Flight Form

Thanks blizz for managing to mess the easiest win you could have had.

Not being to have skyriding and static flight form (or just per mount skyriding) at the same time.

Flight form cast sets off the GCD of the Riding abilities, so you cant even instant take off.

Switching to/out of flight form mid air takes away all your momentum.


Yea, it feels awful. Really hope they change this.


RIP flight form. We are going to have to pick up quest items and aggro mobs just like the pleebs now.


How do you switch to static flight?

So the GCD is something I reported in beta, you can see my post about it in the beta form. They actually changed it in the most recent build, so I’m confused why it’s back to being on the GCD in live.

Maybe the beta update isn’t part of the prepatch?


Ah, hopefully that’s the case. Still seems less intuitive than just having a dragonriding mount and flight form available at the same time.


I know a lot of druids wanted this. I personally would like it optional, sometimes I love dragonriding in flight form and others I want quality of life.

That said, maybe the live version isn’t caught up with the PTR? Maybe when war within comes out it’ll go back to being off the GCD

Yea, but this is like the monkeys paw version of what we wanted.


I wanted to keep my flight form as steady and never use it as Skyriding. Why is this not an option??


Because of instead of taking the easy win and smart decision they would rather punish anyone who dares to not fully embrace skyriding.

I’m convinced if they thought they could get away with completely removing static flying they would have. So instead they just opted to making it punishing to use.


The mobility system of Druids is one of the great class perks. Blizz messed up bad enough when they decided to start guessing what to do when you clicked travel form. This flight form being a part of the ride style switch is definitely worse. Now if you want to use the ability as intended, you first have to stop and cast ride style switch which completely defeats the purpose of flight form. It’s pretty stupid.


Agree, if there’s any one place that this forced ride style switch doesn’t work, it’s flight form. I’m fine with it on any other character but it completely screws up the dynamic of flight form. There has to be a separate switch or something to fix this.

I would also add to please give us back our mobility buttons. I don’t want blizzard deciding to initiate flight form in skyriding mode when I wanted travel mode. This is just insanely stupid.


Please Allow flight form to have its flying set separately from mounts. This change is baffling. Flight form is MUCH more useful with steady flight. But even for people that like Flight Form for Skyriding, this is still terrible because of the GCD when shifting.

This feels awful, especially coming after the great movement of Dragonflight.
Please fix!


yeah but zooming around, then popping into bear form mid air, then back to flight is fantastic.


While I understand why druids do not like the change to flight form this has been a change that had needed to happen for the health of game for at least 13 years.

I hope they do not change it back.

I’ve been worrying about this change since they announced that flight form would be included in the dynamic flight changes. I just loaded up my main for the first time in ages (been playing mostly remix to level some alts) and I’m kinda heartbroken. To the point where I don’t want to play.

I’ve mained druid basically forever, and the instant flight form for gathering/questing is THE class fantasy for me. Being able to dragonride on a mount and instant-dismount midair to pick up an herb or something has been WONDERFULLY thematic.

Having to choose between the two flight modes for ALL possible mounts AND flight form feels really, really bad. I’d honestly rather stick to static flying on my druid, if not my other toons. All the functionality of flight form (other than the instant cast, which is important, but not the whole point) disappears with dynamic flying. And I wanted to be ABLE to dragonride with my flight form, certainly! I was just really hoping it wouldn’t be at the cost of the awesome utility of instant-switching that we have now. A five second cast time on the ground is useless to me. I’ll just be leaving it off.

It feels as though we’re losing current utility, and I hate it, y’all!

Please Blizz gods, give druids back our static flying flight-form, somehow!


Horrible idea per usual Blizz. Seriously, do you guys even play the game??? Why would you even implement this when the druid community was already asking you not to. It makes zero sense and completely breaks the druid flight form. Epic fail once again.

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I’ll be switching to Pally for the next xpac. Forget this mess


Add me to the list of druids who absolutely hate this… it totally defeats the purpose / utility of travel form… Put my travel form back and if I want to dragonflight I will mount up


Interesting that it uses a mage I barely play to post this instead of my druid main