Flying bots.. underground bots.. bots everywhere

Stop doing the bans in “waves” Blizzard. The bots are back and they keep multiplying. I’ve earned rank 5 just from killing bots behind the instance at ZG.

BTW did you know they are fly hacking from Yojamba Isle to ZG? To go get their Zanza if they die? Yeah. They are.

The Chinese boosters are just boosting more accounts. It’s a never ending cycle.

Please do more to get rid of the bots.


Exactly. So no reason to do any waves.


Crime is a never ending cycle. So no reason to have laws.


Shrug…I mean, I am in no way condoning botting or saying that I think Blizzard adequately enforces anti-botting policies, but I rarely encounter bots. I understand that situation is different from server to server, but I do wonder if the people who claim bots are ruining the game are exaggerating how prevalent they are.

What a meaningless statement! No matter what Blizz does, you want them to do “more”. What if that is impossible? What if they can’t “do more”?

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they pay their sub fee $$, activision does not care about anything else.


Right but cops don’t arrest criminals in waves, they do there best to arrest them when they crime is being committed, or shortly there after.


So get to rank 10. Why cut off the good thing.


Its not even that complex to put some “no go zones” into the game so that if your character is outside of the listed parameters like below terrain or in the air without a taxi, for any excessive duration then WHAMMO, banned.

“What about feather fall from great heights?” come up with something creative blizzard, because characters should not be able to fly hack like this, its something that even the private servers are capable of cracking down on, and I promise you they most certainly do.

Private servers have done a better job overall in dealing with bots. Sure the private servers have some other problems with their internal corruption, but this is something not unique any more to private servers now is it.

I’ve heard about the flying bots but never saw one so I just dismissed them. Then last week I saw a guy behind the smith in Duskwood just launch straight up above the trees. Besides quick travel, what use is it? Terrain exploit?

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I think the key here is “I saw”. You didn’t see a physical object go straight up. There is no physical object, no Azuroth, no Duskwood.

You saw pixels. Fake pixels, designed to imitate a real Duskwood.

On your PC screen those pixels “looked like” a guy going straight up. But you have no idea what HIS screen showed, or what the server showed. Neither do I. But there was no physical “him” flying, for you to see.

He may have used a hack. The part of WoW on your computer (the part that creates an image on your screen) got confused. It was never programmed to “show” his hack. So (obeying commands that didn’t cover this situation) it showed an image of him launching upwards. It showed that on your screen.

Bots = Subs = Money.

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They do when it’s organised.

We have them flyhacking BL spawns, so pretty useful.

What are you even trying to say? Your entire post has no relevance other than stating that pixels are pixels.


I have seen hacks on private servers and what the hacker sees, it’s kinda interesting actually. Some just hack the client data to have paths in the sky so they can just Walk to wherever they are going, be this above or below ground.

Impressive, yet very easily dealt with.

Flying is one of the coolest parts of wow. It’s in all old pvp videos.

I think the real problem is very talented coders are writing their own software, and if it is detected they can just update it repackage and the problem happens all over again.

Its going to be a wierd future. Its actually possible to code a bot that can never be banned unless personally watched upon by an admin for several hours, and even then detection software can be intelligent and learning.

I think games should start requiring identification. But that would require blizzard to work with every local government in the world which seems impossible.

No. They’re not exaggerating. It’s pretty rampant on basically all servers.

They even level up on low pop to farm lotus, herbs, etc then transfer to high pop and sell.

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Right, they’re constantly making new accounts and transferring servers. Activision Blizzard is making way more money off your average botter and multi-cheater than they ever will from your average player. Why would they bother spending time or resources to ban every single one of them? Its way smarter for them to just swat a few bots every now and then just to keep the masses happy.

The only time Blizzard ever fully stopped bots on retail was when they started selling leveling boosts, restricting the best PvP gear to arenas instead of honor and selling WoW tokens.

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