Flightstone cost for upgrades are absurd. So is the cap

Welcome to world of currenciescraft :crazy_face: Stopped upgrading stuff once I got a couple characters to around 410. Was burning out constantly wondering if had enough of this, or that to upgrade some pixels.

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Flightstones serve no legitimate purpose and should be removed from the game.

Thanks I would never have checked this

Yes. At very least if it costs 1980 of them to fully upgrade one piece, let us accumulate double that. Don’t make me halfway upgrade something just so I can be sure not to waste flightstones.

Yeah I apparently have way more crests then I can ever spend because of flightstones. It’s why I don’t even care if I hit the cap on crests, what’s the point?


and to think its 4700 just for one item slot. madness


It wouldn’t be so bad of the cap is higher I was always at 1600lish did 8 *6 m+ lfr and heroic raid I did upgrade on what I can still have 600 flightstone

Both characters I played this week were at 2000 flightstones before I knew it, didn’t have a good piece to spend them on until this monk got a hero healing weapon. I shudder to think how many flightstones I lost to the cap because of this.


And this screw up fury warrior lol if they have a Lego axe they have to upgrade and their other weapon is also 2hand weapon which cause more

Blizzard the servers are still down, it’s not too late to delete flightstones


Please remove the flightstone cap…or make it easier to obtain…Crazy how much it takes to upgrade one piece and then be forced to grind a significant amount of content to get more.

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Big on cap removal here.

Uncap flightstones and crests for S4, give us a season of fun.
D: you know what you did in SL S4 > : (


So based on the article, legos are now useless for those of us that can’t do mythic raids or mythic + 6 and up dungeons since there is no way to upgrade them all the way. Very noice…NOT.

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I just wish they had done it differently.
that irritating thing where I spend my last stones to upgrade something to 8/8 and then like clockwork something drops to replace that exact piece…just makes my teeth grind knowing I JUST blew all those stones for nothing lol

I agree. Flightstones are terrible especially if you’re playing alts.

I’m okay with flightstones, I am not okay that there’s a hard cap that is never lifted. Absolutely insane.

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So the hardcore community doesn’t burn out in week 1 and stop carrying those little monthly subbers to neverland bliss while they farm crests.

The cap is 100000000% the problem. It should just be like appexis crystals or w/e they are called and scaled to “infinity”.

Or ideally just not existing. Crests can more than serve as the speed and barrier to upgrades (requiring both the base item and running the appropriate level of content in sufficient amounts to get them).

this redonk grind is supposed to replace ‘new content’ and be ‘something to do’ for the players that are sticking around

agree they need to design around ‘fun’ rather than ‘max /timeplayed regardless of burnout’

If you “can’t” do highest difficulty (more like medium since +6 keys and early mythic bosses are easily pugable) then how can you get gear at the highest possible ilvl? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Legos are usually sought after because of the affects/procs on it and ilvl increase only slightly increases the same power.