Flight Form

Didnt even know i had the DK that started this thread.

Momentum feels terrible this update :\ Just logged out over it :smiling_face_with_tear:


Blizzard, unchain druid flight form from dragon riding. Swapping back and forth between flight style blows. I could not care less about flight form dragon flight.


Came to post the same reaction and the forum told me I couldn’t post because I wasn’t at least level 10 (Been playing wow since it was beta). A couple of logouts and back in fixed it, but this was after hitting about 5 different bugs trying to just play the game and see what is new. I have found more bugs in this patch than features. The decay of this game is happening at a rapid pace. I still haven’t ordered the xpac and am not even sure I will.

But all that to say, yeah flight form needs to work like before or have a separate toggle otherwise it barely has any value as a core class mechanic anymore.


How many of my 384 days /played have spent doing just this over the skies of Ogrimmar. (re: soaring as bear between short uplifts of flight form)

I can’t even get through the introductory quests for the patch, it doesn’t feel like I’m piloting the same character I have been for the past 20 years, it just feels gross.


You can literally still do that. Just disable skyriding.

What a dumb take. Have you even read the creator of this posts message?

You can NOT have steady flying druid form and at the same time have dragonriding mounts. You can only have Dragonriding druid form and at the same time steady flying mounts (the few that exist).

People want steady flight druid form back and if they want to dragonride then they just mount up, which is no option as the toggle applies to mounts AND flightform. Maybe read next time before posting.


This is actually an issue that needs to be addressed.


Finally real druids. If we can’t have mobility then u can’t call us a mobility class anymore. If u take away our fluidity and give it to other classes then u need buff our combat prowess like the rest. :man_shrugging: :cloud_with_rain:


If I do end up playing my druid this expansion, I’m just not going to use dragonriding.

+1. Started in vanilla, left at end of cata, returned mid-DF. Was looking forward to the FF skyriding before pre-release content, but the current implementation is absolute garbage IMO! In DF, I VERY frequently used dragonriding to travel long distances, while using SFF for shorter runs, farming, getting out of swimming quickly & easily, and now all that is gone and quite frankly sucks! SFF being UNtied from static flight toggle has literally become a way of life as a druid and this feels like a massive oversight & nerf to being a druid.

PLEASE separate flight form from the mount static riding toggle. I’m all for a second toggle, two separate shapeshifts if necessary, ANYTHING that returns the aforementioned-lost functionality. Thank you! <3

Edit: and please add SOME form of audio cue when using flight form skyriding abilities like normal mounts have.


If you’re idling and flying over your capital city you have the 5 seconds to swap to that flying style. Do I think having an option toggle per mount (including flight form) is a bad thing? No, but blizzard should not completely remove skyriding from flight form. Skyriding in flight form is the only good change they made to druid over this entire update. The post above mine, the one I directly reacted to can still do the thing they mentioned.

Not being able to choose to switch to static flight form without switching all your mounts as well feels awful. Getting out of the water is awful. I frequently use both types of flying and don’t want to wait 10 seconds to press a button to switch between them, not to mention I don’t even have room on my bars for it.
Give us a toggle to change the flight form mechanics somewhere please, npc in druid grove, something.
Soulshape has an nps movement toggle. Blink also has one so why can’t we get the option??

no one said to remove skyriding from flight form. People do not want to be forced in one or the other. Its not that hard to understand. Furthermore people also do not want to have to swap it back and forth within 5seconds everytime which by the way also cancels your flight form after every swap.

supporting this clunky nonsense just shows that you either never played druid for long or never understood the concern many have in the first place.


I don’t understand it indeed. I love skyriding. It’s the best feature blizzard has added to the game since being able to freely swap between specs. And to me it feels great for flight form.

I have mained druid pretty much the entire time I’ve played. My time being subscribed has been inconsistent, true, but total time I’ve mained druid is multiple years. So, I guess that adds up to “long”. (I play on EU btw hence the level 10 no achievement alt)

And the only reason I brought that up is because a lot of people do want it completely removed.

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Thats fine but in this particular thread no one wants it completely removed. The concern is that the majority just does not want to be forced into either. We just do not support lazy design.

Skyriding is not the problem. The problem is issued many times above in this thread, no need to repeat. I am sure others might address the issue later on in the day aswell. Anyhow I hope it gets changed.


Probably shouting into the wind honestly. I wish they’d fix it, but it was probably an intentional design choice. Druid flight form has always been notoriously effective at countering time wastey world quests, I can’t imagine they ever liked that.

Here’s hoping though. Even if they swapped from 5 seconds to normal mount up speed on the “swap” spell, that would be a huge help. Or better, if it was just a gcd instant cast.

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I personally don’t want to use flight form with steady flight. Good on ya to those that do. I want this problem fixed by removing the gcd getting in the way of take off. I want to pop from and immediately take off in sky riding.

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“Do I think having an option toggle per mount (including flight form) is a bad thing? No, but blizzard should not completely remove skyriding from flight form.”

You really didn’t read the post.

“Not being to have skyriding and static flight form (or just per mount skyriding) at the same time.”

This! I used to have two keybinds. One for Flight Form one for Skyriding with the pick random favourite mount :frowning: