Flightstone cost for upgrades are absurd. So is the cap

I too am here to support the idea of easing the cap on all currencies in S4, and getting rid of the cap on flight stones or ditching them all together.

From only needing valor to upgrade gear in SL and Mythic + raiting as limit to how far u can upgrade, now we get 5 different currencies to limit progress and complicate things. Flightstones cap cost is so absurd that cap being 2k is insane, even catch up gear is 350 flightstones and RNG. I like how they are implementing all this stuff to get gear easy but than limit the upgrades as much as possible, guess they learned how fast ppl jump off s4 from SL, and decided to make ppl stay.

I honestly have no trouble with flightstones because I was capped first week, due to chain farming my BiS gear in dungeons. My only limit is the crests, which are limited per week, meaning I can only upgrade to max my BiS weapons this week and nothing else. Kinda lame this crest cap imho, way more than the FS cap

More time gating and wasting your time. Good old Blizzard no respect for player time just spend your life grinding flightstones. Another reason im not at all excited about the next expansion.