Fleshcraft Exploit


hello blizzard?

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only “exploit” is changing back to tireless persuit after fleshcrafting.

the big fleshcraft is intended. it just got buffed to 40%


Yes. Exactly.

cdew is known for starting room cheese blizz is cool wit it i guess, he does it in blizzcons


Slightly less than 12k more than mine gives me. I don’t see the big deal it doesn’t take much to do 12k damage in this game.

Literally not even worth the time it takes to switch conduit paths lol.

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common i can atleast hit 29500.

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This is old news, ppl are doing this since forever. It’s also a fair trade if one decide to do it before the match starts because it will put it on CD and you won’t be able to counter CCs with Fleshcraft - which is extremely useful to avoid long chains and save the trinket for critical moments.

Also, to get 27k shield he had to use the BM trinket, so two defensive 2m CDs are used to get 27k shield at the start.

No exploit, working as intended. Should see mine when i pop emblem trink > commanding shout > then fleshcraft.

I think i’m more concerned about all those ret one shots even after the so called “nerf” that ret mains claimed would make them not op anymore.

Or the healer hitting for 20k+ while us rshams are getting nerfed.

:clown_face: <---- Balance team

This literally never happens, stop lying. Ret is finally at a decent place in the meta, stop trying to ruin other people’s fun because you don’t know how to press a defensive CD.

Why is someone that can’t break 1500 in the easiest class in the game commenting? you don’t know how the game works so go back to your rat cave you fotm reroller ape.


I could buy your rating for a WoW token so stop trying to act like you’re good at the game with your WoW token rating kek.

All I know is that too many people cry about Ret while they never talk about how they didn’t press defensives or respected the Ret’s burst.

Good players don’t fold to Ret Pally, only trash players do and come cry about it.

Difference is i’m good enough to get it myself, you’re so bad that you have to play a broken spec to even get to 1300 in 140 games lmaooo how can someone be this bad?

Yea that’s why there’s literally about 7-8 clips of ret one shotting people in that video before they can even react and a world champion is posting them showing how broken they are, but for sure you know more than me and more than him even. And you have the face to come here and tell me im lying when there’s literally video proof in this thread.

I swear there should be a minimum arena rating achievement to post in this forum, so we’d get rid of retards like you that think they know anything about the game when in reality they’re just boosted apes carried by their fotm broken spec and still cant even make it to 1500. Get at least gladiator or don’t talk to me, I don’t wanna get infected by your awfulness.

You’re not really that good if I’m as bad you say I am and I can still buy your rating lmao.

This was pre-9.0.5 nerf, you sound incredibly uneducated. No body whose actually good at this game complains about Ret except for kids like you.

Remember you might be rated high in arena but def not in IQ points because you seem to cry about a class that’s B tier at best. Get good :rofl:

you waste your time speaking with this king of clowns


Please stop feeding the trolls, they never leave once you feed them.


You seem to know a lot about buying rating, is that what you did on your mains for rbgs? because you suddenly got every single rbg achievement in the span of a few weeks, you went from a 1500 player to a 2400 rbg player so fast? yea i doubt that considering you’re hardstuck 1400 in arenas with a negative winrate on your main. You’re incredibly awful, you pay for your rating, and on top of that you think you’re good and downtalk other people. You’re pathetic.

LMFAO it was literally on tuesday, how can you be so stupid? for real, how can you have so many dead braincells and still function? You can literally see him cast fleshcraft for 3 sec on his druid, it was 4 sec pre 9.0.5.

It’s funny that you say only bad people complain about rets and they’re B tier when every single r1 and blizzcon champions are saying how stupid broken rets are and are putting them at the top of the tierlist. You really have an ego bigger than the best in the world when ur 1500.

I’m literally not responding anymore, I don’t talk with rats that buy their RBG rating that u can get for free from LFG and then act like they know something about the game and how it works when you’re not even able to break 1500 in arenas as a fully geared character. Get good and learn from the people that are better than you, have some respect for the people that could own you whenever they wanted to. Have a nice day, I hope your remaining braincells don’t die in the next few hours.

People throw around the carry insult a lot as if this game actually has a thriving eSports scene lmao, get real.

This game is more dead than the gray matter in your brain.

If you say I’m boosted, I’ll double down and promote it. If you say I’m trash, I’ll double down and own it.

But I bet you still can never get over the fact that your rating is irrelevant because it’s the only real life accomplishment you have :joy:

Yeah I’m the stupid one for not knowing how to outplay Ret, ok :roll_eyes:

But I know you’ll read this, kek.

Say it with me, RET :clap: PALLY :clap: IS :clap: NOT :clap: WHY :clap: YOU’RE :clap: HARDSTUCK :clap: IN :clap: ARENA :clap:

The amount of people crying on the forums is insane, do any of any of you have nothing better to do with your lives than always pretending to be a victim?

I think people need to be more concern that people can blast through 27k like nothing. I think prepatch with the tanking trinket stam that I was given, demo armor, fort i had like 20-21k hp as a lock from that? Still got wtfblasted by TVs and Hunts.