Flightpath Dc'ing?

Anyone else playing DH, dc from landing after a flightpath and moving?


Yep, every time I take one. Is it just dh?

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Yep, every single time I take a flightpath, the moment I land and take one step I get disconnected, was about to make a post on this. Been doing this nonstop since I started playing my demon hunter again.

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Same… dc all the time. It’s a class thing?

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Confirmed class thing over on the tech support forums.

Same here. Really annoying

Yes, I have the same issue and I play a DH. My friend plays in the same building on a Disc priest and it has never happened to him.

Still happening, I tested something out while I was at it. When I land from a flight path I’m fine, I can turn in any direction, jump up and down and I’m fine, but the second I take a step forward I immediately get disconnected, weirdest thing. I say it’s happens about 70% of the time after getting off of a flight path.

SO GLAD I’m not the only one with this issue. It never happens on any of my other characters. JUST my DH and it’s very frustrating. I’ve tried different ways around it like double jumping vs mounting and running/flying or just running as soon as I land. I didn’t get DC’d the first time I tried the double jump and thought I was onto something… I wasn’t.

Wasn’t a problem until this week but now every time I land a flight path I dc as soon as I move. It doesn’t matter if I jump or not let alone glide.

up! Same issue here.

I as well am having the same issue . For certain on my DH, I can’t remember if it happens on other characters.

I too have this problem. I found that if a wait a second when I land, then mount and fly straight up for a second or two before I fly forward, I don’t DC. May just be luck though.

Yeah I also noticed that if I don’t move right away after landing I can avoid getting dc’ed I usually wait like 5-10 seconds now

I’ve literally afk 10 minutes or longer after landing on a flight path (go to bathroom, cook food, watch youtube, etc) and it still DC me after i move. I found that fel rushing sometimes prevents a dc tho. It’s super weird and very frustrating. DH is the only class that it happens on for me too.

I tested it on other chars, only class this happens to for me is DH, it also happens 100% of the time.

I tested the no mount thing as well, 5/5 tests disconnected upon landing at destination.

I have been switching to vengeance before flying to problem destinations (eg: Night Fey Sanctum) and it seems like the problem goes away. I can swap either before flying, or after flying but before moving. It is annoying but still quicker than reconnecting every time.

Can someone else test?

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Bah never mind, it doesn’t work 100%.

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How long before they fix this bug ? So annoying!

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At this point I don’t expect to have it fixed ever. I’ve had some luck mounting before moving after landing.

It seems to always happen 100% when I join a mythic group though.