasonable iLevel before the expansion launches. If it weren’t for that, I’d probably be unsubbed right now and not have pathfinder.


the point is Blizzard wants us all to hate flight and they’ll do whatever it takes to make it such a pain we will stop using it at all

Watcher NEVER got over the fact his vision got rejected and it bruised his ego so badly hes taking it out on the players rather than admit he was wrong

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SL will remove levels (!!!) for the first time ever in any MMO i’ve played or heard of.

Your ilevel will be irrelevant, you’re losing your neck and cloak. It’s strictly rental power.

Your toon is still as it was at the end of WoD at level 100. No new talents, abilities, powers. Even the levels you’ve gained are irrelevant due to stupid content-and-ilevel-scaling-to-player and in SL half your levels will be removed.

I wouldn’t worry too much about your gear or your ilevel for SL.

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Yes that is a similar sentiment from my point of view.

Flying hides a lot of the poor design flaws of BFA.

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It’ll all scale, they’ve said as much. The Neck will still function as a stat piece, we’ll jsut be losing essences and stuff (also something they’ve said), and I imagine the cloak will also carry over. I’m not sure about actual corruption effects, etc, I have a feeling they’ll all be ‘cleansed’ at the end of the expansion or when we’re in SL or they’ll treat it like Legion Leggos and the effects wil only work for X levels in SL.

Also, we have no idea what abilities/powers, etc, we’ll have. They’re doing unpruning and stuff so we might have more or even less abilities. Either way, I want my alts geared up to at least the 410 welfare drop gear level with the cloak on at least rank 1 before SL hits so they’re all in a decent position going into it.

It’s not like it’s that much work. i’ve already geared up multiple with just randomly doing my 8.3 stuff on one character to chase mounts/pets/do the Horrific Visions (because I like them).

They said at Blizzcon, no new abilities or talents. They will further “unprune” to some extent, but I don’t regard regaining what should never have been removed, a “new” anything.

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That’s patently untrue considering they gave us a wide list of the new abilities and stuff we’d be getting through soulbinding and covenants. I also don’t believe they said anything one way or another about the 50-60 levels and whether or not they’d have new talents or spells.

Covenants etc is more rental power if I’m understanding their description (scant though it was) at Blizzcon. They did state that classes are not receiving any overhauls or new abilities and talents.

here is a better response, not buying expansion untill flying is out


What he said.


Just a sad fact.

That’s the position I’m in. I’m not buying SL until flying is unlockable in the game. However long Blizzard wants to hold it hostage is how long I’ll not play the game their way.


Another issue was they have these world pvp and wanted Nazjatar to become a pvp zone for those that do pvp. Yet players were allowed to fly in a pvp zone! I just don’t get it. If nazjatar was suppose to have a little pvp game then shouldn’t it be a no flying zone? You don’t see players flying in TB or Wintergrasp.