Fleshrender's Meathook stats scaled incorrectly

I just looted Fleshrender’s Meathook trinket from a level 15 Iron Docks and at item level 282 it only gives +92 intellect.

The intellect granted should be much higher, my existing season 3 trinkets give + 119 intellect at iLvl 272.


Maybe you got the lean cut of the meat? Who knows.

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Unlikely, other users are reporting the same issue for other trinkets looted from Iron Docks: M+ gear items not scaled correctly?


That looks higher than it actually should be at that ilvl. It was trash before, and it is trash again.

Stat distribution was never touched, only scaled items up. So trash scaled up is still… trash.

Your false logic is not applicable here.

Torva’s starts at 13 INT at ilvl 48, so properly scaled up it would be closer to what you are expecting your precious garbo trinket to be.

While garbo trinket starts at 9 int at ilvl 48. On the other hand, garbo trinket provides 128 haste every 20 seconds. That is like having 21 haste or more if used correctly. While Torva provides a customary 19 mastery. Garbo is garbo.

Wait to we realize how crappy the rings are…

I have the same problem. My 278 ilvl IQD has 125 intellect, yet my Fleshrender Meathook has 92 intellect at 288 ilvl.

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Hotfix incoming, hooray!

“Updated several Warlords of Draenor Mythic+ trinkets to modern standards”

Technically not even a fix, just making them not suck since the scaling was on point. Which is funny, since they didn’t even mention the neck with a proc that does not scale. But then again, even without the scaling proc the neck wasn’t garbage.

Only trinkets were buffed, read the patch notes.