Flight change = issue in raid encounter

I hate Dragonriding. I used to keep both a Dragonriding and a regular flying mount on my bar at all time. However now I have my flight set to old style, and I have only 1 mount on my bar. So anyways, I am raiding tonight and we get to Tindral in Amirdrassil and I can’t mount. Apparently because my mount is set to non-dragonriding, my flying just wouldn’t work. Thankfully I am a healer so I stayed alive and healed myself and a portal appeared so I could get to platoform #2. However before I did that, I had to waste 5 seconds casting the thing to change my flying to dragonriding DURING THE FIGHT.

There was absolutely 0 “warning” I had to have dragonriding before the fight began, honestly I hadn’t raided in a while and totally forgot about it.

But I know there’s a dungeon or something in the new expansion that you also fly in, so is this always going to be an issue? Like PLEASE let us set even 1 mount to the opposite flying type so we can go back to having both on our bars, or change the thing that changes it to instant. Because this is just terribly designed.


Instances should do the same with flying as they do with specs: swap you to the one you need to be in. Then swap it back when you leave the instance.


I noticed in Nokhud you can’t even fly anymore, you have to use the bird which is 1000x better lol. At least in normal, I haven’t done anything higher.

Honestly I’d be fine with that, but right now it just isn’t working out very well. They expect everyone to have Dynamic flying, and I will never use it if I have a choice


Look, on the one hand the long switch time is rough. On the other hand it is in the dungeon guide.

You do realize a lot of things people just forget/don’t think about ahead of time right? Like I said, I set it to normal flying and forgot about it. I wasn’t even thinking I would need the dynamic flying before it started. Am I in a minority? Yes. Everyone else had theirs set to it. But I absolutely hate it. Would have been a lot worse if I caused a wipe because of it


Eh, people forget what one they have turned on. The button icon isn’t even that intuitive. They look almost the same. And I wouldn’t think to check before I go into an instance— especially if I’m not even sure which one I’ll get during queued content.

Just have the system swap to dynamic itself when entering a flying instance.


Another reason sky riding and static flying should be on a mount by mount basis


We get that. Its just that it conflicts with

There was warning. People just forgot or didnt look at the warning ahead of time.

Seems like a safe solution to me.


what, what?

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That would go against their “change for the sake of change” mentality though.


I mean common sense would tell you that you needed dragon flying for the fight.

I mean my mount is the owl from the current 6 month sub promo which was a “Dragonriding” mount. I just sort of expected it to work as normal and be dragonriding during the fight, was a total oversight that I didn’t think about. The whole “set your flying” is brand new, and like I said, I put it on regular flying and forgot about it all week lol. And I hadn’t raided in a while.


The same thing happened to me so im just giving you a hard time. :stuck_out_tongue:

We had this happen on Mythic Tindral this week, one of our players couldn’t mount so we were undermanned on platform 2, which can be a problem on Mythic.

Anyway, we wiped, he fixed it, and we pulled again.

Not a big deal.

Once maybe. I feel I would do this as a weekly thing tho lol. Eventually guild would get annoyed with me xD


After that wipe we also wiped because of a missed seed and because people are cold and enjoy bathing in criss-crossing firestorm beams.

Plenty of ways to wipe on Mythic Tindral. Not a big deal, it happens.

I feel like they’ll eventually add a “toggle each mount individually” feature down the road, and then pat themselves on the back for how well people like it.

Watch them lock it behind some kind of pathfinder chore list lol


It’s a new thing. Pretty easy to overlook.

I had the same thing happen to me. I died midflight on Tindral after wasting time to toggle to dragonriding. I don’t like dragonriding in most situations and only turn it on if going a long distance. I used to just have multiple mounts on my bar like you and used the dragon when needed. NOW however, I can’t do that. Terrible change to take that ability away. All they need is ANOTHER toggle that goes between the old way and the new way instead of taking away from those who were happy with the old way.


There is a level 80 dungeon that requires flying. It is called dawnbreaker. It does require some skill in skyriding - and you can give people a ride for those times where you have to get distant and fly around. I think if you tried steady flying there (if you can) you might not be fast enough. There’s a long thread about it on the beta forum.