Fluctuating RSS Queue Times

Currently in a 1 hour 6 minute queue. Previous one was ~12 minutes. Sometimes I get an almost instant queue. I have seen this multiple times across multiple characters and a wide spectrum of rating. My question is this:

Is it really possible that the amount of healers available at a given rating is this volatile? Where at one point there’s enough available to give you a 1 minute queue and 30 minutes later there’s so few you wait 45 minutes?

I personally find that very hard to believe and think the shuffle queue system is bugged/broken potentially skipping over people and causing wait times beyond what the low number of healers would cause alone. I have said this numerous time already and last week this post seemed to confirm it: Solo Shuffle Queue - #6 by Linxy

We haven’t heard anything since that was posted so hopefully we get an update and fix next week. I think this could be a game changer on queue times. It really doesn’t make sense to me queue times would fluctuate this much, and it’s also very suspect that queue times were so much faster in pre-patch. Yeah I get it people didn’t have much else to do etc., but to increase to this extent does not seem likely. Only PvP players probably queued it then and only PvP players queue it now and there’s not that much to do in PvP where people just wouldn’t play the mode now. Also SL meta was just as toxic or moreso than this one with regards to stressing healers out and making them rage so I don’t think that’s it either.

tldr: I guess I’m just saying I think the RSS queue system is bugged leading to even more excessive wait times and when it gets fixed they will hopefully improve.

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Queue popped at 5 mins. Someone didn’t accept. I’ve been at the “front of the line” for 36 minutes now.

Yeah same thing happened to me just now. This could be explained by there just being no healers (although this seems unlikely there’s literally zero queueing at a specific rating), but what can’t be explained imo is a 1 minute queue followed by a 45 minute queue followed by a 12 minute queue etc.

There are undoubtedly a lot of dps queuing for shuffle almost constantly and I don’t think anyone would disagree with that. In order for the queue times to fluctuate that much there would have to be a giant fluctuation in healers queueing at given times and I just don’t think that’s the case. These things tend to average out over time and would not be this volatile. Something is clearly broken.

lol and to add to this the queue just popped and 1 person never entered the arena so the game ended in starting room. I don’t think that should even be possible unless they randomly dc’d after pressing enter I guess? Idk the system feels super buggy to me.

It bugs you have to reQ if someone declines i know thay for certain atleast

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This is true. Wait 20 mins max and req. Other day I was in q for 1 hour 45 mins. Was actually afk surprised it hadn’t popped when I came back. When I reqd it popped at 8 mins. Definitely bugs out.

I accepted a queue once and then got “instance not found” which gave me deserter. So could be that.

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As much as I enjoyed the first week of solo shuffle, between the queue time and constantly leavers- I can’t do it. I have to get up and cook food, change diapers, deal with scraped knees, etc.

15 minute increments are perfect, so battlegrounds until shuffle queues improve I guess.