Flightstone cost for upgrades are absurd. So is the cap

Please remove the cap and significantly reduce the amount of flightstones needed to upgrade gear. We’re already bottlenecked by crests, I should not have to figure out what the most efficient way to farm an otherwise meaningless currency.


I was kind of boggled. To upgrade normal dungeon gear with flightstones that drop in normal dungeons (@15 ea) will take hundreds of runs. That’s not happening.


Flightstones’ only use is to slow down the upgrading process when crests already manage the upgrading speed for players…


And really yeah just remove flightstones all together.


To upgrade the legendary weapons and razsageth’s bow is 4700 total. That’s crazy.

Just further reinforcing my desire to ignore season 4.

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It’s beyond absurd. I’m capped out and have nothing to upgrade because I have gotten 2 equippable items after all LFR/ all Normal/ half heroic + all keys above a 5 and then some. Giga capped out and I’ll have to refarm double next week to upgrade my axe. so cringe


Did they push back TWW to December or something? Because that’s probably how long it would take me to farm up 5k flightstones. A little steep to put it mildly.


Mere pennies

I’ve already thrown away countless flightstones which would have been useful now if not for the stupidly low cap


The cap is absurd. The cap should at least be the total cost of the most expensive item to upgrade.


Guess the currency isn’t meaningless if you’re here complaining that you need to get it. :roll_eyes:


Fresh alts drown in flightstones, especially one-time sources like ED rep.

Mains that were active at all last season are completely starved for them.


The 2k cap is dumb.

You need huge amounts of flightstones, but if you don’t have anything to upgrade, you hit the (very low) cap and then flightstones you SHOULD have gotten are just lost.

Then you DO get a few pieces to upgrade… and don’t have enough flightstones.

Just remove the cap. Or flip it to 10k or something.


Apparently the keg-stamped coins can be used for “blackened flightstones” - x50 flightstones each. Seems to be 1 coin per item, so anyone who didn’t use their coins back at the start of Plunderstorm can bank themselves 750 flightstones beyond the cap :rofl:

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Remove the cap and just let people enjoy themselves.


I still don’t understand why we have a cap to begin with.


Any time there’s a cap, it’s to encourage spending rather than hoarding as long as possible.

But that’s pointless for flightstones, I’m pretty sure a full set of adventurer gear can be maxed out for less than 2k. Once crests come into the picture, they are normally much more limiting.

The only time flightstones are a problem are the start of a tier, or doing some weird degen thing like running 8x timewalking dungeons and no other content, then turning those vault slots into coins >> into crests.

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The cap on flightstones needs to go. If i’ve already put in the time and effort to get more than 2k flightstones I feel punished when I lose out on the surplus just because I don’t have meaningful gear to upgrade. So when I DO have that gear to upgrade, now I’m time-gated into farming more flightstones, when I should just have them already.
Enough is enough Blizzard. Please be more considerate.



They are obnoxious


Potentially requiring more than double the flightstones you can store for a single upgrade is downright feudal.

We should be able to at least earn enough flightstones to upgrade one item, not have to work it off in a multi-part payment plan.

IMO both the costs should halve & the storage limit should well over double, but some change that results in the flightstone cap becoming related to the most expensive flightstone cost has to happen.