Floating Combat Text Not Displaying on Self

Hi there,

I was playing tonight and noticed that floating combat text is no longer displaying above my character when I’m the target of my own healing or shielding spell. The text does display as normal when I target and heal or shield someone else though – players, NPCs, etc.

I don’t believe it’s related to an addon, I’ve tried turning the few that I have off, relogging, and even restarting my computer. I did some searching on the internet and found these commands to try (along with a few others):

/console floatingCombatTextCombatHealing 1
/console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 1

Nothing I’ve tried has been able to solve the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this has been consuming my evening trying to figure this out.

One thing to note, I tried (at the suggestion of a friendly person in Orgrimmar general chat) turning on scrolling combat text in the Interface -> Combat options, and that isn’t what I’m referring to in this post. This is specific to the numbers that display above the target of a spell’s character.



Same poster as above – I don’t come on the forums much, but I’d like to add that this is persistent across characters. I first noticed this on my priest, but have tested with a shaman and monk as well.

That console command should work, strangely. Firstly, is this for classic or retail? I don’t believe the functionality was present for classic.

Second, have you tried a UI reset? Turning off your addons doesn’t always help if there are display elements that are having some fun at your expense.

Give that a shot and then try the console command again.


If it’s still not working you might want to ask in the UI and Macro forum.

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Yep, even doing a reset, I’m still encountering the problem. I’ll go ahead and post on the UI forms for some extra eyes. Still have no idea why this happened randomly. I thought it was a keybinding I might’ve hit in combat at some point, but I scoured through every keybinding and tried anything that sounded remotely related in there as well.

Install https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/advancedinterfaceoptions it’ll restore the UI to configure FCT which will give you a better idea as to what might be happening.

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Alright, I’ve installed that, and peeking into the settings shows that everything under floating combat text is checked except for
“show for other players’ targets”

Scrolling combat text, just below it, is turned off. I believe that’s referring to the default option of everything being displayed at the bottom of the screen, and then scrolling up towards my character regardless of the target.

Turning that on does display the values of healing on myself once again, but it’s at the bottom of the screen and traveling upward. Before it was a static display above my character’s head that faded out.

I have all that enabled and don’t see FCT numbers above my own head either. So I’d say, if nothing else, it’s working as intended.

Were you using an addon like Parrot or similar in the past?

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I was looking through some clips and videos of healers to see if I could find an example of what I’m talking about and I’m not seeing it on other people, either. Perhaps I just noticed it after all this time and I’m 100% crazy. :frowning: I could’ve sworn that it appeared above my character’s head before though…

I never played vanilla, but the floatingCombatTextCombatHealing CVar simply does not exist on Classic. I assume this means healing done to targets did not appear in vanilla, above units in the game world

Those are the combat text options for damage/healing received aka “Scrolling Combat Text for Self”

Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for. I really liked Parrot, but a little too much information that I don’t need.