Flying... Here's the truth

Its WoW forum where all we can do is complain and the developers don’t care because they can’t see past their own egos.

So here’s my question. If the purpose behind restricting flight is so that we have to “be on the ground” “enjoying the content”, why does the content have to be repetitive and mind numbing? Seems that if they wanted us to appreciate all the work they put into this content, they’d do a better job of making it entertaining.


I mean, there have been suggestions:

  • Remove flight entirely
  • Give flight immediately at max level, maybe even charge gold.
  • Split PF1 to allow flight in initial x.0 zones, and PF2 allow flight in patch x.2 zones
  • Disable flight for War Mode
  • Create new No-Flying servers
  • Go play Classic
  • I hate you and everything you stand for

Was that all of it?

Um… I think you got everything… Though, not a fan of the responses leaning toward the last one. People have their own opinions, sometimes hotly, but i disagree with anything that stops open dialog. If it devolves into name-calling or personal remarks, then communication stops and we lose sight of the purpose of the conversation to begin with.


Yeah, I forgot about mists. lol. I haven’t gotten flying since pathfinder.

I feel that people arguing for pathfinder are simply Blizzard White Knights who defend them no matter what.

No one asked for pathfinder…we just got stuck with it and it’s really, really dumb.


First off, if you actually read my post, you’d notice that what I gave was an example. I know its alot to expect developers to be creative, but I still have hope that they’ll hire a new guy that goes, “hey, why don’t we try this thing over here that’s new.”

To be fair, moving to war mode from pvp realms was idiotic, because war mode already existed as pve realms. All they really did was make all realms into PVE and slightly tweak the interface. The change should have never happened and they could have opened up a one time transfer to pve for players who wanted it. But they really seem to want nothing to do with any kind of separation anymore, so I don’t see the no flight servers happening, especially for the reasons you list.

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That’s pretty much the truth. Pathfinder is pure spite.

  1. They already have aerial mobs.

  2. No I want the map and the questing to be conducive to flight. FFXIV does this every single expansion. Right now the WoW developers are so narrow-minded about what content is and how it can be presented. They can’t work with flight, so they just want to remove it. They are creatively bankrupt.

  3. Yeah, they can totally do that by right. But as someone who pays them, I get to tell them what it will take to earn my money. Because without us, they don’t have a game.

  4. He can’t tell you what you find fun, but he does it anyway. That’s the major complaint. The developers are so arrogant (J. Allen “you think you do” Brack comes to mind) that “enjoy the content the way it was designed” just means “do it the long way or no way”. It’s why they make flight paths so long. They’re so egotistical that you need to enjoy those horrible fake looking trees as you weave in and out of them a gajillion times.
    But this isn’t about fun, this is something he admitted was done to make everyone a little miserable. He said this in an interview. Fun didn’t matter. That’s my point. He doesn’t like flying himself, so he’ll use the people who lack the willpower to simply not fly, as an argumentum ad populum to justify his own spiteful move.

  5. Other games do it better.

  6. There’s no challenge now! Trash mobs are burned down so easy that long before you unlock flight, you’re two shotting every mob, so what kind of satisfaction does that give you? Most of this game is dailies now. After you walk through the dailies the fourteenth time, really you’re not missing out when you fly through it the fifteenth.
    The challenges on the ground aren’t good. Walking around giant rock isn’t a challenge, it’s a speedbump. Walking around it for the four hundredth time isn’t an accomplishment.

Here’s a thought. Design better mechanics for traversal. Make players faster, allow us to climb. Stop making every map ginormous and making us slow to give the illusion that the world is big. Fix the terrain so it isn’t a guessing game of what we can walk up and what we slide down.

People brag about how open this game is, but it’s pretty limited in terms of traversal. A lot of invisible walls for no reason.

A good example is Boralus. Getting to the ship could have been a straight line. But an overzealous map designer, decided to have a ramp go down to a path that you u-turn and walk up another ramp then across a gangplank.

Ion simply wants things to take longer, because then you can skimp on content. It’s why mobile apps make a one-hour game last months with power creep.

The biggest problem is, they leave out flight, but don’t make up for it in any way. Every expansion is basically the same. What is added when they take away flight?


Could you possible be any more “Karen”

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Yes absolutely. Gold is trash.

It sure does.

Kites, jet packs, grappling hooks.

Goblin Glider Kits. A bunch of hard to get toys. Pathfinder achievements.

Oh my god, it was a freakin’ joke. Get over yourself, lmao. xD

I like pathfinder, i am greedy. I dont want to spend 25k on flying on each of my alts.

I preger grind all with one, and unlock them to my account. I like to do WQ, i hated Nazjatar because of it’s weird mixture of world quest and dailys. But that’s all

Mechagon wasn’t as bad as nazjatar, the 8.0 reps of bfa, was easy to max out no effort you do that while playing that’s it.

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Thanks Insåne. :hugs: And I get what you’re saying regarding players logging off quickly to play something else.

Yet as a mostly solo player, I play more after I’ve unlocked flying, because before I do, I only use my main. Once I’ve done my daily chores for Pathfinder, I log off. I don’t want to get too burned out because I wait to level my alts after I’ve unlocked Pathfinder. If I get Pathfinder sooner, I’ll up Blizzard’s time-played metric earlier.

I LOVED Legion when it was current content, probably because I’m a mostly-soloing Union Steward of Filthy Casuals local 42. I even liked it better than Wrath (says the Philistine casual who can barely stand the site of Wrath at this point because I’ve just spent waaaay too much time there), because even then I didn’t enjoy raiding… and have always had weird availability that I didn’t want to subject others too.

Legion was fun because even I could get Legendaries. However, it was so alt unfriendly because there was always more progression I could do on my main.

I only had two toons at cap during Legion. Right now, I’ve got ten, and working on more because of all the exp buffs, and having a blast.

And I actually don’t play any other games. Yeah, I’m weird. But I’m allowed because as I’ve said before…

I’m so old Azshara does my bidding… :shushing_face:


They should have made non flying servers and flying ones, and just let each side have their own way of playing. The middle ground of waiting until the content is used up and old is not fun for people that preferred to fly.

It’s because nobody would choose to run on the freaking ground over flying.

Pathfinder works as an achievement but it’s the second part, the part where your just sitting there doing the same thing for months after unlocking pathfinder part one that has to go.

I don’t get why they take flying away for so long then decide to put in even more non interactive modes of travel instead … saying that flying takes away from the game.

No, Blizz took away from their own game for the sake of keeping us logged in for however long they think they can predict they can by doing this.

“We can do more without flying”. … “a turtle made it to the water!” Whoa! Those world quests really are different without flying. :+1:t2:

Suramar was the only neat thing they’ve added that worked without flying. One thing in three expansions of pathfinder.


I dont play anything else either lol. Always been a poor player. And I like to quest so before flying gets released that’s when I’m most active, afterwards its mostly like raids, m+ and bgs, I’ve never been one to farm much or worry about money in game (I dnt care much for money IRL alrdy lol), although ima make a point to push professions in SL, tried my hand at jewelcrafting recently, simple straightforward. I’ve always given up on professions in the past, I put so much work into engineering to get the flying machine when it was current and profs went to 300, after that meh.
I’m also a mostly solo player, legion WAS fun :slight_smile: my availability is currently weird lol but I love to heal and that’s harder to do as a solo player lmao. Congrats on the 10 capped toons, I’m at 7 but 3 I dont play much but I’ve been lvling my alts (all in like the 30s lol) and yea that’s alot of fun.
You cant be that old :wink:

:slight_smile: You’re sweet.

I’m so old I refuse to accept, “a historical” as proper. It’s unacceptable. “An historical,” is correct, and always shall be.

I’ve also decided I’m immortal.


I too have decided I am immortal ahah. Perhaps a curse, but I will nevertheless bear this burden.
Yay for literacy!

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